10,103 research outputs found
The strong coupling regime of twelve flavors QCD
We summarize the results recently reported in Ref.[1] [A. Deuzeman, M.P.
Lombardo, T. Nunes da Silva and E. Pallante,"The bulk transition of QCD with
twelve flavors and the role of improvement"] for the SU(3) gauge theory with
Nf=12 fundamental flavors, and we add some numerical evidence and theoretical
discussion. In particular, we study the nature of the bulk transition that
separates a chirally broken phase at strong coupling from a chirally restored
phase at weak coupling. When a non-improved action is used, a rapid crossover
is observed at small bare quark masses. Our results confirm a first order
nature for this transition, in agreement with previous results we obtained
using an improved action. As shown in Ref.[1], when improvement of the action
is used, the transition is preceded by a second rapid crossover at weaker
coupling and an exotic phase emerges, where chiral symmetry is not yet broken.
This can be explained [1] by the non hermiticity of the improved lattice
Transfer matrix, arising from the competition of nearest-neighbor and
non-nearest neighbor interactions, the latter introduced by improvement and
becoming increasingly relevant at strong coupling and coarse lattices. We
further comment on how improvement may generally affect any lattice system at
strong coupling, be it graphene or non abelian gauge theories inside or
slightly below the conformal window.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium
on Lattice Field Theory, June 24 - 29, 2012, Cairns, Australi
Ripples and Grains Segregation on Unpaved Road
Ripples or corrugations are common phenomena observed in unpaved roads in
less developed countries or regions. They cause several damages in vehicles
leading to increased maintenance and product costs. In this paper, we present a
computational study about the so-called washboard roads. Also, we study grain
segregation on unpaved roads. Our simulations have been performed by the
Discrete Element Method (DEM). In our model, the grains are regarded as soft
disks. The grains are subjected to a gravitational field and both translational
and rotational movements are allowed. The results show that wheels' of
different sizes, weights and moving with different velocities can change
corrugations amplitude and wavelength. Our results also show that some
wavelength values are related to specific wheels' speed intervals. Segregation
has been studied in roads formed by three distinct grain diameters
distribution. We observed that the phenomenon is more evident for higher grain
size dispersion
A Community-Driven Validation Service for Standard Medical Imaging Objects
Digital medical imaging laboratories contain many distinct types of equipment
provided by different manufacturers. Interoperability is a critical issue and
the DICOM protocol is a de facto standard in those environments. However,
manufacturers' implementation of the standard may have non-conformities at
several levels, which will hinder systems' integration. Moreover, medical staff
may be responsible for data inconsistencies when entering data. Those
situations severely affect the quality of healthcare services since they can
disrupt system operations. The existence of software able to confirm data
quality and compliance with the DICOM standard is important for programmers, IT
staff and healthcare technicians. Although there are a few solutions that try
to accomplish this goal, they are unable to deal with certain situations that
require user input. Furthermore, these cases usually require the setup of a
working environment, which makes the sharing of validation information more
difficult. This article proposes and describes the development of a Web DICOM
validation service for the community. This solution requires no configuration
by the user, promotes validation results share-ability in the community and
preserves patient data privacy since files are de-identified on the client
side.Comment: Computer Standards & Interfaces, 201
Conformal or Confining
We present a lattice study of the phase transitions at zero and nonzero
temperature for the gauge theory with a varying number of flavours
in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. We show that all
results are consistent with a lower edge of the conformal window between
and . A lower edge in this interval is in remarkable agreement
with perturbation theory and recent large- arguments. .Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. New results added, conclusions strengthened.
Scalar glueball now treated in a separate articl
The scalar glueball operator, the a-theorem, and the onset of conformality
We show that the anomalous dimension of the scalar glueball
operator contains information on the mechanism that leads to the onset of
conformality at the lower edge of the conformal window in a non-Abelian gauge
theory. In particular, it distinguishes whether the merging of an UV and an IR
fixed point -- the simplest mechanism associated to a conformal phase
transition and preconformal scaling -- does or does not occur. At the same
time, we shed light on new analogies between QCD and its supersymmetric
version. In SQCD, we derive an exact relation between and the mass
anomalous dimension , and we prove that the SQCD exact beta function
is incompatible with merging as a consequence of the -theorem; we also
derive the general conditions that the latter imposes on the existence of fixed
points, and prove the absence of an UV fixed point at nonzero coupling above
the conformal window of SQCD. Perhaps not surprisingly, we then show that an
exact relation between and , fully analogous to SQCD,
holds for the massless Veneziano limit of large-N QCD. We argue, based on the
latter relation, the -theorem, perturbation theory and physical arguments,
that the incompatibility with merging may extend to QCD.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; some imprecisions in the notation fixed, version
published in PL
Machine learning applied to the context of Poker
A combinação de princÃpios da teoria de jogo e metodologias de machine learning aplicados ao contexto de formular estratégias ótimas para jogos está a angariar interesse por parte de uma porção crescentemente significativa da comunidade cientÃfica, tornando-se o jogo do Poker num candidato de estudo popular devido à sua natureza de informação imperfeita. Avanços nesta área possuem vastas aplicações em cenários do mundo real, e a área de investigação de inteligência artificial demonstra que o interesse relativo a este objeto de estudo está longe de desaparecer, com investigadores do Facebook e Carnegie Mellon a apresentar, em 2019, o primeiro agente de jogo autónomo de Poker provado como ganhador num cenário com múltiplos jogadores, uma conquista relativamente à anterior especificação do estado da arte, que fora desenvolvida para jogos de apenas 2 jogadores. Este estudo pretende explorar as caracterÃsticas de jogos estocásticos de informação imperfeita, recolhendo informação acerca dos avanços nas metodologias disponibilizados por parte de investigadores de forma a desenvolver um agente autónomo de jogo que se pretende inserir na classificação de "utility-maximizing decision-maker".The combination of game theory principles and machine learning methodologies applied to encountering optimal strategies for games is garnering interest from an increasing large portion of the scientific community, with the game of Poker being a popular study subject due to its imperfect information nature. Advancements in this area have a wide array of applications in real-world scenarios, and the field of artificial intelligent studies show that the interest regarding this object of study is yet to fade, with researchers from Facebook and Carnegie Mellon presenting, in 2019, the world’s first autonomous Poker playing agent that is proven to be profitable while confronting multiple players at a time, an achievement in relation to the previous state of the art specification, which was developed for two player games only. This study intends to explore the characteristics of stochastic games of imperfect information, gathering information regarding the advancements in methodologies made available by researchers in order to ultimately develop an autonomous agent intended to adhere to the classification of a utility-maximizing decision-maker
Relating Voluntary Turnover with Job Characteristics, Satisfaction and Work Exhaustion - An Initial Study with Brazilian Developers
High rates of turnover among software developers remain, involving additional
costs of hiring and training. Voluntary turnover may be due to workplace issues
or personal career decisions, but it might as well relate to Job
Characteristics, or even Job Satisfaction and Work Exhaustion. This paper
reports on an initial study which quantitatively measured those constructs
among 78 software developers working in Brazil who left their jobs voluntarily.
For this, we adapted well-known survey instruments, namely the JDS from Hackman
and Oldham's Job Characteristics Model, and Maslach et al.'s Burnout
Measurement. In average, developers demonstrated low to moderate autonomy
(3.75, on a 1-7 scale) and satisfaction (4.08), in addition to moderate
exhaustion (4.2) before leaving their jobs, while experiencing high task
significance (5.15). Also, testers reported significantly lower job
satisfaction than programmers. These results allow us to raise interesting
hypotheses to be addressed by future studies.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, 3 tables. Final version for ICSE CHASE 201
Inter- and intra-annual variability of wave energy in Northern mainland Portugal: Application to the HiWave-5 project
Ocean wave energy capacity has been pointed out as one of the unexplored renewable energy sources to help reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, contributing to meeting the European Green Deal targets. However, despite the broad range of wave energy converter technologies already developed in a sustainable and economic model, there is still a lack of structured projects with high performance beyond the prototype stage. This paper investigates the potential for large-scale electricity production by the innovative HiWave-5 project in Aguçadoura (on the Northern coast of mainland Portugal). Wind–wave data (1950–2020) from the ERA5 reanalysis model are used to estimate inter- and intra-annual wave energy variability in Aguçadoura. ERA5 data is compared with field wind–wave data recorded between 2012–2019 near the study area. A mean wave power resource of 25.84 kW/m is obtained, for a possible device capture equal to 119.45 kW, despite a considerable intra-annual variability (ranging between 8.03 and 47.57 kW/m) and inter-annual variability (between 18.29 and 35.47 kW/m). Results show that local wave conditions do not substantially compromise the absolute performance of the device, given its survival limitations to adverse conditions. Considering a Levelized Cost of Energy of around €60/MWh, an annual investment of €62 885 is estimated, tending to meet targets for large sustainable electricity generation with the exponential growth expected until 2030, aided by the increase of devices in an energy farm concept. Wave power resources estimated using ERA5 data can underestimate about 7.20% values obtained with the wave buoy data.The second and third authors thank FCT/MCTES for the financial
support to CESAM, Portugal (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/
2020+ LA/P/0094/2020), through national funds. The authors
also want to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful
comments and suggestions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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