147 research outputs found
Dynamical Screening Effects in Correlated Electron Materials -- A Progress Report on Combined Many-Body Perturbation and Dynamical Mean Field Theory: "GW+DMFT"
We give a summary of recent progress in the field of electronic structure
calculations for materials with strong electronic Coulomb correlations. The
discussion focuses on developments beyond the by now well established
combination of density functional and dynamical mean field theory dubbed
"LDA+DMFT". It is organized around the description of dynamical screening
effects in the solid. Indeed, screening in the solid gives rise to dynamical
local Coulomb interactions U(w) (Aryasetiawan et al 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70
195104), and this frequency-dependence leads to effects that cannot be
neglected in a truly first principles description. We review the recently
introduced extension of LDA+DMFT to dynamical local Coulomb interactions
"LDA+U(w)+DMFT" (Casula et al. Phys. Rev. B 85 035115 (2012), Werner et al.
Nature Phys. 8 331 (2012)). A reliable description of dynamical screening
effects is also a central ingredient of the "GW+DMFT" scheme (Biermann et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 086402 (2003)), a combination of many-body perturbation
theory in Hedin's GW approximation and dynamical mean field theory. Recently,
the first GW+DMFT calculations including dynamical screening effects for real
materials have been achieved, with applications to SrVO3 (Tomczak et al.
Europhys. Lett. 100 67001 (2012); Phys. Rev. B 90 165138 (2014)) and adatom
systems on surfaces (Hansmann et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 166401 (2013)). We
review these and comment on further perspectives in the field. This review is
an attempt to put elements of the original works (Refs. 1-11) into the broad
perspective of the development of truly first principles techniques for
correlated electron materials.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures. First published as "Highlight of the Month"
(June 2013), of the Psi-k Network on "Ab initio calculation of complex
processes in materials", see
Spectral Properties of Correlated Materials: Local Vertex and Non-Local Two-Particle Correlations from Combined GW and Dynamical Mean Field Theory
We present a fully self-consistent combined GW and dynamical mean field
(GW+DMFT) study of the spectral properties of the extended two-dimensional
Hubbard model. The inclusion of the local dynamical vertex stemming from the
DMFT self-energy and polarization is shown to cure the problems of
self-consistent GW in the description of spectral properties. We calculate the
momentum-resolved spectral functions, the two-particle polarization and
electron loss spectra, and show that the inclusion of GW in extended DMFT leads
to a narrowing of the quasi-particle width and more pronounced Hubbard bands in
the metallic regime as one approaches the charge-ordering transition. Finally,
the momentum-dependence introduced by GW into the extended DMFT description of
collective modes is found to affect their shape, giving rise to dispersive
plasmon-like long-wavelength and stripe modes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Screened exchange dynamical mean field theory and its relation to density functional theory: SrVO3 and SrTiO3
We present the first application of a recently proposed electronic-structure
scheme to transition metal oxides: screened exchange dynamical mean-field
theory includes non-local exchange beyond the local density approximation and
dynamical correlations beyond standard dynamical mean-field theory. Our results
for the spectral function of SrVO3 are in agreement with the available
experimental data, including photoemission spectroscopy and thermodynamics.
Finally, the 3d0 compound SrTiO3 serves as a test case to illustrate how the
theory reduces to the band structure of standard electronic-structure
techniques for weakly correlated compounds.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Neuartige Ansätze zur Behandlung des elektronischen Vielteilchenproblems in kondensierter Materie
The investigation of the properties of an interacting many-particle system isone of the key problems in modern solid state physics.In the first part of this work, a recently developed method for the descriptionof correlated electrons beyond the local density approximation is studied.The application to the -phase of Manganese (-Mn) shows that this material can be considered as a strongly correlated metal. This statement is inagreement with recent photoemission data.In the second part, the possibility of describing many-particle systemsby means of supersymmetric methods is investigated. A representation ofthe time evolution operator of an interacting many-particle system is derivedas a functional integral over supervectors. We discuss similarities to anddifferences from familiar functional integral representations as well as problemsthat hamper further developments of the theory
Interorbital charge transfers and Fermi-surface deformations in strongly correlated metals: models, BaVS and NaCoO
Fermi-surface deformations in strongly correlated metals, in comparison to
results from band-structure calculations, are investigated. We show that
correlation-induced interband charge transfers in multi-orbital systems may
give rise to substantial modifications of the actual Fermi surface. Depending
in particular on the relative strength of the crystal-field splitting and of
the Hund's exchange coupling, correlations may either reinforce orbital
polarization or tend to compensate differences in orbital occupancies, as
demonstrated by investigating a 2-band Hubbard model in the framework of
dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The physical implications of such
interorbital charge transfers are then explored in two case studies: BaVS
and NaCoO. By means of the DMFT in combination with the local density
approximation (LDA) to density functional theory (DFT), new insights in the
underlying mechanism of the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) of BaVS are
obtained. A strong charge redistribution in comparison to LDA calculations,
i.e., a depletion of the broader band in favor of the narrower
bands just above the MIT is found. In addition, the intriguing problem of
determining the Fermi surface in the strongly correlated cobaltate system
NaCoO is discussed.Comment: final versio
Dynamical screening effects in correlated materials: plasmon satellites and spectral weight transfers from a Green's function ansatz to extended dynamical mean field theory
Dynamical screening of the Coulomb interactions in correlated electron
systems results in a low-energy effective problem with a dynamical Hubbard
interaction U(omega). We propose a Green's function ansatz for the Anderson
impurity problem with retarded interactions, in which the Green's function
factorizes into a contribution stemming from an effective static-U problem and
a bosonic high-energy part introducing collective plasmon excitations. Our
approach relies on the scale separation of the low-energy properties, related
to the instantaneous static U, from the intermediate to high energy features
originating from the retarded part of the interaction. We argue that for
correlated materials where retarded interactions arise from downfolding
higher-energy degrees of freedom, the characteristic frequencies are typically
in the antiadiabatic regime. In this case, accurate approximations to the
bosonic factor are relatively easy to construct, with the most simple being the
boson factor of the dynamical atomic limit problem. We benchmark the quality of
our method against numerically exact continuous time quantum Monte Carlo
results for the Anderson-Holstein model both, at half- and quarter-filling.
Furthermore we study the Mott transition within the Hubbard-Holstein model
within extended dynamical mean field theory. Finally, we apply our technique to
a realistic three-band Hamiltonian for SrVO3. We show that our approach
reproduces both, the effective mass renormalization and the position of the
lower Hubbard band by means of a dynamically screened U, previously determined
ab initio within the constrained random phase approximation. Our approach could
also be used within schemes beyond dynamical mean field theory, opening a quite
general way of describing satellites and plasmon excitations in correlated
materials.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure
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