12 research outputs found
Perceptions of work safety and risk in Indonesian small food-producing businesses
Issues related to work safety seem to be prevalent in Indonesian small food-producing businesses, with indications of hazardous and risky work conditions. Despite the prevalence of work safety issues, there are currently few studies that have involved sufficient consultation with those involved in the operation, supervision, or enforcement activities associated with the work and work safety in Indonesian small food-producing businesses. This PhD project therefore aimed to investigate perceptions of work safety and risk in Indonesian small food-producing businesses, with the intention of explaining the current conditions of work safety in the workplaces, and considering necessary improvements or interventions.
This research has four objectives which were addressed in four studies, conducted in an exploratory approach with multi-methods involving qualitative and quantitative data collections and analyses. Study 1 was designed to understand work and work-related issues in Indonesian small food-producing businesses, using observations and semi-structured interviews. Findings of Study 1 were followed up in Study 2 to explore thoughts and opinions on work safety and risk among the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses, using in-depth scenario-based interviews and phenomenology approach.
Findings of Study 1 and Study 2 were then used to develop Study 3, which included development and application of questionnaire surveys to investigate factors influencing perceptions of work safety and risk among the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were used in Study 3, to investigate the structure of factors and the relationships among the factors influencing perceptions of work safety and risk. The findings of the first three studies were then used within a focus group discussion with various stakeholders in the final Study 4, to collect their feedback on the research findings and explore recommendations relating to work safety in Indonesian small food-producing businesses.
The general findings of this research are that, whilst the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses perceived their workplaces and work activities as unsafe, there were indications of acceptance and personal feelings of safety about their current work conditions. This is mainly due to their perceptions of low frequency and severity of unsafe events and injuries, and the priority of production and sales can still be achieved, in spite of the various work-related issues. It was also found that perceptions of work safety and risk among the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses are influenced by the implementation of safety management in the businesses and their knowledge of safety. This research contributes to understanding about the perceptions of work safety and risk in Indonesian small food-producing businesses. Additionally, recommendations for work safety in the observed businesses were explored
Perceptions of work safety and risk in Indonesian small food-producing businesses
Issues related to work safety seem to be prevalent in Indonesian small food-producing businesses, with indications of hazardous and risky work conditions. Despite the prevalence of work safety issues, there are currently few studies that have involved sufficient consultation with those involved in the operation, supervision, or enforcement activities associated with the work and work safety in Indonesian small food-producing businesses. This PhD project therefore aimed to investigate perceptions of work safety and risk in Indonesian small food-producing businesses, with the intention of explaining the current conditions of work safety in the workplaces, and considering necessary improvements or interventions.
This research has four objectives which were addressed in four studies, conducted in an exploratory approach with multi-methods involving qualitative and quantitative data collections and analyses. Study 1 was designed to understand work and work-related issues in Indonesian small food-producing businesses, using observations and semi-structured interviews. Findings of Study 1 were followed up in Study 2 to explore thoughts and opinions on work safety and risk among the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses, using in-depth scenario-based interviews and phenomenology approach.
Findings of Study 1 and Study 2 were then used to develop Study 3, which included development and application of questionnaire surveys to investigate factors influencing perceptions of work safety and risk among the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were used in Study 3, to investigate the structure of factors and the relationships among the factors influencing perceptions of work safety and risk. The findings of the first three studies were then used within a focus group discussion with various stakeholders in the final Study 4, to collect their feedback on the research findings and explore recommendations relating to work safety in Indonesian small food-producing businesses.
The general findings of this research are that, whilst the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses perceived their workplaces and work activities as unsafe, there were indications of acceptance and personal feelings of safety about their current work conditions. This is mainly due to their perceptions of low frequency and severity of unsafe events and injuries, and the priority of production and sales can still be achieved, in spite of the various work-related issues. It was also found that perceptions of work safety and risk among the people of Indonesian small food-producing businesses are influenced by the implementation of safety management in the businesses and their knowledge of safety. This research contributes to understanding about the perceptions of work safety and risk in Indonesian small food-producing businesses. Additionally, recommendations for work safety in the observed businesses were explored
Desain Perbaikan Fasilitas Aktivitas Penggorengan Keripik Tempe Berdasarkan Analisis Postur Kerja (Studi Kasus di UKM Melati Jaya, Malang)
oai:ocs.conference.itats.ac.id:paper/6UKM Melati Jaya merupakan salah satu UMKM di kota Malang yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan keripik tempe, dengan semua proses dilaksanakan manual. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan adanya angguan musculoskeletal pada pekerja akibat dari postur kerja yang tidak baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendesain perbaikan fasilitas aktivitas penggorengan keripik tempe berdasarkan analisis postur kerja menggunakan REBA dan analisis antropometri. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengisian kuesioner Nordic Body Map oleh tiga orang pekerja bagian penggorengan. Hasil kuesioner Nordic Body Map menunjukkan pekerja bagian penggorengan mengeluhkan keadaan sakit dan sangat sakit yang dialami dari pekerjaannya yaitu sebesar 100% (bahu kiri dan kanan), 66,67% (lengan atas kiri dan kanan), 100% (punggung), 66,67% (lengan bawah kanan dan kiri), 100% (pergelangan tangan kanan dan kiri), dan 100% (tangan kanan dan kiri). Hasil analisis postur kerja proses penggorengan menggunakan metode REBA menunjukkan tingkat risiko 2 (rendah) untuk kegiatan mencampur tempe dengan adonan, tingkat risiko 7 (sedang) untuk kegiatan penggorengan, dan tingkat risiko 3 (rendah) untuk kegiatan penirisan. Desain perbaikan fasilitas dilakukan pada meja penggorengan, dengan melakukan perubahan ukuran meja untuk menyesuaikan antropometri pekerja. Tinggi meja yang sebelumnya 45 cm ditambah menjadi 81 cm, untuk mengatasi postur kerja membungkuk ketika pekerja menggoreng keripik tempe. Panjang meja dirubah dari 120 cm menjadi 156 cm, untuk mengakomodasi panjang rentang lengan pekerja agar dapat bekerja lebih nyaman. Analisis postur kerja apabila desain perbaika diterapkan menunjukkan potensi penurunan risiko kegiatan penggorengan menjadi tingkat risiko 2 (rendah)
Pengujian Free Fatty Acid (FFA) dan Colour untuk Mengendalikan Mutu Minyak Goreng Produksi PT. XYZ
AbstrakPT. XYZ menghasilkan produk utama yaitu minyak goreng (olein). PT. XYZ dalam memastikan mutu dari minyak goreng dilakukan pengujian laboratorium berupa uji FFA, M&I, IV, PV, M.PtoC dan colour. Namun, untuk pengujian paling dasar dan penting dilakukan adalah uji FFA (Free Fatty Acid) dan colour dari minyak goreng. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan pengendalian mutu FFA dan colour minyak goreng produksi PT. XYZ. Data mutu FFA dan colour minyak goreng PT. XYZ diperoleh dengan cara pengamatan langsung pada laboratorium tempat uji berlangsung. Pengamatan dilakukan selama sembilan hari untuk masing-masing FFA dan colour. Penelitian ini melakukan analisis permasalahan mutu FFA dan colour untuk dievaluasi penyebabnya, menggunakan diagram sebab-akibat. Faktor-faktor penyebab permasalahan pada diagram sebab-akibat diperoleh dengan pengamatan langsung dan wawancara dengan pekerja serta atasan bagian produksi PT. XYZ. Dari sampel yang dianalisis diketahui bahwa karakteristik mutu FFA dan colour minyak goreng PT. XYZ sudah memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan.Kata kunci: colour, FFA, minyak goreng, sebab-akibat, uji mutu Abstract PT. XYZ is producing main product of cooking oil (olein). On ensuring the quality of its cooking oil, PT. XYZ is conducting several test, with two basic and important test need to be done are FFA (Free Fatty Acid) and colour of the cooking oil. This research objective is to examine the implementation of quality control of FFA and colour on cooking oil produced by PT. XYZ. Quality data of FFA and colour of PT.XYZ’s cooking oil was obtained through direct observation on the laboratory, for nine days of samples. Furthermore, this research analyzed quality problems of FFA and colour to evaluate the causes, using cause-effect diagram. Causal factors resulting to quality problems on the cause-effect diagram was derived by direct observation and interview with both the workers and supervisors of production facility at PT. XYZ. From the samples analyzed, it is known that quality characteristics of FFA and colour on cooking oil produced by PT. XYZ are already fulfilled the standars.Keywords : causal-effect, colour, cooking oil, FFA, quality test
Beban Kerja Fisik Pekerja Pengolah Emping Jagung di UKM Sofia Kota Malang
Seluruh proses produksi pada UKM Sofia melibatkan kinerja manual manusia sehingga memiliki risiko cidera kerja tinggi. Tingkat beban kerja fisik yang dialami pekerja belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan tingkat beban kerja fisik pekerja pada UKM Sofia. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengukuran faktor fisiologis pekerja berupa denyut jantung (%HRR) dan konsumsi oksigen. Selain itu pengamatan terhadap suhu tubuh pekerja juga dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh kegiatan bekerja pekerja terhadap suhu tubuh. Denyut jantung pekerja diukur menggunakan finger pulse oxymeter dan suhu tubuh diukur menggunakan termometer telinga, dilakukan sebelum, selama, dan sesudah pekerja bekerja. Tujuh pekerja pada UKM Sofia dijadikan objek penelitian untuk mengukur beban kerja tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat beban kerja fisik berdasarkan nilai %HRR dan konsumsi oksigen (liter/menit) adalah perebusan 23% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,9 (berat), pencucian 1 31% (perlu perbaikan) 1,1 (berat), pencucian 2 31% (perlu perbaikan) 1,1 (berat), pengukusan 21% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 1,1 (berat), pendinginan 10% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 1,1 (berat), pemipihan dan penjemuran 15% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,9 (sedang), pengayakan 9% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,8 (sedang), dan penggorengan 16% (tidak terjadi kelelahan) 0,9 (sedang). Perbaikan sebaiknya dilakukan pada proses pencucian 1 dan 2 dikarenakan memiliki tingkat beban kerja fisik tertinggi.
Kata kunci: beban kerja fisik, %HRR, kelelahan kerja, konsumsi oksigen, perbaikan kerja
All production process in UKM (SME) Sofia involving manual work, so it has a high risk of physical injury. Physical workload level endured by the workers has not identified yet. The method conducted was by measuring physiological factors of heart rate (%HRR) and oxygen consumption. Workers’ body temperature was also measured to analyze the work effect to body temperature. Heart rate measurement was done using finger pulse oximeter while body temperature using an ear thermometer, measured before, during, and after work. Seven workers at UKM Sofia were all involved to be these research respondents to measure the physical workload. Research results showed that physical workload based on %HRR and oxygen consumption (litre/minute) for boiling process 23% (low workload) and 0.9 (high), 1st washing process 31% (need improvement) and 1.1 (high), 2nd washing process 31% (need improvement) and 1.1 (high), steaming process 21% (low workload) and 1.1 (high), cooling process 10% (low workload) and 1.1 (high), drying process 15% (low workload) and 0.9 (medium), sieving process 9% (low workload) and 0.8 (medium), frying process 16% (low workload) 0.9 (medium). Improvements have to be done in the first and second washing process as they have the highest physical workload level.
Keywords: %HRR, oxygen consumption, physical workload, work fatigue, work improvemen
Desa Bumiaji merupakan salah satu daerah di Kota Batu yang menghasilkan buah apel dan sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan konsep One Village One Product (OVOP). OVOP merupakan suatu pendekatan pengembangan potensi daerah di satu wilayah untuk menghasilkan produk yang mampu bersaing di pasar global, dengan tetap memiliki ciri khas keunikan karakteristik dari daerah tersebut. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah produk yang memanfaatkan sumber daya lokal. Oleh karena itu, Koperasi Usaha Bersama (KUB) Bumiaji ingin mengembangkan produk praline apel sebagai upaya pengembangan potensi Desa Bumiaji yang sesuai dengan konsep OVOP. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen terhadap produk praline apel yang akan dikembangkan oleh KUB Bumiaji. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa atribut produk yang paling diinginkan oleh konsumen terhadap produk praline apel adalah keamanan dan jaminan halal produk praline apel
Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan bobot kriteria kompetensi dan bobot penilai untuk menilai kinerja karyawan tetap bagian personalia dengan Analytic Network Process (ANP), dan menentukan peringkat kinerja karyawan berdasarkan kompetensi dengan metode 360 derajat. Hasil pembobotan dengan ANP didapatkan bobot kelompok kriteria keterampilan kerja sama dan menjaga kenyamanan lingkungan (0.438), kelompok kriteria kepribadian (0.291), kelompok kriteria keterampilan teknis pelaksaan tugas (0.151), dan kelompok kriteria keterampilan mengelola tugas (0.120). Hasil bobot penilai dari bobot tertinggi hingga terendah yaitu atasan langsung (0.320), atasan berikutnya (0.307), rekan kerja dari unit kerja yang sama (0.218), rekan kerja dari unit kerja yang berbeda (0.111), dan diri sendiri (0.044). Peringkat kinerja enam karyawan bagian personalia dari peringkat pertama hingga ketiga dengan kategori kinerja tinggi yaitu Su, Ba, Ma dan dari peringkat keempat hingga keenam dengan kategori kinerja sesuai standar yaitu It, Si, Nu.Kata kunci: analytic network process, metode 360 derajat, penilaian kinerjaAbstract The purpose of this research is to determine the weight of competency criteria and weight of appraiser to assess employee performance with Analytic Network Process (ANP), and determine the level of employee performance based on competence with 360-degree method. ANP weighting method showed that the weight value of job role environment skill competency group was 0.438, personality competency group was 0.291, task skills competency group was 0.151, and task management skills competency group was 0.120. Moreover, appraiser weight calculation showed that the weight value of direct supervisor was 0.32), next supervisor was 0.307, co-worker from same unit was 0.218, coworkers from different units was 0.111, and themself was 0.044. The performance level of six employee of human resources department from the first level to the third with high performance category was Su, Ba, Ma and from the fourth to the sixth with adequate performance category was It, Si, Nu.Keywords: 360-degree method, analytic network process, performance appraisa
Identification of Worker�s Workload in Tomato Production Greenhouse using Physiological Parameters and Environmental Conditions
Many workers work in tomato production greenhouse in Japan, and they
are exposed to environmental conditions in the greenhouse during their work. In
this study, we measured worker�s heart rate (HR [beats.min-1]), oxygen saturation
(SpO2 [%]), body temperature (BT [ºC]), facial temperature (FT [ºC]), head area
temperature (HT [ºC]), and also solar radiation (SR [MJ.m-2]), air temperature
(AT[ºC]), humidity (HM [%]) to clarify the relationship between worker�s
physiological parameters and environmental conditions. Worker�s workload was
also examined and determined the level.
Three workers who in semi-commercial tomato production greenhouse in
the Research Center for High-technology Greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture,
Ehime University were employed for this study. Jobs were classified into upper
and lower canopy job. Finger pulseoximeter, ear thermometer, and thermal
camera were used to measure worker�s physiological parameters. Measurement
of worker�s physiological parameters was done when the workers are in the
middle of doing jobs. Workload of the jobs was assessed with Heart Rate Reserve
(HRR [%]) value, and the workload level was determined by examined the
worker�s physiological parameters value measured.
Significant correlation was found in relationship between environmental
conditions and worker�s physiological parameters. HRR showed workload could
change on changing environmental conditions. Workload level of tomato
production greenhouse is considered low level based on worker�s physiological
parameters measured. Thermal imaging of the workers proved that FT can be
increased higher than 34.5 °C under strong SR. Worker�s HT exposed to direct
strong SR exceeded 41°C. Greenhouse managers should make some arrangements
to evaluate the worker�s workload more appropriately and to protect workers who
work in hot and humid summer conditions in Japan
Innovation is a complex process and uncertain. Therefore, important aspects of innovation success must be considered. Launching new products is not easy, expensive, and risky because new product development requires costs, and the product must have more value than other similar products. The availability of resources can increase a company's capacity to support innovation. Product development or innovation cannot be carried out well without management commitment or Top Management Support (TMS). The purpose of this research is to empirically examine the effect of resources capability, and Top Management Support on innovation and its implications for innovation risks both directly and moderated by environmental uncertainty. The study using structural modeling and data analysis employing Partial Least Square (PLS). The results reveal that resource capability and top management support have a positive effect on innovation, and the higher environmental uncertainty increases the risk of innovation