10 research outputs found


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    The article attempts to analyse the information warfare tool of the proxy source. This was done using the example of the RuBaltic.ru portal, also showing it against the background of two other tools of warfare: news front.info and Geo politica.ru. The study shows that after Russia’s assault on Ukraine began, the portal essentially became a tool for internal propaganda in Russia, as well as among the Russian diaspora in countries that did not identify it as a proxy source. Thus, it is not currently fulfilling the role for which it was intended. Nevertheless, it should be monitored, and democratic countries in Europe that have not done so to date should consider restricting access to it due to the possible negative social effects of its impact in the context of the still ongoing war

    Disinformation as one of the key contemporary security issues. Review of the book by Robert Kupiecki, Filip Bryjka, Tomasz Chłoń, “International disinformation. Concept, recognition, counteraction”, (“Dezinformacja międzynarodowa. Pojęcie, rozpoznanie, przeciwdziałanie), Scholar Scientific Publishing House (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar): Warszawa 2022, pp. 313

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    The article discusses the monograph entitled “International Disinformation. Concept, recognition, counteraction”. It was pointed out that it is an excellent compendium of knowledge on this subject and can also be successfully used as an academic textbook

    „Communication, disinformation, propaganda. The practice of information warfare”. Report of the Scientific Conference held on 13 December 2021

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    W grudniu 2021 roku Wydział Administracji i Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego Akademii im. Jakuba z Paradyża wraz z partnerami zorganizował konferencję dotyczącą praktyki walki informacyjnej. W ramach pięciu paneli, 23 przedstawicieli 14 ośrodków naukowo-badawczych, wojska i organizacji prywatnych, przedstawiło 21 wystąpień, w szerokim kontekście ukazując problematyką ujętą w tytule konferencji.In December 2021, the Department of Administration and National Security of the Jacob of Paradise University, together with its partners, organised a conference on the practice of information warfare. Within the framework of five panels, 23 representatives of 14 research centres, the military and private organisations presented 21 speeches, broadly demonstrating the issues covered in the title of the conference

    Records management in public administration services in light of the latest and most significant legal regulations

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    Polish archives law is based on the provisions of the Act on National Archive Resources and Archives of 1983, which has subsequently been numerously amended. The latest amendment (2015) included the expansion of monitoring powers for archive administration and necessitated the adoption of new implementing acts. They modified previous regulations, e.g., in the field of weeding. This set of legislative acts binding on state and local authorities and institutions is supplemented by office instructions, lists of files and archive instructions. The legislation issued by Poland’s Prime Minister in 2011 for the first time regulated the circulation of electronic documentation. However, legal bases for the use of electronic documentation have been in force for over ten years

    Social Implications of Infodemic Concurrent with COVID-19

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    The scale of disinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has been called infodemic. It involved disseminating various messages and theories that had a significant negative impact on limiting the spread of the disease but also exacerbated existing social antagonisms and emboldened and radicalised fringe groups. Infodemic, to a large extent manifested in social media, also fostered the formalisation of denialist circles, who transferred their sometimes very aggressive sentiments from the web to the real world. Negation and contestation of the pandemic were partly born spontaneously but were also created as part of postmodern hybrid activities. Consequently, narratives of infodemic led to difficulties in functioning health services, but above all, to an increase in morbidity and mortality related to COVID-19. The consequences of the infodemic would also include various economic effects, such as increased medical expenses for unvaccinated people or turbulence in the labour market

    “The involuntary stabilizer”. The Roman Catholic Church as the guarantor of internalsecurity of the People’s Republic of Poland

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    We see the Roman Catholic Church in the People’s Republic of Poland as a victim of a totalitarian and authoritarian system. This is understandable. However, as a subject of internal politics, during the system’s construction or later in periods of unrest, the Church played an important role in defusing social problems and tensions. This was something the communist authorities very much counted on. Such actions also legitimised usurpers who had no real social support. This was the case both in the first years after the end of the war, when, for example, there was the complicated problem of settling the acquired lands, and in the years of political turmoil and breakthroughs. The Church, as an institution headed by the Primate and the Episcopate, tried to calm social moods in these critical moments. This resulted from a sense of responsibility for the nation and the state, whatever it might be. In this way, he contributed to stabilising the country’s internal security in times of crisis

    Attitudes of the clergy of churches and religious associations Against the state authorities and the reconstruction of the political system. On the land of Lubuskie in the years 1945-1956

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    Budowany od roku 1944 ustrój w Polsce oparty był na idei marksistowskiej. W związku z tym komuniści zakładali wyparcie religii z życia społecznego narodu. Realizacja tego założenia, z uwagi na wysoki poziom religijności społeczeństwa, nie była jednak możliwa szybko. Polityka władz uwzględniała zatem stopniową eliminację kościołów i związków wyznaniowych z życia Polaków. Dążąc do tego celu w walce z główny przeciwnikiem, Kościołem rzymskokatolickim, władze państwowe instrumentalnie traktowały wszystkie funkcjonujące konfesje. Ich duchowieństwo, zabiegając o możliwość realizacji misji ewangelizacyjnej w mniejszym lub większym stopniu, dostosowywało się do politycznej rzeczywistości, stając niekiedy przed trudnymi wyborami. Z uwagi na niewielki zasięg oddziaływania kościołów mniejszościowych w jego łonie skłonność do uległości wobec władz państwowych była większa. Ich duchowieństwo upatrywało w tym szansy na rozwój w rywalizacji z najliczniejszą w Polsce wspólnotą wiernych, Kościołem rzymskokatolickim.Since 1944, the Polish constitution was based on the Marxist idea. Consequently, the Communists assumed the denial of religion from the social life of the Nation. The realization of this assumption, however, was not possible quickly, given the high religiousness of society. The policy of the authorities took into account the gradual elimination of churches and religious associations from Poles' lives. In pursuit of this goal in the fight against the main opponent, the Roman Catholic Church, state authorities instrumentally treated all functioning confessions. Their clergy, struggling to fulfill their mission of evangelization, were more or less aligned with political reality, sometimes facing difficult choices. Due to the limited range of influence of minority churches in the womb, the tendency towards submission to state authorities was greater. Their clergy saw in this the chance to develop in rivalry with the most numerous community of believers in Poland, the Roman Catholic Church

    Security theory and practice: The Age of Fear. 20 Years Lat er

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    From Introduction: "This issue is different from all previous ones. Thus, an introduction to it needs to be different from earlier ones. There has to be a place for reflection, which used to be included in an interview preceding academic articles. Clever readers will find out soon why this is so if they only think about the professional path of one of the editors. However, it is not the only reason. A special character of this issue is also due to the anniversary, the 20th already, of the September 11, 2001 attacks which have changed the world around us. They led it onto a new path which became the global war on international terrorism, or rather with terrorists and organisations bringing them together. The fight was joined by many states whose governments reached for armed forces, regarding this as the best tool for winning the war. They forgot that this was a way to eliminate only one generation of terrorists, but not the sources of the phenomenon which would motivate a generation after generation. For example, according to the wave theory of terrorism, those who did not participate directly in the struggle watched it carefully, and everybody felt its consequences, both as ongoing wars and their aftermath, changes in internal legislature perceived as limiting civil liberties, and terrorist attacks happening in various places. Attacks which were tragic and spectacular, but not with as many casualties as on September 11."(...