44 research outputs found

    Stability issues with baryons in AdS/CFT

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    We consider baryon vertices within the gauge/gravity correspondence for a class of curved backgrounds. The holographic description based on the N=4 SYM theory for SU(N) allows classical solutions representing bound states of k-quarks with k less than or equal to N. We construct the corresponding classical configurations and perform a stability analysis. We present the details for the theory at the conformal point and at finite temperature and show that there is a critical value of k, below which there is instability. This may also arise when the baryon reaches a critical size. We also extend our treatment to magnetically charged baryon vertices.Comment: v1: 22 Pages, 4 figures; v2: A reference corrected and a reference adde

    Renormalization of Lorentz non-invariant actions and manifest T-duality

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    We study general two-dimensional sigma-models which do not possess manifest Lorentz invariance. We show how demanding that Lorentz invariance is recovered as an emergent on-shell symmetry constrains these sigma-models. The resulting actions have an underlying group-theoretic structure and resemble Poisson-Lie T-duality invariant actions. We consider the one-loop renormalization of these models and show that the quantum Lorentz anomaly is absent. We calculate the running of the couplings in general and show, with certain non-trivial examples, that this agrees with that of the T-dual models obtained classically from the duality invariant action. Hence, in these cases solving constraints before and after quantization are commuting operations.Comment: V2: reference added, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Canonical pure spinor (Fermionic) T-duality

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    We establish that the recently discovered fermionic T-duality can be viewed as a canonical transformation in phase space. This requires a careful treatment of constrained Hamiltonian systems. Additionally, we show how the canonical transformation approach for bosonic T-duality can be extended to include Ramond--Ramond backgrounds in the pure spinor formalism.Comment: 14 page

    Linking internal marketing with customer outcomes

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore how the adoption of an internal marketing (IM) programme in a retail banking setting enhances some positive employee behaviours that promote customer perceived service quality. Design/methodology/approach – A multilevel research design is adopted which draws evidence from branch managers, employees and customers in order to investigate whether branch manager’s adoption of an IM philosophy affects front-line employee responsiveness to the firm’s IM strategies and their levels of motivation, empowerment and organizational identification (OI), respectively. Findings – Results indicate that manager’s IM adoption can enhance employee adoption of IM and raises their levels of motivation, empowerment and OI. The moderating role of manager-employee dissimilarity is also discussed. Finally, findings confirm that employee motivation, empowerment and OI affect customer perceptions of service quality. Originality/value – This study provides an important shift by formally including IM into multilevel marketing research and establishes another link in the IM-organizational performance relationship, uncovering some behavioural routes through which the positive effects of IM can add to the achievement of firm’s external marketing objectives

    Self-dual gravitational instantons and geometric flows of all Bianchi types

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    We investigate four-dimensional, self-dual gravitational instantons endowed with a product structure RxM_3, where M_3 is homogeneous of Bianchi type. We analyze the general conditions under which Euclidean-time evolution in the gravitational instanton can be identified with a geometric flow of a metric on M_3. This includes both unimodular and non-unimodular groups, and the corresponding geometric flow is a general Ricci plus Yang-Mills flow accompanied by a diffeomorphism.Comment: Latex, 12 pages; Final versio

    Non-singlet Baryons in Less Supersymmetric Backgrounds

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    We analyze the holographic description of non-singlet baryons in various backgrounds with reduced supersymmetries and/or confinement. We show that they exist in all AdS_5xY_5 backgrounds with Y_5 an Einstein manifold bearing five form flux, for a number of quarks 5N/8< k< N, independently on the supersymmetries preserved. This result still holds for gamma_i deformations. In the confining Maldacena-Nunez background non-singlet baryons also exist, although in this case the interval for the number of quarks is reduced as compared to the conformal case. We generalize these configurations to include a non-vanishing magnetic flux such that a complementary microscopical description can be given in terms of lower dimensional branes expanding into fuzzy baryons. This description is a first step towards exploring the finite 't Hooft coupling region.Comment: 36 Pages, 1 figure, Latex, v2: few minor changes, JHEP versio

    ABJM Baryon Stability and Myers effect

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    We consider magnetically charged baryon vertex like configurations in AdS^4 X CP^3 with a reduced number of quarks l. We show that these configurations are solutions to the classical equations of motion and are stable beyond a critical value of l. Given that the magnetic flux dissolves D0-brane charge it is possible to give a microscopical description in terms of D0-branes expanding into fuzzy CP^n spaces by Myers dielectric effect. Using this description we are able to explore the region of finite 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 29 pages, Latex; minor changes; version to appear in JHE

    Critical solutions in topologically gauged N=8 CFTs in three dimensions

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    In this paper we discuss some special (critical) background solutions that arise in topological gauged N=8{\mathcal N}=8 three-dimensional CFTs with SO(N) gauge group. These solutions solve the TMG equations (containing the parameters Ό\mu and ll) for a certain set of values of Όl\mu l obtained by varying the number of scalar fields with a VEV. Apart from Minkowski, chiral round AdS3AdS_3 and null-warped AdS3AdS_3 (or Schr\"odinger(z=2)) we identify also a more exotic solution recently found in TMGTMG by Ertl, Grumiller and Johansson. We also discuss the spectrum, symmetry breaking pattern and the supermultiplet structure in the various backgrounds and argue that some properties are due to their common origin in a conformal phase. Some of the scalar fields, including all higgsed ones, turn out to satisfy three-dimensional singleton field equations. Finally, we note that topologically gauged N=6{\mathcal N}=6 ABJ(M) theories have a similar, but more restricted, set of background solutions.Comment: 34 pages, v2: minor corrections, note about a new solution added in final section, v3: two footnotes adde

    Integrable deformations of the Gk1×Gk2/Gk1+k2 coset CFTs

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    We study the effective action for the integrable λ-deformation of the Gk1×Gk2/Gk1+k2 coset CFTs. For unequal levels theses models do not fall into the general discussion of λ-deformations of CFTs corresponding to symmetric spaces and have many attractive features. We show that the perturbation is driven by parafermion bilinears and we revisit the derivation of their algebra. We uncover a non-trivial symmetry of these models parametric space, which has not encountered before in the literature. Using field theoretical methods and the effective action we compute the exact in the deformation parameter ÎČ-function and explicitly demonstrate the existence of a fixed point in the IR corresponding to the Gk1−k2×Gk2/Gk1 coset CFTs. The same result is verified using gravitational methods for G=SU(2). We examine various limiting cases previously considered in the literature and found agreement. © 201