66 research outputs found

    Fit indices of covariance structure analyses.

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    <p>Fit indices of covariance structure analyses.</p

    Final Structural Model (N = 296).

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    <p>Note: all factor loadings were standardized. Stress1–Stress3 = three parcels of stress; Self-efficacy 1–Self-efficacy 3 = three parcels of self-efficacy; Optimism1–Optimism3 = three parcels of dispositional optimism; Suicide ideation1–Suicide ideation3 = three parcels of suicide ideation; ** P<0.01</p

    Direct and indirect effects and 95% confidence intervals for the final model.

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    <p>Direct and indirect effects and 95% confidence intervals for the final model.</p

    Machine software and hardware configuration.

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    Machine software and hardware configuration.</p

    Comparison with compared with state-of-the-Art on the Cityscapes dataset.

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    Comparison with compared with state-of-the-Art on the Cityscapes dataset.</p

    Some examples of MFEAFN failures’ visualisation results on the the PASCAL VOC 2012 validation set.

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    Some examples of MFEAFN failures’ visualisation results on the the PASCAL VOC 2012 validation set.</p

    Comparison of DeepLabv3+ and MFEAFN visualization results on PASCAL VOC 2012 validation set.

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    Comparison of DeepLabv3+ and MFEAFN visualization results on PASCAL VOC 2012 validation set.</p

    Ablation results on the PASCAL VOC 2012 valuation set.

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    Concat refers to the use of concatenation operations to fuse the output of DAPM. SFM: Selective Fuse Module. SSFM is the addition of the Spatial Attention Mechanism to each of the two branches of SFM. FSFM refers to the Focusing Selective Fuse Module.</p

    Double Spatial Pyramid Module(DSPM).

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    Double Spatial Pyramid Module(DSPM).</p

    The pipeline of Multi-scale Feature Enhanced Adaptive Fusion Network (MFEAFN).

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    The pipeline of Multi-scale Feature Enhanced Adaptive Fusion Network (MFEAFN).</p
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