213 research outputs found

    Endomorphism algebras arising from mutations

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    Let AA be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field kk, Db(A)\mathcal {D}^b(A) be the bounded derived category of AA-mod and A(m)A^{(m)} be the mm-replicated algebra of AA. In this paper, we investigate the structure properties of endomorphism algebras arising from silting mutation in Db(A)\mathcal {D}^b(A) and tilting mutation in A(m)A^{(m)}-mod.Comment: 16 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1005.0276 by other author

    Partial tilting modules over mm-replicated algebras

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    Let AA be a hereditary algebra over an algebraically closed field kk and A(m)A^{(m)} be the mm-replicated algebra of AA. Given an A(m)A^{(m)}-module TT, we denote by δ(T)\delta (T) the number of non isomorphic indecomposable summands of TT. In this paper, we prove that a partial tilting A(m)A^{(m)}-module TT is a tilting A(m)A^{(m)}-module if and only if δ(T)=δ(A(m))\delta (T)=\delta (A^{(m)}), and that every partial tilting A(m)A^{(m)}-module has complements. As an application, we deduce that the tilting quiver KA(m)\mathscr{K}_{A^{(m)}} of A(m)A^{(m)} is connected. Moreover, we investigate the number of complements to almost tilting modules over duplicated algebras.Comment: 16 page
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