296 research outputs found
Theory of Triplet Optical Absorption in Oligoacenes: From Naphthalene to Heptacene
In this paper we present a detailed theory of the triplet states of
oligoacenes containing up to seven rings, i.e., starting from naphthalene all
the way up to heptacene. In particular, we present results on the optical
absorption from the first triplet excited state of these
oligomers, computed using the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model Hamiltonian, and a
correlated electron approach employing the configuration-interaction (CI)
methodology at various levels. Excitation energies of various triplets states
obtained by our calculations are in good agreement with the experimental
results, where available. The computed triplet spectra of oligoacenes exhibits
rich structure dominated by two absorption peaks of high intensities, which are
well separated in energy, and are caused by photons polarized along the
conjugation direction. This prediction of ours can be tested in future
experiments performed on oriented samples of oligoacenes.Comment: 50 pages, 12 figures (included
Pariser-Parr-Pople Model based Investigation of Ground and Low-Lying Excited States of Long Acenes
Several years back Angliker et al [Chem. Phys. Lett. 1982, 87, 208] predicted
nonacene to be the first linear acene with the triplet state as
the ground state, instead of the singlet state. However, contrary
to that prediction, in a recent experimental work T\"onshoff and Bettinger [
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 4125] demonstrated that nonacene has a singlet
ground state. Motivated by this experimental finding, we decided to perform a
systematic theoretical investigation of the nature of the ground, and the
low-lying excited states of long acenes, with an emphasis on the
singlet-triplet gap, starting from naphthalene, all the way up to decacene.
Methodology adopted in our work is based upon Pariser-Parr-Pople model (PPP)
Hamiltonian, along with large-scale multi-reference singles-doubles
configuration interaction (MRSDCI) approach. Our results predict that even
though the singlet-triplet gap decreases with the increasing conjugation
length, nevertheless, it remains finite till decacene, thus providing no
evidence of the predicted singlet-triplet crossover. We also analyze the nature
of many-particle wavefunction of the correlated singlet ground state and find
that the longer acenes exhibit tendency towards a open-shell singlet ground
state. Moreover, when we compare the experimental absorption spectra of
octacene and nonacene with their calculated singlet and triplet absorption
spectra, we observe excellent agreement for the singlet case. Hence, the
optical absorption results also confirm the singlet nature of the ground state
for longer acenes.Comment: 58 pages (including supplementary information), 12 figures (included
First principles electron-correlated calculations of optical absorption in magnesium clusters
In this paper, we report large-scale configuration interaction (CI)
calculations of linear optical absorption spectra of various isomers of
magnesium clusters Mg (n=2--5), corresponding to valence transitions.
Geometry optimization of several low-lying isomers of each cluster was carried
out using coupled-cluster singles doubles (CCSD) approach, and these geometries
were subsequently employed to perform ground and excited state calculations
using either the full-CI (FCI) or the multi-reference singles-doubles
configuration interaction (MRSDCI) approach, within the frozen-core
approximation. Our calculated photoabsorption spectrum of magnesium dimer
(Mg) isomer is in excellent agreement with the experiments both for peak
positions, and intensities. Owing to the sufficiently inclusive
electron-correlation effects, these results can serve as benchmarks against
which future experiments, as well as calculations performed using other
theoretical approaches, can be tested.Comment: 23 pages and 21 figures of main tex
Large-scale first principles configuration interaction calculations of optical absorption in boron clusters
We have performed systematic large-scale all-electron correlated calculations
on boron clusters B(n=2--5), to study their linear optical absorption
spectra. Several possible isomers of each cluster were considered, and their
geometries were optimized at the coupled-cluster singles doubles (CCSD) level
of theory. Using the optimized ground-state geometries, excited states of
different clusters were computed using the multi-reference singles-doubles
configuration-interaction (MRSDCI) approach, which includes electron
correlation effects at a sophisticated level. These CI wave functions were used
to compute the transition dipole matrix elements connecting the ground and
various excited states of different clusters, eventually leading to their
linear absorption spectra. The convergence of our results with respect to the
basis sets, and the size of the CI expansion were carefully examined. The
contribution of configurations to many body wavefunction of various excited
states suggests that the excitations involved are collective, plasmonic type.Comment: 25 page, 13 figures (included); Invited article for a special issue
titled "Theoretical Simulation and Computational Design of Nanomaterials and
Biomaterials", of the journal Nano Lif
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