133,681 research outputs found
Symmetric confidence regions and confidence intervals for normal map formulations of stochastic variational inequalities
Stochastic variational inequalities (SVI) model a large class of equilibrium
problems subject to data uncertainty, and are closely related to stochastic
optimization problems. The SVI solution is usually estimated by a solution to a
sample average approximation (SAA) problem. This paper considers the normal map
formulation of an SVI, and proposes a method to build asymptotically exact
confidence regions and confidence intervals for the solution of the normal map
formulation, based on the asymptotic distribution of SAA solutions. The
confidence regions are single ellipsoids with high probability. We also discuss
the computation of simultaneous and individual confidence intervals
Search for Sub-eV Sterile Neutrinos in the Precision Multiple Baselines Reactor Antineutrino Oscillation Experiments
According to different effects on neutrino oscillations, the unitarity
violation in the MNSP matrix can be classified into the direct unitarity
violation and the indirect unitarity violation which are induced by the
existence of the light and the heavy sterile neutrinos respectively. Of which
sub-eV sterile neutrinos are of most interesting. We study in this paper the
possibility of searching for sub-eV sterile neutrinos in the precision reactor
antineutrino oscillation experiments with three different baselines at around
500 m, 2 km and 60 km. We find that the antineutrino survival probabilities
obtained in the reactor experiments are sensitive only to the direct unitarity
violation and offer very concentrated sensitivity to the two parameters
and . If such light sterile neutrinos do
exist, the active-sterile mixing angle could be acquired by
the combined rate analysis at all the three baselines and the mass-squared
difference could be obtained by taking the Fourier
transformation to the L / E spectrum. Of course, for such measurements to
succeed, both high energy resolution and large statistics are essentially
important.Comment: 19 RevTex pages, 7 figures. text structure rearranged, some figures
deleted, more discussions and references added; to be appear in NP
A useful way to obtain the central charge of entanglement Hamiltonian -- Nested entanglement entropy
In this paper, we review how to obtain the central charge of a critical
entanglement Hamiltonian through the nested entanglement entropy which was
first introduced in [J. Lou et al. PRB 84, 245128 (2011)]. The critical
phenomena of the entanglement Hamiltonian can be identified by the central
charge obtained by the nested entanglement entropy. We review our previous
studies[J. Lou et al. PRB 84, 245128 (2011), S. Tanaka et al. PRA 87, 214401
(2013)] in which we investigated certain entanglement nature of two-dimensional
valence-bond-solid (VBS) state and quantum hard-square models on square and
triangle ladders using the nested entanglement entropy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Interdisciplinary Information
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