1 research outputs found

    Socio-demographic Risk Factors for the Psychogenic Anxiety-depressive Disorders Development in Patients with Pancreatitis

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    When studying the socio-demographic factors of the risk of developing psychogenic anxiety and depression disorders in patients with pancreatitis, we used the results of a comprehensive study. The complex evaluation of socio-psychological and clinical risk factors for pancreatitis was analyzed, and a comprehensive analysis of socio-demographic characteristics, anxiety-depressive and neurotic symptoms in patients with pancreatitis has been performed. The article presents the socio-demographic factors that influence the development of mental disorders in acute recurrent pancreatitis.The aim of the study was to identify socio-demographic features of psychogenic anxious and depressive disorders in patients with pancreatitis (acute and chronic) to improve the quality of life of this contingent of patients.Materials and methods. The study was attended by 131 patients with recurrent pancreatitis, exclusion criteria in the study; age over 65, the presence of other somatic diseases, mental and behavioral disorders as a result of alcohol abuse, narcotic substances and substances not included in the state list of narcotic drugs, refusal of the patient from a psychiatrist's examination. Established factors associated with the development and severity of neurasthenia in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Statistical processing of the results of the study was conducted using the software package Statistica v.6.1.Research results. The article presents the analysis of psychopathological symptoms in patients with pancreatitis, which revealed a number of features of the quantitative and qualitative structure of emotional disorders. The factors with which the development and severity of psychogenic anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with pancreatitis are noted is noted. The basic pathogenetic link of development of psychogenic anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with pancreatitis was revealed. Presented is a symptomatology that predominates in affective pathology in patients with pancreatitis.Conclusions. The data of the main socio-demographic factors influencing the development of mental disorders in chronic recurrent pancreatitis, such as male sex, low frequency of appeals for medical aid during the year, absence of a family history of pancreatic disease