6 research outputs found

    Filter functions for the Glauber-Sudarshan PP-function regularization

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    The phase-space quasi-probability distribution formalism for representing quantum states provides practical tools for various applications in quantum optics such as identifying the nonclassicality of quantum states. We study filter functions that are introduced to regularize the Glauber-Sudarshan PP function. We show that the quantum map associated with a filter function is completely positive and trace preserving and hence physically realizable if and only if the Fourier transform of this function is a probability density distribution. We also derive a lower bound on the fidelity between the input and output states of a physical quantum filtering map. Therefore, based on these results, we show that any quantum state can be approximated, to arbitrary accuracy, by a quantum state with a regular Glauber-Sudarshan PP function. We propose applications of our results for estimating the output state of an unknown quantum process and estimating the outcome probabilities of quantum measurements.Comment: 10 page

    Constraints on Gaussian Error Channels and Measurements for Quantum Communication

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    Joint Gaussian measurements of two quantum systems can be used for quantum communication between remote parties, as in teleportation or entanglement swapping protocols. Many types of physical error sources throughout a protocol can be modeled by independent Gaussian error channels acting prior to measurement. In this work we study joint Gaussian measurements on two modes A\mathsf{A} and B\mathsf{B} that take place after independent single-mode Gaussian error channels, for example loss with parameters lAl_\mathsf{A} and lBl_\mathsf{B} followed by added noise with parameters nAn_\mathsf{A} and nBn_\mathsf{B}. We show that, for any Gaussian measurement, if lA+lB+nA+nB≥1l_\mathsf{A} + l_\mathsf{B} + n_\mathsf{A} + n_\mathsf{B} \geq 1 then the effective total measurement is separable and unsuitable for teleportation or entanglement swapping of arbitrary input states. If this inequality is not satisfied then there exists a Gaussian measurement that remains inseparable. We extend the results and determine the set of pairs of single-mode Gaussian error channels that render all Gaussian measurements separable