624 research outputs found

    An Experimental and Theoretical High Energy Physics Program

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    The Purdue High Energy Physics Group conducts research in experimental and theoretical elementary particle physics and experimental high energy astrophysics. Our goals, which we share with high energy physics colleagues around the world, are to understand at the most fundamental level the nature of matter, energy, space and time, and in order to explain the birth, evolution and fate of the Universe. The experiments in which we are currently involved are: CDF, CLEO-c, CMS, LSST, and VERITAS. We have been instrumental in establishing two major in-house facilities: The Purdue Particle Physics Microstructure Detector Facility (P3MD) in 1995 and the CMS Tier-2 center in 2005. The research efforts of the theory group span phenomenological and theoretical aspects of the Standard Model as well as many of its possible extensions. Recent work includes phenomenological consequences of supersymmetric models, string theory and applications of gauge/gravity duality, the cosmological implications of massive gravitons, and the physics of extra dimensions

    An Electro - Optical Test System for Optimising Operating Conditions of CCD sensors for LSST

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    We describe the commissioning of a system which has been built to investigate optimal operation of CCDs for the LSST telescope. The test system is designed for low vibration, high stability operation and is capable of illuminating a detector in flat-field, projected spot, projected pattern and Fe-55 configurations. We compare and describe some considerations when choosing a gain calibration method for CCDs which exhibit the brighter-fatter effect. An optimisation study on a prototype device of gain and full well with varying back substrate bias and gate clock levels is presented

    Measurement of the two gamma decays of neutral K-mesons

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D71710/87 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Dose rate dependence of TID damage to 65 nm CMOS transistors in X-ray irradiations of the ATLAS ITk Pixel ASIC (ITkPix)

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    The ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) requires a radiation-tolerant pixel readout chip, which must withstand a total ionising dose (TID) of up to 1 Grad. The readout ASIC for the ITk upgrade has been designed by the RD53 collaboration using 65 nm CMOS technology. In order to characterise the radiation tolerance of the chip digital logic, the RD53 ASICs include ring oscillators, which can be used to measure gate delay degradation. Extensive X-ray irradiation studies of the ring oscillators have been performed on the ITk Pixel pre-production readout ASIC, ITkPixV1. A dependence of radiation damage on dose rate has been observed in 65 nm CMOS technology. This paper aims to quantify the dose rate dependence of TID damage to the ITkPix ring oscillators and, therefore, the ITkPix ASIC digital logic. X-ray irradiations at different dose rates between 20 krad/h and 30 Mrad/h are compared. A dose rate dependence is observed, with 2-3 times more damage at the lowest dose rate of 20 krad/h, compared to 4 Mrad/h. The dose rate dependence was also observed to be dependent on transistor size and type