658 research outputs found

    Pairings in mirror symmetry between a symplectic manifold and a Landau-Ginzburg BB-model

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    We find a relation between Lagrangian Floer pairing of a symplectic manifold and Kapustin-Li pairing of the mirror Landau-Ginzburg model under localized mirror functor. They are conformally equivalent with an interesting conformal factor (volFloer/vol)2(vol^{Floer}/vol)^2, which can be described as a ratio of Lagrangian Floer volume class and classical volume class. For this purpose, we introduce BB-invariant of Lagrangian Floer cohomology with values in Jacobian ring of the mirror potential function. And we prove what we call a multi-crescent Cardy identity under certain conditions, which is a generalized form of Cardy identity. As an application, we discuss the case of general toric manifold, and the relation to the work of Fukaya-Oh-Ohta-Ono and their ZZ-invariant. Also, we compute the conformal factor (volFloer/vol)2(vol^{Floer}/vol)^2 for the elliptic curve quotient P3,3,31\mathbb{P}^1_{3,3,3}, which is expected to be related to the choice of a primitive form.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures. Comments are welcom

    Six3 Represses Nodal Activity to Establish Early Brain Asymmetry in Zebrafish

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    SummaryThe vertebrate brain is anatomically and functionally asymmetric; however, the molecular mechanisms that establish left-right brain patterning are largely unknown. In zebrafish, asymmetric left-sided Nodal signaling within the developing dorsal diencephalon is required for determining the direction of epithalamic asymmetries. Here, we show that Six3, a transcription factor essential for forebrain formation and associated with holoprosencephaly in humans, regulates diencephalic Nodal activity during initial establishment of brain asymmetry. Reduction of Six3 function causes brain-specific deregulation of Nodal pathway activity, resulting in epithalamic laterality defects. Based on misexpression and genetic epistasis experiments, we propose that Six3 acts in the neuroectoderm to establish a prepattern of bilateral repression of Nodal activity. Subsequently, Nodal signaling from the left lateral plate mesoderm alleviates this repression ipsilaterally. Our data reveal a Six3-dependent mechanism for establishment of correct brain laterality and provide an entry point to understanding the genetic regulation of Nodal signaling in the brain

    Micro-nano hybrid structures with manipulated wettability using a two-step silicon etching on a large area

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    Nanoscale surface manipulation technique to control the surface roughness and the wettability is a challenging field for performance enhancement in boiling heat transfer. In this study, micro-nano hybrid structures (MNHS) with hierarchical geometries that lead to maximizing of surface area, roughness, and wettability are developed for the boiling applications. MNHS structures consist of micropillars or microcavities along with nanowires having the length to diameter ratio of about 100:1. MNHS is fabricated by a two-step silicon etching process, which are dry etching for micropattern and electroless silicon wet etching for nanowire synthesis. The fabrication process is readily capable of producing MNHS covering a wafer-scale area. By controlling the removal of polymeric passivation layers deposited during silicon dry etching (Bosch process), we can control the geometries for the hierarchical structure with or without the thin hydrophobic barriers that affect surface wettability. MNHS without sidewalls exhibit superhydrophilic behavior with a contact angle under 10°, whereas those with sidewalls preserved by the passivation layer display more hydrophobic characteristics with a contact angle near 60°

    Nano-inspired fluidic interactivity for boiling heat transfer: Impact and criteria

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    The enhancement of boiling heat transfer, the most powerful energy-transferring technology, will lead to milestones in the development of high-efficiency, next-generation energy systems. Perceiving nano-inspired interface functionalities from their rough morphologies, we demonstrate interface-induced liquid refreshing is essential to improve heat transfer by intrinsically avoiding Leidenfrost phenomenon. High liquid accessibility of hemi-wicking and catalytic nucleation, triggered by the morphological and hydrodynamic peculiarities of nano-inspired interfaces, contribute to the critical heat flux (CHF) and the heat transfer coefficient (HTC). Our experiments show CHF is a function of universal hydrodynamic characteristics involving interfacial liquid accessibility and HTC is improved with a higher probability of smaller nuclei with less superheat. Considering the interface-induced and bulk liquid accessibility at boiling, we discuss functionalizing the interactivity between an interface and a counteracting fluid seeking to create a novel interface, a so-called smart interface, for a breakthrough in boiling and its pragmatic application in energy systems

    Reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in an animal model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat

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    Substrains of the Spontaneously Hypertensive rat (SHR), a putative animal model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), have demonstrated increased sensitivity to many drugs of abuse, including psychostimulants. Therefore, it was suggested that studies in SHR may help elucidate ADHD and comorbidity with substance use disorder (SUD). However, the drug intake profile of the SHR in the most relevant animal model of drug addiction, the self-administration (SA) test, and its response on the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm are not yet determined. In the present study, we employed SA and CPP tests to investigate the reinforcing effects of the psychostimulant methamphetamine in an SHR substrain obtained from Charles River, Japan (SHR/NCrlCrlj). Concurrent tests were also performed in Wistar rats, the strain representing "normal" heterogeneous population. To address if the presence of ADHD behaviors further increases sensitivity to the rewarding effect of methamphetamine during adolescence, a critical period for the onset of drug abuse, CPP tests were especially conducted in adolescent Wistar and SHR/NCrlCrlj. We found that the SHR/NCrlCrlj also acquired methamphetamine SA and CPP, indicating reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in this ADHD animal model. However, we did not observe increased responsiveness of the SHR/NCrlCrlj to methamphetamine in both SA and CPP assays. This indicates that the reinforcing effects of methamphetamine may be similar in strains and that the SHR/NCrlCrlj may not adequately model ADHD and increased sensitivity to methamphetamine

    Transvaginal Endoscopic Appendectomy

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    Since Kalloo and colleagues first reported the feasibility and safety of a peroral transgastric approach in the porcine model in 2004, various groups have reported more complex natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) procedures, such as the cholecystectomy, splenectomy and liver biopsy, in the porcine model. Natural orifice access to the abdominal cavity, such as transgastric, transvesical, transcolonic, and transvaginal, has been described. Although a novel, minimally invasive approach to the abdominal cavity is a peroral endoscopic transgastric approach, there are still some challenging issues, such as the risk of infection and leakage, and the method of gastric closure. Hybrid-NOTES is an ideal first step in humans. Human hybrid transvaginal access has been used for years by many surgeons for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Here, we report a transvaginal flexible endoscopic appendectomy, with a 5-mm umbilical port using ultrasonic scissors in a 74-year-old woman with acute appendicitis
