5,397 research outputs found
``Integrating in'' and exact superpotentials in 4d
We discuss integrating out matter fields and integrating in matter fields in
four dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories. Highly nontrivial exact
superpotentials can be easily obtained by starting from a known theory and
integrating in matter.Comment: 10 pages, RU-94-5
Mixed quark-gluon condensate from instantons
We calculate the vacuum expectation value of the dimension-5 "mixed"
quark-gluon operator, , in the instanton vacuum. Within the --expansion the QCD
operator is replaced by an effective many-fermion operator, which is averaged
over the effective theory of massive quarks derived from instantons. We find
, somewhat larger than the estimate from QCD sum
rules for the nucleon.Comment: 10 p, LaTeX, 1 figure included using eps
Quantum Tunneling
This article is a slightly expanded version of the talk I delivered at the
Special Plenary Session of the 46-th Annual Meeting of the Israel Physical
Society (Technion, Haifa, May 11, 2000) dedicated to Misha Marinov. In the
first part I briefly discuss quantum tunneling, a topic which Misha cherished
and to which he was repeatedly returning through his career. My task was to
show that Misha's work had been deeply woven in the fabric of today's theory.
The second part is an attempt to highlight one of many facets of Misha's human
portrait. In the 1980's, being a refusenik in Moscow, he volunteered to teach
physics under unusual circumstances. I present recollections of people who were
involved in this activity.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Professor Michael Marinov, a friend, a
colleague and a man of firm principles who believed in his right to live in
peace in Israel, the land of his ancestors (Latex, 5 eps figures, uses sprocl
style), to be published in the Michael Marinov Memorial Volume, Eds. M.
Olshanetsky and A. Vainshtein (World Scientific, 2002
Non-Perturbative Yang-Mills from Supersymmetry and Strings, Or, in the Jungles of Strong Coupling
I summarize some recent developments in the issue of planar equivalence
between supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and its orbifold/orientifold
daughters. This talk is based on works carried out in collaboration with Adi
Armoni, Sasha Gorsky and Gabriele Veneziano.Comment: Based on talks delivered at Planck-05/Mohapatra-Fest, ICTP, Trieste,
May 23-28, 2005, and PASCOS-05, Gyeongju, Korea, May 30 - June 4, and the
Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, Zakopane, Poland, June 3-12, 2005. 24
pages, 6 figure
A Chiral SU(N) Gauge Theory Planar Equivalent to Super-Yang-Mills
We consider the dynamics of a strongly coupled SU(N) chiral gauge theory. By
using its large-N equivalence with N=1 super-Yang-Mills theory we find the
vacuum structure of the former. We also consider its finite-N dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, Latex. 1 eps figur
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