17,086 research outputs found
Decoherence of quantum gates based on Aharonov-Anandan phases in a multistep scheme
We study quantum decoherence of single-qubit and two-qubit Aharonov-Anandan
(AA) geometric phase gates realized in a multistep scheme. Each AA gate is also
compared with the dynamical phase gate performing the same unitary
transformation within the same time period and coupled with the same
environment, which is modeled as harmonic oscillators. It is found that the
fidelities and the entanglement protection of the AA phase gates are enhanced
by the states being superpositions of different eigenstates of the
environmental coupling, and the noncommutativity between the qubit interaction
and the environmental coupling.Comment: 7 pages, published in EP
Spinor Decomposition of SU(2) Gauge Potential and The Spinor Structures of Chern-Simons and Chern Density
In this paper, the decomposition of SU(2) gauge potential in terms of Pauli
spinors is studied. Using this decomposition, the spinor strutures of the
Chern-Simons form and the Chern density are obtained. Furthermore, by these
spinor structures, the knot quantum number of non-Abelian gauge theory is
discussed, and the second Chern number is characterized by the Hopf indices and
the Brouwer degrees of -mapping.Comment: 11 page
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