748 research outputs found

    A privacy-preserving, decentralized and functional Bitcoin e-voting protocol

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    Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, has caused extensive research interest. There are many studies based on related protocols on Bitcoin, Bitcoin-based voting protocols also received attention in related literature. In this paper, we propose a Bitcoin-based decentralized privacy-preserving voting mechanism. It is assumed that there are n voters and m candidates. The candidate who obtains t ballots can get x Bitcoins from each voter, namely nx Bitcoins in total. We use a shuffling mechanism to protect voter's voting privacy, at the same time, decentralized threshold signatures were used to guarantee security and assign voting rights. The protocol can achieve correctness, decentralization and privacy-preservings. By contrast with other schemes, our protocol has a smaller number of transactions and can achieve a more functional voting method.Comment: 5 pages;3 figures;Smartworld 201

    Quantum Routing for Emerging Quantum Networks

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    Quantum routing, the entanglement of an input quantum signal over multiple output paths, will be an important aspect of future quantum networks. Implementation of such routing in emerging quantum networks via the noisy quantum devices currently under development is a distinct possibility. Quantum error correction, suitable for the arbitrary noisy quantum channels experienced in the routing process, will be required. In this work, we design a combined circuit for quantum routing and quantum error correction, and carry out the first implementation of such a circuit on a noisy real-world quantum device. Under the assumption of statistical knowledge on the channel, we experimentally verify the quantum nature of the error-corrected quantum routing by determining the path-entanglement through quantum state tomography, measuring also its probability of success. The quantum error correction deployed is identified as successful in terms of improving the routing. Our experiments validate, for the first time, that error-corrected quantum routing in near-term noisy quantum-computing devices is feasible, and our detailed results provide a quantum-routing benchmark for all near-term quantum hardware

    Error-Mitigated Quantum Routing on Noisy Devices

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    With sub-threshold quantum error correction on quantum hardware still out of reach, quantum error mitigation methods are currently deemed an attractive option for implementing certain applications on near-term noisy quantum devices. One such application is quantum routing - the ability to map an incoming quantum signal into a superposition of paths. In this work, we use a 7-qubit IBM quantum device to experimentally deploy two promising quantum error mitigation methods, Zero-Noise Extrapolation (ZNE) and Probabilistic Error Cancellation (PEC), in the context of quantum routing. Importantly, beyond investigating the improved performance of quantum routing via ZNE and PEC separately, we also investigate the routing performance provided by the concatenation of these two error-mitigation methods. Our experimental results demonstrate that such concatenation leads a very significant performance improvement relative to implementation with no error mitigation. Indeed, an almost perfect performance in terms of fidelity of the output entangled paths is found. These new results reveal that with concatenated quantum error-mitigation embedded, useful quantum routing becomes feasible on current devices without the need for quantum error correction - opening up a potential implementation pathway to other applications that utilize a superposition of communication links

    On the Security of a Novel Probabilistic Signature Based on Bilinear Square Diffie-Hellman Problem and Its Extension

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    Probabilistic signature scheme has been widely used in modern electronic commerce since it could provide integrity, authenticity, and nonrepudiation. Recently, Wu and Lin proposed a novel probabilistic signature (PS) scheme using the bilinear square Diffie-Hellman (BSDH) problem. They also extended it to a universal designated verifier signature (UDVS) scheme. In this paper, we analyze the security of Wu et al.’s PS scheme and UDVS scheme. Through concrete attacks, we demonstrate both of their schemes are not unforgeable. The security analysis shows that their schemes are not suitable for practical applications


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    A long-span hybrid grid hangar structure and a modeling method for the long-span hybrid grid hangar structure based on the principle of leverage are proposed in this paper. Based on the SAP2000 spatial structure design software, the C# language was used to develop a plug-in to automatically create a long-span hybrid grid structure based on the principle of leverage, which realized the automatic generation by inputting parameters such as the span of the hangar structure, the number of horizontal grids, and the number of vertical grids. The optimization design method of the long-span hybrid grid structure based on particle swarm algorithm is proposed. SAP2000 software is used and the C# language is used to develop the optimization design program of the long-span hybrid grid structure based on the principle of leverage. The optimization design is carried out, and the optimization results show that the program can reduce the thickness of the roof and reduce the vertical displacement at the opening of the hangar roof on the basis of meeting the current specifications

    The Margin Abatement Costs of CO2 in Chinese industrial sectors

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    AbstractUsing the directional distance function estimating by a non-parametric method, this paper measured shadow prices indicating the margin abatement costs (MACs) of CO2 emissions of China's industrial sectors. The results show that the MACs are within 0.2 thousand Yuan per ton to 120.3 thousand Yuan per ton, differentiating among sectors. In average, the MACs of heavy and chemical industries are lower than that of light and high-tech industries