750 research outputs found

    Dark Lancaster

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    In this position paper we'll outline a few ongoing and planned projects at Lancaster that are not all sweetness and light. In some we are interested in some of the darker aspects of human nature: frustration when things go wrong in order to design games with the right emotional impact; and anger of those seeking jobs in order to help train those who need to defuse fraught situations. In others we deliberately seek to design ‘bad’ situations; obviously this is necessary to study issues like frustration, but also we design bad things in order to understand what is good! Finally, there are times when good is dark and the bright light of day needs to be shrouded just a little

    Supporting Medicare health, equity and efficiency in Australia: policies undermining bulk billing need to be scrapped

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    Forget semantics; Federal health policies that undermine bulk billing and encourage \u27user-pays\u27 charging of patients for primary care move Australia towards a US-style health care system. They are expected to cost the health system more, not A$12 billion less, and undermine Medicare\u27s bottom-line universal access equity, efficiency and health outcome objectives

    HCV and the hepatic lipid pathway as a potential treatment target

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    Atherosclerosis has been described as a liver disease of the heart. The liver is the central regulatory organ of lipid pathways but since dyslipidaemias are major contributors to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes rather than liver disease, research in this area has not been a major focus for hepatologists. Virus-host interaction is a continuous co-evolutionary process involving the host immune system and viral escape mechanisms. One of the strategies HCV has adopted to escape immune clearance and establish persistent infection is to make use of hepatic lipid pathways. This review aims to: update the hepatologist on lipid metabolism; review the evidence that HCV exploits hepatic lipid pathways to its advantage; discuss approaches to targeting host lipid pathways as adjunctive therapy
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