2,311 research outputs found
Status and discovery prospects for light pseudoscalars in the NMSSM
While most BSM searches at the LHC focus on heavy new states, the NMSSM
contains the possibility of new light states that have escaped detection due to
their singlet nature. Here we focus on light pseudoscalars, investigating the
parameter space impact of recent LHC searches for such light states stemming
from the decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson. It is shown that, though direct
searches can not yet compete with the requirement of the 125 GeV scalar having
SM-like couplings, the searches are touching the allowed parameter space and
should make a phenomenological impact in the near future.Comment: To appear in the proceedings for EPS-HEP 201
Photon-induced contributions to di-lepton production at the LHC Run II
We report on recent studies of photon-induced (PI) contributions to di-lepton
production and their implications for Beyond Standard Model (BSM)
-bosons searches at the LHC.Comment: Proceedings of XXV International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic
Scattering and Related Subjects, 3-7 April 2017, University of Birmingham, U
Real and virtual photons effects in di-lepton production at the LHC
We show the SM prediction of di-lepton production at the LHC where to the
usual Drell-Yan production we add the contribution from Photon-Initiated
processes. We discuss the effects of the inclusion of photon interactions in
the high invariant mass region (TeV region) and their consequences on BSM heavy
Z'-boson searches.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Proceeding of Les Rencontres de Physique de la
Vall\'ee d'Aoste, La Thuile 201
The effect of real and virtual photons in the di-lepton channel at the LHC
We present a study of di-lepton production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
with a particular focus on the contribution resulting from both real and
virtual photons in the initial state. We discuss the region of phase space in
which the invariant mass of the lepton pair is of the order of several TeV,
where searches for new physics phenomena yielding a di-lepton signature are
presently carried out. We study both the yield and associated uncertainties for
all possible topologies in photon-induced di-lepton production and compare
these with what is expected in the standard Drell-Yan channel, where
quark-antiquark pairs are responsible for the production of lepton pairs. We
analyse the impact of these QED contributions on the expected Standard Model
background and on searches for new physics. In this latter case, we use the
production of an extra heavy -boson predicted by the Sequential
Standard Model (SSM) as a benchmark process.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
Complementarity of Forward-Backward Asymmetry for discovery of Z' bosons at the Large Hadron Collider
The Forward-Backward Asymmetry (AFB) in Z' physics is commonly only thought
of as an observable which possibly allows one to profiling a Z' signal by
distinguishing different models embedding such (heavy) spin-1 bosons. In this
brief review, we examine the potential of AFB in setting bounds on or even
discovering a Z' at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and proof that it might be
a powerful tool for this purpose. We analyse two different scenarios: Z's with
a narrow and wide width, respectively. We find that, in both cases, AFB can
complement the conventional searches in accessing Z' signals traditionally
based on cross section measurements only.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1504.0316
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