5 research outputs found
MOESM1 of Efficient conformational ensemble generation of protein-bound peptides
Additional file 1. The average accuracies and standard deviations of MODPEP for the peptides of 3–30 amino acids on ten randomly splitted training/test sets
New Knowledge-Based Scoring Function with Inclusion of Backbone Conformational Entropies from Protein Structures
Accurate prediction of a protein’s
structure requires a
reliable free energy function that consists of both enthalpic and
entropic contributions. Although considerable progresses have been
made in the calculation of potential energies in protein structure
prediction, the computation for entropies of protein has lagged far
behind, due to the challenge that estimation of entropies often requires
expensive conformational sampling. In this study, we have used a knowledge-based
approach to estimate the backbone conformational entropies from experimentally
determined structures. Instead of conducting computationally expensive
MD/MC simulations, we obtained the entropies of protein structures
based on the normalized probability distributions of back dihedral
angles observed in the native structures. Our new knowledge-based
scoring function with inclusion of the backbone entropies, which is
referred to as ITScoreDA or ITDA, was extensively evaluated on 16
commonly used decoy sets and compared with 50 other published scoring
functions. It was shown that ITDA is significantly superior to the
other tested scoring functions in selecting native structures from
decoys. The present study suggests the role of backbone conformational
entropies in protein structures and provides a way for fast estimation
of the entropic effect
HybridDock: A Hybrid Protein–Ligand Docking Protocol Integrating Protein- and Ligand-Based Approaches
molecular docking and ligand-based similarity search
are two commonly used computational methods in computer-aided drug
design. Structure-based docking tries to utilize the structural information
on a drug target like protein, and ligand-based screening takes advantage
of the information on known ligands for a target. Given their different
advantages, it would be desirable to use both protein- and ligand-based
approaches in drug discovery when information for both the protein
and known ligands is available. Here, we have presented a general
hybrid docking protocol, referred to as HybridDock, to utilize both
the protein structures and known ligands by combining the molecular
docking program MDock and the ligand-based similarity search method
SHAFTS, and evaluated our hybrid docking protocol on the CSAR 2013
and 2014 exercises. The results showed that overall our hybrid docking
protocol significantly improved the performance in both binding affinity
and binding mode predictions, compared to the sole MDock program.
The efficacy of the hybrid docking protocol was further confirmed
using the combination of DOCK and SHAFTS, suggesting an alternative
docking approach for modern drug design/discovery
Automated Large-Scale File Preparation, Docking, and Scoring: Evaluation of ITScore and STScore Using the 2012 Community Structure–Activity Resource Benchmark
this study, we use the recently released 2012 Community Structure–Activity
Resource (CSAR) data set to evaluate two knowledge-based scoring functions,
ITScore and STScore, and a simple force-field-based potential (VDWScore).
The CSAR data set contains 757 compounds, most with known affinities,
and 57 crystal structures. With the help of the script files for docking
preparation, we use the full CSAR data set to evaluate the performances
of the scoring functions on binding affinity prediction and active/inactive
compound discrimination. The CSAR subset that includes crystal structures
is used as well, to evaluate the performances of the scoring functions
on binding mode and affinity predictions. Within this structure subset,
we investigate the importance of accurate ligand and protein conformational
sampling and find that the binding affinity predictions are less sensitive
to non-native ligand and protein conformations than the binding mode
predictions. We also find the full CSAR data set to be more challenging
in making binding mode predictions than the subset with structures.
The script files used for preparing the CSAR data set for docking,
including scripts for canonicalization of the ligand atoms, are offered
freely to the academic community
Hierarchical Flexible Peptide Docking by Conformer Generation and Ensemble Docking of Peptides
Given the importance
of peptide-mediated protein interactions in
cellular processes, protein–peptide docking has received increasing
attention. Here, we have developed a <b>H</b>ierarchical flexible <b>Pep</b>tide <b>Dock</b>ing approach through fast generation
and ensemble docking of peptide conformations, which is referred to
as <b>HPepDock</b>. Tested on the LEADS-PEP benchmark data set
of 53 diverse complexes with peptides of 3–12 residues, HPepDock
performed significantly better than the 11 docking protocols of five
small-molecule docking programs (DOCK, AutoDock, AutoDock Vina, Surflex,
and GOLD) in predicting near-native binding conformations. HPepDock
was also evaluated on the 19 bound/unbound and 10 unbound/unbound
protein–peptide complexes of the Glide SP-PEP benchmark and
showed an overall better performance than Glide SP-PEP+MM-GBSA and
FlexPepDock in both bound and unbound docking. HPepDock is computationally
efficient, and the average running time for docking a peptide is ∼15
min with the range from about 1 min for short peptides to around 40
min for long peptides