81 research outputs found
The complementary roles of feedback and mergers in building the gaseous halo and the X-ray corona of Milky Way-sized galaxies
We use high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of Milky
Way-sized galaxies with varying supernovae feedback strengths and merger
histories to investigate the formation of their gaseous halos and especially
their hot (~K) X-ray luminous coronae. Our simulations predict the
presence of significant hot gas in the halos as early as , well before
the halos ought to be able to sustain hot mode accretion in the conventional
picture. The nascent coronae grow inside-out and initially do so primarily as a
result of outflows from the central galaxies powered by merger-induced shock
heating and strong supernovae feedback, both of which are elemental features of
today's successful galaxy formation models. Furthermore, the outflows and the
forming coronae also accelerate the transition from cold to hot mode accretion
by contributing to the conditions for sustaining stable accretion shocks. They
also disrupt the filamentary streams funneling cold gas onto the central
galaxies by causing their mouths to fray into a broad delta, detach from the
galaxies, and be pushed away to larger radii. And even though at early times
the filaments repeatedly re-form, the hot gas and the outflows act to weaken
the filaments and accelerate their ultimate disruption. Although galactic
outflows are generally thought of as ejective feedback, we find that their
action on the filaments suggests a preventive role as well.Comment: accepted for a publication at Ap
Numerical dependencies of the galactic dynamo in isolated galaxies with SPH
Understanding the numerical dependencies that act on the galactic dynamo is a
crucial step in determining what resolution and what conditions are required to
properly capture the magnetic fields observed in galaxies. Here, we present an
extensive study on the numerical dependencies of the galactic dynamo in
isolated spiral galaxies using smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics (SPMHD).
We performed 53 isolated spiral galaxy simulations with different initial
setups, feedback, resolution, Jeans floor and dissipation parameters. The
results show a strong mean-field dynamo occurring in the spiral-arm region of
the disk, likely produced by the classical alpha-omega dynamo or the recently
described gravitational instability dynamo. The inclusion of feedback is seen
to work in both a destructive and positive fashion for the amplification
process. Destructive interference for the amplification occurs due to break
down of filament structure in the disk, increase of turbulent diffusion and the
ejection of magnetic flux from the central plane to the circumgalactic medium.
The positive effect of feedback is the increase in vertical motions and the
turbulent fountain flows that develop, showing a high dependence on the
small-scale vertical structure and the numerical dissipation within the galaxy.
Galaxies with an effective dynamo saturate their magnetic energy density at
levels between 10-30% of the thermal energy density. The density averaged
numerical Prandtl number is found to be below unity throughout the galaxy for
all our simulations, with an increasing value with radius. Assuming a turbulent
injection length of 1 kpc, the numerical magnetic Reynolds number are within
the range of , indicating that some regions are below the
levels required for the small-scale dynamo () to be
The Baryon Cycle of Dwarf Galaxies: Dark, Bursty, Gas-Rich Polluters
We present results from a fully cosmological, very high-resolution, LCDM
"zoom-in" simulation of a group of seven field dwarf galaxies with present-day
virial masses in the range M_vir=4.4e8-3.6e10 Msun. The simulation includes a
blastwave scheme for supernova feedback, a star formation recipe based on a
high gas density threshold, metal-dependent radiative cooling, a scheme for the
turbulent diffusion of metals and thermal energy, and a uniform UV background
that modifies the ionization and excitation state of the gas. The properties of
the simulated dwarfs are strongly modulated by the depth of the gravitational
potential well. All three halos with M_vir < 1e9 Msun are devoid of stars, as
they never reach the density threshold for star formation of 100 atoms/cc. The
other four, M_vir > 1e9 Msun dwarfs have blue colors, low star formation
efficiencies, high cold gas to stellar mass ratios, and low stellar
metallicities. Their bursty star formation histories are characterized by peak
specific star formation rates in excess of 50-100 1/Gyr, far outside the realm
of normal, more massive galaxies, and in agreement with observations of extreme
emission-line starbursting dwarfs by the Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep
Extragalactic Legacy Survey. Metal-enriched galactic outflows produce sub-solar
effective yields and pollute with heavy elements a Mpc-size region of the
intergalactic medium, but are not sufficient to completely quench star
formation activity and are not ubiquitous in our dwarfs. Within the limited
size of the sample, our simulations appear to simultaneously reproduce the
observed stellar mass and cold gas content, resolved star formation histories,
stellar kinematics, and metallicities of field dwarfs in the Local Volume.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, version accepted for publication in The
Astrophysical Journa
The Role of Cold Flows and Reservoirs in Galaxy Formation With Strong Feedback
We examine gas accretion and subsequent star formation in representative
galaxies from the McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations (Stinson et al. 2010).
Accreted gas is bimodal with a natural temperature division at K, near
the peak of the cooling curve. Cold-mode accretion dominates inflows at early
times, creating a peak in total accretion at redshift z=2-4 and declining
exponentially below z2. Hot-mode accretion peaks near z=1-2 and declines
gradually. Hot-mode exceeds cold-mode accretion at z1.8 for all four
galaxies rather than when the galaxy reaches a characteristic mass. Cold-mode
accretion can fuel immediate star formation, while hot-mode accretion
preferentially builds a large, hot gas reservoir in the halo. Late-time star
formation relies on reservoir gas accreted 2-8 Gyr prior. Thus, the reservoir
allows the star formation rate to surpass the current overall gas accretion
rate. Stellar feedback cycles gas from the interstellar medium back into the
hot reservoir. Stronger feedback results in more gas cycling, gas removal in a
galactic outflow and less star formation overall, enabling simulations to match
the observed star formation history. For lower mass galaxies in particular,
strong feedback can delay the star formation peak to z=1-2 from the accretion
peak at z=2-4.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA
TREVR2: Illuminating fast radiative transfer
We present TREVR2 (Tree-based REVerse Ray Tracing 2), a fast, general
algorithm for computing the radiation field, suitable for both particle and
mesh codes. It is designed to self-consistently evolve chemistry for zoomed-in
astrophysical simulations, such as cosmological galaxies with both internal
sources and prescribed background radiation, rather than large periodic
volumes. Light is propagated until absorbed, with no imposed speed limit other
than those due to opacity changes (e.g. ionization fronts). TREVR2 searches
outward from receiving gas in discrete directions set by the HEALPIX algorithm
(unlike its slower predecessor TREVR), accumulating optical depth and adding
the flux due to sources combined into progressively larger tree cells with
distance. We demonstrate execution time with
absorption and many sources. This allows multi-band RT costs comparable to
tree-based gravity and hydrodynamics, and the usual speed-up when active
particles evolve on individual timesteps. Sources embedded in non-homogeneous
absorbing material introduce systematic errors. We introduce transmission
averaging instead of absorption averaging which dramatically reduces these
systematic effects. We outline other ways to address systematics including an
explicit complex source model. We demonstrate the overall performance of the
method via a set of astrophysical test problems.Comment: Submitted to MNRA
Supernova feedback in numerical simulations of galaxy formation: separating physics from numerics
While feedback from massive stars exploding as supernovae (SNe) is thought to be one of the key ingredients regulating galaxy formation, theoretically it is still unclear how the available energy couples to the interstellar medium and how galactic scale outflows are launched. We present a novel implementation of six sub-grid SN feedback schemes in the moving-mesh code Arepo, including injections of thermal and/or kinetic energy, two parametrizations of delayed cooling feedback and a `mechanical' feedback scheme that injects the correct amount of momentum depending on the relevant scale of the SN remnant resolved.
All schemes make use of individually time-resolved SN events. Adopting isolated disk galaxy setups at different resolutions, with the highest resolution runs reasonably resolving the Sedov-Taylor phase of the SN, we aim to find a physically motivated scheme with as few tunable parameters as possible. As expected, simple injections of energy overcool at all but the highest resolution. Our delayed cooling schemes result in overstrong feedback, destroying the disk. The mechanical feedback scheme is efficient at suppressing star formation, agrees well with the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation and leads to converged star formation rates and galaxy morphologies with increasing resolution without fine tuning any parameters. However, we find it difficult to produce outflows with high enough mass loading factors at all but the highest resolution, indicating either that we have oversimplified the evolution of unresolved SN remnants, require other stellar feedback processes to be included, require a better star formation prescription or most likely some
combination of these issues
Spectral reconstruction for radiation hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy evolution
Radiation from stars and AGN plays an important role in galaxy formation and
evolution, and profoundly transforms the IGM, CGM & ISM. On-the-fly RT has
started being incorporated in cosmological simulations, but the complex,
evolving radiation spectra are often crudely approximated with a small number
of broad bands with piece-wise constant intensity and a fixed photo-ionisation
cross-section. Such a treatment is unable to capture the changes to the
spectrum as light is absorbed while it propagates through a medium with
non-zero opacity. This can lead to large errors in photo-ionisation and heating
rates. We present a novel approach of discretising the radiation field in
narrow bands, located at the edges of the typically used bands, in order to
capture the power-law slope of the radiation field. In combination with
power-law approximations for the photo-ionisation cross-sections, this model
allows us to self-consistently combine radiation from sources with different
spectra and accurately follow the ionisation states of primordial and metal
species through time. The method is implemented in Gasoline2 in connection with
Trevr2. We compare our new piece-wise power-law reconstruction to the
piece-wise constant method in calculating the primordial chemistry
photo-ionisation and heating rates under an evolving UVB and stellar spectrum,
and find that our method reduces errors significantly, up to two orders of
magnitude in the case of HeII ionisation. We apply our new spectral
reconstruction method in RT post-processing of a cosmological zoom-in
simulation, including radiation from stars and a live UVB, and find a
significant increase in total neutral hydrogen mass in the ISM and the CGM due
to shielding of the UVB and a low escape fraction of the stellar radiation.
This demonstrates the importance of RT and an accurate spectral approximation
in simulating the CGM-galaxy ecosystem.Comment: Submitted for publication to A&A, 17 pages, 15 figure
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