214 research outputs found

    Role of biofertilizer (BGA) & nitrogenous fertilizer on grain yield, nitrogen content & nitrate reductase activity of two rice (Oryza sativa) varieties jaya & sarju-52

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    In recent years, biofertilizers have emerged as a promising component of the integrated nutrient supply system in Indian agriculture.  Among biofertilizers benefiting cereal crop production, blue-green algae are very important. Studies were carried out during Kharif season at the agriculture Research Station of Nawabganj Bareilly. Application of BGA @ 12.5 kg/ha in combination with 80 kg/ha as urea recorded favourable results in the two varieties Jaya and Sarju-52 and it is comparable with grain yield, nitrogen content and nitrate reductase activity in leaves at the recommended dose of 160 kg/ha. Thus, it may be concluded that further increment in nitrogen along with blue-green algae is not beneficial in rice crop and it can save at least 40 KgN/ha/year with increased yield

    Regulation of Secretory Phospholipase A2 by Thyroid Hormone

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    Rationale: Low grade inflammation has been correlated with elevated risk of hepatic steatosis and atherosclerosis. Secretory phospholipase A2 group IIA (PLA2g2a) enhances the progression of several chronic inflammatory diseases including arthritis and atherosclerosis. The potential linkage of hypothyroidism with inflammation led us to examine the modulation of sPLA2 expression by thyroid hormone (T3) in liver. Objective: Most of the studies of phospholipase A2 group IIA (PLA2g2a) have been conducted with macrophages and vascular smooth muscle cells with regard to atherosclerosis. The liver is one of the major contributors to the total pool of extracellular PLA2g2a. The aim of the present study was to characterize the regulation of PLA2g2a and other sPLA2 genes by T3 in liver. The second aim was to identify the mechanism by which T3 inhibits the expression of PLA2g2a gene. Methods and Results: In the first part of my project, I assessed the effect of T3 on sPLA2 gene expression in liver. I found that T3 inhibited the expression of the PLA2g2a in human and rat hepatocytes. Thyroid hormone status regulated the expression of endogenous PLA2g2a in both rats and mice. Other sPLA2 isoforms including PLA2g1b, PLA2g3 and PLA2g5 were also suppressed by T3 in liver. PLA2g2a was induced by cytokines and high fat diet. Both the cytokine and fatty acid mediated induction of PLA2g2a gene was blocked by T3. In an effort to dissect the mechanism of repression by T3, I cloned the PLA2g2a gene and identified a negative T3 response element in the promoter. This thyroid receptor (TRβ) binding site differs considerably from consensus T3 stimulatory elements. Using in vitro and in vivo binding assays, I demonstrated that TRβ bound directly to the PLA2g2a promoter. In present studies, I found that disruption of the corepressor binding site in TRβ decreased the T3 inhibition of PLA2g2a. Conversely a mutation in coactivator binding site had no effect on the T3 mediated inhibition of PLA2g2a. Knockdown of nuclear corepressor (NCoR1) or silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptors (SMRT) by siRNA blocked the T3 inhibition of PLA2g2a. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, I showed that NCoR1 and SMRT were associated with the PLA2g2a gene in the presence of T3. Conclusion: The thyroid hormone status modulates the expression of PLA2g2a and other sPLA2 isoforms. Both hyperthyroid rats and mice had significantly lower levels of PLA2g2a as compared to hypothyroid rats and mice. My data suggest that the thyroid status modulates aspects of the inflammatory response. In contrast with the established role of T3 to recruit coactivators to TRβ, my experiments demonstrate a novel inverse recruitment mechanism in which unliganded TRβ is stimulatory while liganded TRβ recruits corepressors to inhibit PLA2g2a expression. In conclusion, present study provides a cellular mechanism by which T3 inhibits PLA2g2a expression


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    Janpadodhwansa is one among the unique concept described in Ayurveda treatises which literally means demolition or annihilation of people or community. There are four factors that has been described which are common and essential for every living being i.e. Vayu (air), Jala (water), Desha (land) and Kaala (season). Any abnormal alteration in these four factors can significantly influence individual or community or environment or all of them together. Vitiation of these four common factors is the cause for Janpadodhwansa. Foremost reason for Janpadodhwansa has been described as Adharma (immorality) and the root cause of Adharma is said to be Prajnaparadha (delinquency of wisdom). Considering the noteworthiness of Janpadodhwansa, a whole chapter has been depicted in Charak Samhita illustrating its onset, causes, peculiar features and management. On the basis of characteristics features of vitiated four factors in Ayurveda classics, catastrophe conditions like cyclones, earthquakes, endemic/epidemic or pandemic disease outbreak etc., may simulate with Janpadodhwansa. Restrained utilisation of natural, man-made resources, adoption of Ayurveda dietetics and lifestyle, Panchakarma therapies, Rasayana therapies may effectively contribute to prevent and manage these situations especially like disease outbreak. This review article primarily focussed on the need of understanding the topic of Janpadodhwansa in current scenario

    Comparative Study of PCF Structure at Different Air Hole Pitch

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    Photonic crystal fibers (PCF) play most interesting and promising role in optical communication industry than conventional optical fibers. There are several unusual optical properties of PCF, which makes PCF more flexible and useful than conventional one. These properties are single mode operation, flattened dispersion, zero chromatic dispersion.. These properties are achieved by carefully design the PCF structure. This paper proposes a PCF structure of fused silica glass with an array of circular or elliptical air holes running along its length. In this paper I proposed 3 PCF designs with varying hole pitch and compared their results. The methodology I adopted to propose these designs with circular air holes is, by changing the pitch of the air hole rings. I designed the PCF structure with three different hole pitch of 2.0µm,2.03µm,2.05µm. By this investigation I selected the design with hole pitch=2.0µm as my best result, because it provide very low confinement loss less than 10-5dB/km in the wavelength from 1.1?m to 2.0?m, zero dispersion at 1.55µm wavelength, and ultra flat dispersion over a wide wavelength range 1.1µm to 2µm range

    The Lifeworld of Women Domestic Workers: Some Case Studies

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    In the informal sector of metropolitan India, the participation of women domestic workers is steadily increasing. Women participate in domestic work to protect family interests and solve economic crises. Employers compel maximum work from domestic workers with the bare minimum of hospitality. If we consider domestic work on a global scale, it is a solution to the problem of women in the economic system. Domestic work is unorganized, unrewarding, and unrecognized for domestic workers. Women are migrating to domestic work in greater numbers every day, but there is a crucial need to consider their living conditions. Normally, most of the migrant population lives in slums. Migrants in domestic work and women are now a predominant research area for social sciences. This research aims to examine the lifeworld of women domestic workers

    Performance Analysis of Flattened Dispersion on Silica based PCF of Hybrid Hexagonal Lattice

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    The technology of optical fibers has improved dramatically in recent decades. While the basic principle of guiding light, total-internal reflection, has been known for a long time, the ability to manufacture materials such as silica into very pure, very small, and very long strands has only recently emerged. Researcher across the world is starting to investigate a new kind of optical guidance. In this work, I focused on understanding and analyzing the model behavior of micro-structured fiber. Micro-structured fibers are fibers with a complex dielectric topology, and offer a number of novel possibilities, compared to standard optical fiber. It has been reported that PCF can realize endlessly single-mode guiding, controllable nonlinearity, flexible chromatic dispersion over a wide wavelength range, large effective area and highly birefringence. Generally, PCFs can be classified into two different types by their light-guiding mechanism

    Effect of nitrogenous fertilizer and blue green algae on grain yield, chlorophyll and protein content on two rice (Oryza sativa) varieties Jaya and Sarju-52

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    In Agronomic studies on individual and integrated application of Blue Green Algae (BGA) biofertilizer with graded levels inorganic nitrogen under field conditions and possible utilization of these organisms to meet at least a part of the nitrogen requirement of rice were carried out during Kharif season at agriculture research station of Nawabganj, Bareilly, India. Application of BGA @ 12.5 Kg/ha in combination with 80 Kg/ha as urea recorded favourable results in the two rice varieties (Jaya & Sarju-52) and it is comparable with grain yield, chlorophyll and protein content at recommended doses of 160Kg/ha. Thus, it may be concluded that the use of biofertilizer (blue green algae) in rice crop can save at least 40 Kg/ha/year with increased yield

    Effect of Bit Error Rate in LDPC Based OFDM System over AWGN, Raician And Raileigh Fading Channels

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    Modern communication systems are adopting new Morden technologies like OFDM (Ortogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) and LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) for achieving high performance, low Bit Error Rate (BER) and high capacity. The OFDM communication is inspired effectively from the frequencies of channel over the network. In this type of network some kind of distortion occurs over the channel called Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). The OFDM technique can be implemented using Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Codes because of their ability to reaching near Shannon limit performance. In this paper we are presenting the effect of Bit Error Rate (BER) with Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in OFDM system which is based on LDPC over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), Rician and Rayliegh Fading Channel using MATLAB. The results are then compared with Conventional based OFDM system. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15037