53,634 research outputs found
A New Monte Carlo Method and Its Implications for Generalized Cluster Algorithms
We describe a novel switching algorithm based on a ``reverse'' Monte Carlo
method, in which the potential is stochastically modified before the system
configuration is moved. This new algorithm facilitates a generalized
formulation of cluster-type Monte Carlo methods, and the generalization makes
it possible to derive cluster algorithms for systems with both discrete and
continuous degrees of freedom. The roughening transition in the sine-Gordon
model has been studied with this method, and high-accuracy simulations for
system sizes up to were carried out to examine the logarithmic
divergence of the surface roughness above the transition temperature, revealing
clear evidence for universal scaling of the Kosterlitz-Thouless type.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press
Reply on `comment on our paper `Single two-level ion in an anharmonic-oscillator trap: Time evolution of the Q function and population inversion ''
We show here that the model Hamiltonian used in our paper for ion vibrating
in a q-analog harmonic oscillator trap and interacting with a classical
single-mode light field is indeed obtained by replacing the usual bosonic
creation and annihilation operators of the harmonic trap model by their
q-deformed counterparts. The approximations made in our paper amount to using
for the ion-laser interaction in a q-analog harmonic oscillator trap, the
operator F_{q}=exp{-(|\epsilon|^2}/2)}exp{i\epsilon A^{\dagger}}exp{i\epsilon
A}, which is analogous to the corresponding operator for ion in a harmonic
oscillator trap that is . In our article we do not claim to have diagonalized the
operator, , for which the basis states
|g,m> and |e,m> are not analytic vectors.Comment: Revtex, 4pages. To be Published in Physical Review A59, NO.4(April
Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Graphene Quantum Dots: A Computational Study
Due to the advantage of tunability via size, shape, doping and relatively low
level of loss and high extent of spatial confinement, graphene quantum dots
(GQDs) are emerging as an effective way to control light by molecular
engineering. The collective excitation in GQDs shows both high energy plasmon
frequency along with frequencies in the terahertz (THz) region making these
systems powerful materials for photonic technologies. Here, we report a
systematic study of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of large
varieties of GQDs (400 systems) in size and topology utilizing the strengths of
both semiempirical and first-principles methods. Our detailed study shows how
the spectral shift and trends in the optical nonlinearity of GQDs depends on
their structure, size and shape. Among the circular, triangular, stripe, and
random shaped GQDs, we find that GQDs with inequivalent sublattice atoms always
possess lower HOMO-LUMO gap, broadband absorption and high nonlinear optical
coefficients. Also, we find that for majority of the GQDs with interesting
linear and nonlinear optical properties have zigzag edges, although reverse is
not always true. We strongly believe that our findings can act as guidelines to
design GQDs in optical parametric oscillators, higher harmonic generators and
optical modulators.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 4 table
Magnetotransport in polycrystalline LaSrMnO thin films of controlled granularity
Polycrystalline LaSrMnO (LSMO) thin films were
synthesized by pulsed laser ablation on single crystal (100) yttria-stabilized
zirconia (YSZ) substrates to investigate the mechanism of magneto-transport in
a granular manganite. Different degrees of granularity is achieved by using the
deposition temperature (T) of 700 and 800 C. Although no
significant change in magnetic order temperature (T) and saturation
magnetization is seen for these two types of films, the temperature and
magnetic field dependence of their resistivity ((T, H)) is strikingly
dissimilar. While the (T,H) of the 800 C film is comparable to that
of epitaxial samples, the lower growth temperature leads to a material which
undergoes insulator-to-metal transition at a temperature (T 170
K) much lower than T. At T T, the resistivity is characterized by
a minimum followed by ln \emph{T} divergence at still lower temperatures. The
high negative magnetoresistance ( 20) and ln \emph{T} dependence
below the minimum are explained on the basis of Kondo-type scattering from
blocked Mn-spins in the intergranular material. Further, a striking feature of
the T = 700 C film is its two orders of magnitude larger anisotropic
magnetoresistance (AMR) as compared to the AMR of epitaxial films. We attribute
it to unquenching of the orbital angular momentum of 3d electrons of Mn ions in
the intergranular region where crystal field is poorly defined.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure
Elastic response of filamentous networks with compliant crosslinks
Experiments have shown that elasticity of disordered filamentous networks
with compliant crosslinks is very different from networks with rigid
crosslinks. Here, we model and analyze filamentous networks as a collection of
randomly oriented rigid filaments connected to each other by flexible
crosslinks that are modeled as worm-like chains. For relatively large
extensions we allow for enthalpic stretching of crosslinks' backbones. We show
that for sufficiently high crosslink density, the network linear elastic
response is affine on the scale of the filaments' length. The nonlinear regime
can become highly nonaffine and is characterized by a divergence of the elastic
modulus at finite strain. In contrast to the prior predictions, we do not find
an asymptotic regime in which the differential elastic modulus scales linearly
with the stress, although an approximate linear dependence can be seen in a
transition from entropic to enthalpic regimes. We discuss our results in light
of the recent experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure
Fourier Series for Fox's H-Function of Two Variables
An attempt has been made to derive a Fourier series expansion for the H-function of two variables recently defined by Verma. This series is analogous to that of other special functions such as the MacRober's E-function, Meijer's G-function and Fox's H-function of single variable as given by MacRober, Kesarwani, Parihar, Parashar, Kapoor & Gupta. In the end an integral has been evaluated by making use of this result
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