41,709 research outputs found

    Community-Based Exercise Education During Colder Months

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    Approximately 50% of US adults and 75% of US high school students don\u27t meet recommended weekly physical activity guidelines, and physical activity declines further during colder seasons. Resources describing local suggestions for physical activity should be made broadly available to community members, such as at their primary health care office.https://scholarworks.uvm.edu/fmclerk/1514/thumbnail.jp

    Numerical Models of Spin-Orbital Coupling in Neutron Star Binaries

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    We present a new numerical scheme for solving the initial value problem for quasiequilibrium binary neutron stars allowing for arbitrary spins. We construct sequences of circular-orbit binaries of varying separation, keeping the rest mass and circulation constant along each sequence. The spin angular frequency of the stars is shown to vary along the sequence, a result that can be derived analytically in the PPN limit. This spin effect, in addition to leaving an imprint on the gravitational waveform emitted during binary inspiral, is measurable in the electromagnetic signal if one of the stars is a pulsar visible from Earth.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of the "X Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity" in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 20-26 (2003

    Maryland Mechanics\u27 Lien Law - Its Scope and Effect

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    Impact of Rotation on Quark-Hadron Hybrid Stars

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    Many recent observations give restrictions to the equation of state (EOS) for high-density matter. Theoretical studies are needed to try to elucidate these EOSs at high density and/or temperature. With the many known rapidly rotating neutron stars, e.g., pulsars, several theoretical studies have tried to take into account the effects of rotation. In our study of these systems, we find that one of our EOSs is consistent with recent observation, whereas the other is inconsistent.Comment: Quarks and Compact Stars 201

    What Do We Really Know About Cosmic Acceleration?

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    Essentially all of our knowledge of the acceleration history of the Universe - including the acceleration itself - is predicated upon the validity of general relativity. Without recourse to this assumption, we use SNeIa to analyze the expansion history and find (i) very strong (5 sigma) evidence for a period of acceleration, (ii) strong evidence that the acceleration has not been constant, (iii) evidence for an earlier period of deceleration and (iv) only weak evidence that the Universe has not been decelerating since z~0.3.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Critical Temperature for α\alpha-Particle Condensation within a Momentum Projected Mean Field Approach

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    Alpha-particle (quartet) condensation in homogeneous spin-isospin symmetric nuclear matter is investigated. The usual Thouless criterion for the critical temperature is extended to the quartet case. The in-medium four-body problem is strongly simplified by the use of a momentum projected mean field ansatz for the quartet. The self-consistent single particle wave functions are shown and discussed for various values of the density at the critical temperature
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