35 research outputs found

    Comparison of the face alignment using LK, LK+NN and our methods on real images.

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    <p>(a) Template with annotated landmarks. (b) Target image with initial shape parameter. (c) The results of Lucas-Kanade method. (d) The results of LK method with the nearest neighbor search. (e) The results of our method, which is Lucas-Kanade method with KPP search (<i>K</i> = 4).</p

    The cumulative RMSE curves with different initial parameters by four methods: Ours (LK+4-PP), LK+BBP, LK+NN and LK.

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    <p>(a) The results with initial Gaussian noise <i>N</i>(0, 10). (b) The results with initial rotated <i>N</i>(0, 5) degrees and randomly perturbed by Gaussian noise <i>N</i>(15, 10). (c) The results with initial rotated <i>N</i>(0, 10) degrees and randomly perturbed by Gaussian noise <i>N</i>(10, 10).</p

    Local matching results.

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    <p>(a) The template image and landmarks. (b) The patch representation of (a). A 9 × 9 patch is set around each landmark. (c) The target image with initial landmark. (d) The local matching results by NN. (e) The local matching results by 1-PP (KPP, K = 1). (f) The local matching results by 5-PP (KPP, K = 5). The size of the circle presents the weight value.</p

    Local matching search results of different methods including the nearest neighbor (NN) method, 1-PP (BBP), 2-PP, 4-PP and 6-PP method.

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    <p>(a) and (b) show the average matching numbers when the initial location of landmarks are rotated 5 degrees and randomly perturbed by Gaussian noise <i>N</i>(15, 10), and rotated 10 degrees and randomly perturbed by Gaussian noise <i>N</i>(10, 10), respectively. (c) and (d) are the cumulative RMSE curves with corresponding initial locations of (a) and (b). The x-axis denotes the RMSE threshold and y-axis denotes the percentage of test images which are less than each threshold. The solid curves are the K-PP results without weight or the weights are equal to 1. The dashed curves are the K-PP results with weights.</p

    The combined deformations by three methods.

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    <p>(A) Diffeomorphic Demons. (B) Symmetric-log-Demons. (C) our method. (D) Symmetric-log-Demons in 10 times magnification. (E) Our method in 10 times magnification.</p

    Cross-sectional views of data and registration results by three methods.

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    <p>(A) Cross-sectional views of moving image. (B) Cross-sectional views of fixed image. (C) Cross-sectional views of the result of Diffeomorphic Demons. (D) Cross-sectional views of the result of Symmetric-log-Demons. (E) Cross-sectional views of the result of our method.</p

    Dice ratios of 56 ROIs by three methods.

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    <p>(A) Dice ratios from 1st to 28th ROIs. (B) Dice ratios from 29th to 56th ROIs.</p