1 research outputs found
Noninvasive Assessment of Kidney Injury by Combining Structure and Function Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is seriously
limited in kidney injury detection due to the nephrotoxicity of clinically
used gadolinium-based contrast agents. Herein, we propose a noninvasive
method for the assessment of kidney injury by combining structure
and function information based on manganese (Mn)-enhanced MRI for
the first time. As a proof of concept, the Mn-melanin nanoprobe with
good biocompatibility and excellent T1 relaxivity is applied in MRI
of a unilateral ureteral obstruction mice model. The abundant renal
structure and function information is obtained through qualitative
and quantitative analysis of MR images, and a brand new comprehensive
assessment framework is proposed to precisely identify the degree
of kidney injury successfully. Our study demonstrates that Mn-enhanced
MRI is a promising approach for the highly sensitive and biosafe assessment
of kidney injury in vivo