337 research outputs found


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    KH. M. Hashim Asy'ari views that as an educator must have the attitude mura>qabah, khauf, wara> ', tawa>dlu' and reverent to God. And does not make the science as a ladder to reach worldly advantages, also has a self-awareness as an educator, this means that educators must be able to be an example (uswah) and must have a passion to develop scientific spirit. Similarly, learners should be knowledgeable of knowledge and it is also true, that means having the attitude that corresponds to the value of education rules or ethics in Islam. As for the more specific concept of ethics that must be possessed by a learner is in the form of spiritual ethics also physical. Imperfection is a reality that is inherent in human beings, as well as on the analysis of the concept of KH. M. Hasyim is. Therefore, the concept and the analysis still needs to be discussed with the reality, be re-examined in some descriptions that are not relevant values of concern to observers and researchers of Islamic ethics education


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    Anemia merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab Angka Kematian Ibu karena mengakibatkan perdarahan pada ibu hamil. Selama ini penanggulangan anemia dilakukan saat seseorang hamil, bukan sebelum hamil. Remaja putri merupakan kelompok yang sangat rawan terkena anemia defisiensi besi. Faktor utama penyebab anemia ini adalah kurangnya asupan zat besi dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku makan remaja putri dalam pencegahan anemia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah remaja yang pernah mengalami anemia. Pengambilan sampel dengan total population sebanyak 52 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar memiliki perilaku makan yang buruk (69,2%), remaja akhir 17-19 tahun (46,2%), pendidikan rendah (51,9%), pendapatan keluarga rendah (57,7%),jumlah anggota keluarga kecil dan besar sama (50%), memiliki riwayat penyakit (46,2%), status gizi normal (61,5%), pengetahuan anemia buruk (59,6%), sikap pencegahan anemia baik (51,9%), persepsi citra diri positif (55,8%), paparan informasi baik (73,1%), akses pelayanan kesehatan baik (84,6%), mendapat dukungan ibu (51,9%), tidak mendapat dukungan teman (53,8%), dukungan petugas kesehatan (61,5%). Hasil uji chi square menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara pendidikan (p=0,026), pendapatan keluarga (p=0,049), riwayat penyakit (p=0,022), pengetahuan (p=0,016), dukungan ibu (p=0,026) dengan perilaku makan dalam mencegah anemia. Sedangkan variabel umur(p=0,303), jumlah anggota keluarga (p=0,229), status gizi (p=0,476), sikap (0,677), persepsi citra diri (p=0,245), paparan media (0,346), akses pelayanan kesehatan (p=0,472), dukungan teman (p=0,817), dan dukungan petugas (p=0,924) tidak berhubungan dengan perilaku makan dalam pencegahan anemia. Disarankan kepada remaja putri untuk memperbaiki perilaku makan untuk mencegah anemia Kata Kunci: Kata kunci : Perilaku Makan, Remaja Putri, Pencegahan, Anemi

    Violent Behavior in Football (Social Phenomenon in the Fooball-Surabaya Bonek Supporters)

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    Football supporters act in Surabaya is another famous than football supporters act in other areas, moreover a group of teenagers who call themselves Bonek Supporters (bondo nekat). Talking about Bonek Supporters certainly can not be separated from the city of Surabaya, Surabaya has a point of psychological equation sub-culture that is temperamental and expressive. Such mental attitude allows Bonek supporters to do deviant acts, leding to violent. Observing the behavior of violent phenomenon in football all this time, we should be worried because it seems that violent behavior including in football seemed like it has become a culture in this country. All problems solved with violen, as violent is a best solution to solve various problems. The question is, do we will let the violent become culture in this country? We agreed that violet is not our culture. As clture is the result of creativity, sense and intention of the high value and benefit to the community. Keywords: Violent Behavior, Social Phenomenon, Bonek Supporter

    Pelatihan Pemahaman Ekonomi Syariah untuk Masyarakat Desa Pomahan

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    The training activities were carried out in pomahan village, targeting the community of housewives weekly studi. Training activities are carried out with the aim of providing understanding to society regarding the benefits and importance of sharia economics which is carried out not only solely on profit, but economic activity can continue to grow in the future with paying attention to  and implementing Islamic economics as a supporting factor. The training is customized with the problems and needs faced by  the community in pomahan village. Examination method the activity consists of two stages. The first stage is the preparation of materials and  permits and the second stage is the stage the implementation of the progam in the form of training includes presentation and discussion. Results and outputs after activities training is carried out, namely first, the community experiences an increased understanding of science sharia economy. With the implementation of this progam, there will be an improvement in the order of community values in economic sector, especially sharia economic


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    ABSTRACT The connection of nature with literary works raises concepts about ecological problems in literature among literary critics. Many environmental problems that occur at this time. Through poetry, fairy tales and other literary works, the writers mention this in their works. Ecocritic has a basic paradigm that every object can be seen in ecological networks, and ecology can be a helpful science in this critical approach. Environmental insight can be obtained through a literary work. Some writers in Indonesia make nature and the environment a prominent part of their works. In addition to literary works such as poetry and novels, fairy tales have first explored nature. In fairy tales, nature is described as the place of life of the characters. That way, fairy tales indirectly invite the audience to come into contact with environmental insights that need to be studied and applied in everyday life. Keywords: environmental insight ; ecocritic; fairy tale; literary studie

    Pendampingan Pembentukan Majelis Taklim Jama’ah Masjid Baitul Muttaqin di Desa Pomahan Kecamatan Pulung Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tahapan pelaksanaan pendampingan dan pembentukan kegiatan majelis taklim jama’ah Masjid Baitul Muttaqin di Desa Pomahan, Kecamatan Pulung, Kabupaten Ponorogo serta apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pelaksanaan menggunakan metode ABCD. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan objek penelitiannya adalah Masyarakat Desa Pomahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Tahap pendampingan dan pembentukan majelis taklim dilakukan dengan tahap pemaparan masalah, analisis masalah, penentuan tujuan dan sasaran, perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. 2) Keterlibatan masyarakat sebagai sumber daya manusia merupakan potensi untuk mencapai tujuan dari masyarakat, oleh masyarakat, dan untuk masyarakat. 3) Kegiatan majelis taklim memiliki aspek keagamaan, aspek pendidikan, aspek sosial, dan aspek budaya. 4) Pendampingan pembentukan majelis taklim bertujuan mencegah permasalahan internal serta masalah di masyarakat. 5) Faktor pendukung yaitu semangat dari jama’ah, dana untuk pengadaan kitab, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, adanya remaja mushola, khwah Islamiyah, program yang inovatif. 6) Faktor penghambat yaitu waktu yang singkat dan adanya kegiatan yang bersamaan oleh pemateri. Signifikansi atau manfaat penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas keagamaan Masyarakat Desa Pomahan yang dilakukan melalui pembentukan serta pendampingan kegiatan keagamaan Majelis Takli

    Pendampingan Strategi Digital Marketing untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Produk Semprong Mawar Cemal Cemil Echo di Desa Pomahan

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    Pomahan is one of the villages in Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province which has the potential for various Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), especially entrepreneurs and home industries. This business has become the livelihood of the people in Pomahan Village, Pulung District, Ponorogo Regency. In Pomahan Village itself there are many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) who innovate in opening their businesses but are lacking in maximizing the potential of social media as one of their markets, especially in the "Semprong Mawar Cemal Cemil Echo" MSMEs. These MSMEs in using the brand are also not optimal, even though they have been around for a long time, besides that they also pay less attention to the use of social media to promote their business, so that there are only a few regular customers, and product marketing is not yet widespread. Therefore, the people around Ponorogo City, especially in Pomahan Village, do not have many MSME products and brands that are known by the villagers. Departing from the problems that occurred in Pomahan Village, digital marketing strategy assistance was held to increase sales figures and expand the marketing of MSME products in Pomahan Village as a solution for MSME players who are still having difficulties. This assistance method uses the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach which is carried out door-to-door at each MSME actor's house and is carried out in three stages, namely: 1) the planning stage, 2) the socialization stage, and 3) the implementation stage of the mentoring . The result of this assistance is that MSME actors are assisted in developing their competitiveness by using digital media Instagram and marketplace Shopee as marketing media in order to increase sales figures and expand marketing of the "Semprong Mawar Cemal Cemil Echo" product

    Pendampingan Pembuatan Alat Peraga Edukatif Untuk Media Pembelajaran Guru SD

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    The article discussed the process of rendering educational (ape) infant (grade 1) AIDS to an abcd approach. The main focus of this article is the process of referring-phase taken at secondary school, pomahan village, pomahan district. As a companion, researchers conducted the identification of the obstacles and needs faced by elementary pomahan. The method used is the abcd method for which this approach is based on the assets, strength and potential found in ll pomahan primary school. The goal of this chaperone is to help class 1 teacher teacher especially to make it easier to teach and to teach well and qualified according to the needs of the education unit. Literacy fundamentals as life skills of them are read-write literacy and numerical literacy. This capability needs to be developed since early childhood.It is hoped that in the implementation of the introduction of literacy, teachers of early childhood education capable of designing in accordance with the peculiarities of their experiences in the education of their children. Teachers required to be creative in making education toys as the tools to introduce literacy. Activities devotion is intended to give assistance in the context of assisting teachers in improving creativity in the manufacture of APE for the introduction of literacy. Three strategies in devotion to conducting, the implementation of devotion in theoretical strategy, practice, and assisted by each. The result of this chaperone is that teachers can make educational (ape) displays of alphabets that can be used to develop the child's introduction and understanding of letters of the alphabet. The conclusion of this introduction is to know and understand the letters of the alphabet receive a very positive response from the teacher, ape knowing and understanding the letters of the alphabet is done together and participants can follow them carefull

    Pendampingan Sertifikasi Halal Produk UMKM di Desa Pomahan Kecamatan Pulung Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    This study aims to analyze a strategy for supporting halal certification among SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) with a focus on increasing product sales. The approach of Digital Transformation ABCD is employed within the framework of qualitative methodology to evaluate SMEs in the context of halal certification. Within the ABCD approach, this research investigates how SMEs facilitate access to information, convey the value of halal products, engage with the community, and integrate halal information. The results of this study provide practical guidance for SMEs in the process of halal certification support. The objective is to enhance consumer trust and stimulate business growth for SMEs within the context of halal certification. It is expected that these findings will aid SMEs in understanding the necessary steps to obtain halal certification and effectively communicate about it to consumers through their digital platforms. In conclusion, an approach that supports halal certification with a focus on the values of halal and effective communication has the potential to assist SMEs in building consumer confidence and thriving in the market associated with halal certification

    Pendampingan Pengolahan Limbah Kotoran Kelinci di Desa Pomahan

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    The purpose of this research is to increase the desire of the community in pomahan village to utilize rabbit solid and liquid manure as fertilizer on plants cultivated in the community. the result of this service is that proper handling is needed to overcome the waste problem. This method uses qualitative with an ABCD (Asset based community devlovmen) approach that emphasizes empowerment, understanding of the potential and challenges possessed to improve the quality of individuals and groups of objects of this service to the community, especially rabbit livestock with the implementation of a community service program in order to utilize rabbit waste solid and liquid organic fertilizer derived from rabbit droppings. the use of rabbit droppings can be as solid and liquid organic fertilizer can provide additional knowledge for rabbit breeders. Rabbit farmers also get information about the quality of rabbit manure waste and mixed waste and their impact on the fertility of agricultural land. the conclusion of this service is that rabbit manure waste can be reprocessed and used as organic fertilizer so that it is environmentally friendly and does not cause odors in the community
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