214 research outputs found
Menciptakan Pembelajaran yang Efektif dan Berkualitas
Abstrak: Pembelajaran yang efektif dapat didefinisikan sebagai pembelajaran yang berhasil mencapai tujuan belajar peserta didik sebagaimana yang diharapkan oleh guru . Model pembelajaran efektif, mencakup empat hal pokok, yaitu: 1) kualitas pembelajaran, 2) tingkat pembelajaran yang memadai, 3) ganjaran dan 4) waktu. Sedangkan, kualitas pembelajaran merujuk pada aktivitas-aktivitas yang dirancang dan tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan pembelajar dan peserta didik, termasuk di dalamnya bahan-bahan atau pengalaman belajar (kurikulum) serta media yang kita gunakan.Abstract: Effective learning can be defined as learning that successfully reaches the learning goals of students as expected by the teacher. Effective learning models, including four main things, namely: 1) the quality of learning, 2) adequate learning levels, 3) rewards and 4) time. Whereas, the quality of learning refers to activities designed and the actions carried out by learners and students, including materials or learning experiences (curriculum) and the media that we use
Effect of Feedback Strategy and Motivation of Achievement to Improving Learning Results Concept in Learning Civic Education in Vocational High School
This study aims to examine the effect of feedback strategies on understanding and applying the concept of National ideology to students who have different achievement motivation, on learning Citizenship Education in vocational high schools. This research uses quasi experiment research design (Quasi Experiment). The subjects of this study were 133 vocational high school students. The research instrument used the achievement motivation questionnaires and test appraisal tools of understanding and application of the concept. Research data were analyzed using MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) method with 2x2factorial. The results reveal three findings, namely: (1) there are differences in posttest score of understanding and application of concepts between groups of direct and indirect feedback strategies; (2) there is difference of posttest score of understanding and application of concept between high and low achievement motivation group: (3) interaction between feedback strategy with achievement motivation does not influence simultaneously to understanding and application of concept
The Influence of Cognitive Loads (Low and High) of Multimedia in Direct Learning and Leraning Style to the Results of Reading Comprehension for the Second Grade of Senoir High School Students
This study aims to analyze (1) the differences in learning result between groups of learners who are taught using low and high cognitive loaded multimedia in direct learning; (2) the differences in learning result among learners who have visual, auditory and kinesthetic styles; and (3) the interaction of cognitive load (low and high) usage in direct learning and learning styles to reading comprehension learning result.This study uses quasi experiments with factorial design (2x3) involving two groups of subjects, taking into account the moderator variables that may influence experiments on the results obtained. The study subjects were chosen randomly and then predicated. Two select subject groups received different treatment, group 1, were taught using low cognitive loaded and group 2 multimedia, were taught using high cognitive loaded multimedia. Both hypotheses were tested using a two-lane variance analysis technique (ANOVA). All statistical analyzes used the SPSS 20.0 statistical program and all null hypothesis testing was performed at a significance level of 5%.The results showed that: (1) there was a difference in learning result among high school class XI students, between groups of learners who were taught using low cognitive and low cognitive loaded multimedia in direct learning. Learning groups using low-cognitive burdened multimedia provide higher learning result than learning groups that are taught using high cognitive-loaded multimedia (2) there is a difference in learning result among high school class XI students, between learners' groups who have visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles; and (3) there is interaction of cognitive (low & high) cognitive load usage in direct learning and learning style to learning comprehension result of the second grade of senior high school students class.Based on the research findings, some suggestions are given to the learner: (a) the learner should carefully design the lesson and develop guidelines at each stage of the learning process; (b) the learner should be advised to learn the teaching materials and the student’s worksheet before the learning process to explore the initial idea. For further research, it is hoped that there will be classroom action research to get the quality of process of learning based on technology and media more optimally, so it can be depicted the effectiveness level of certain cognitive loaded multimedia usage in direct learning. Keywords: multimedia cognitive load, direct learning, learning style, reading comprehension, reading result
Pengaruh Flipped Classroom Beraktivitas Gamifikasi Tradisional Terhadap Self Regulated Learning Pada Pembelajaran Pemrograman Visual
 Learning visual programming requires a strategy that is effective and motivates students. Flipped classroom with gamification activities can be a solution to this problem. Gamification is characterized by the use of game elements in a non-game context that aims to engage and motivate students. The implementation of gamification in this study was done traditionally. In order for learning in the classroom to focus on gamification activities in a traditional way, an activity before entering the classroom is needed in the form of an activity to review learning materials called a flipped classroom. In flipped classroom, students must have self-regulated learning skills in order to achieve academic success. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain the difference in self-regulated learning between flipped classroom with gamification activities and flipped classroom without gamification. This research is a quasi-experimental quantitative research. The results showed that there is a difference in self-regulated learning between flipped classroom learning with gamification activities and flipped classroom learning without gamification. Other findings showed that gamified flipped classroom learning received positive responses from students. Therefore, learning using flipped classroom with gamification activities can be applied in visual programming learning, especially to generate student learning motivation.AbstrakDalam pembelajaran pemrograman visual diperlukan sebuah strategi yang efektif serta membangkitkan motivasi belajar siswa. Flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dapat dijadikan solusi dalam permasalahan tersebut. Gamifikasi ditandai dengan penggunaan unsur-unsur permainan dalam konteks yang bukan permainan yang bertujuan untuk melibatkan dan memotivasi siswa. Penerapan gamifikasi dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara tradisional. Agar pembelajaran di dalam kelas berfokus pada kegiatan gemifikasi secara tradisional, diperlukan kegiatan sebelum memasuki kelas berupa aktivitas meninjau materi pembelajaran yang disebut flipped classroom. Dalam flipped classroom siswa harus memiliki keterampilan self regulated learning agar mencapai keberhasilan akademik. Oleh sebab itu tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan perbedaan self regulated learning antara flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dengan flipped classroom tanpa gamifikasi. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif kuasi eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan self regulated learning antara pembelajaran flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dengan pembelajaran flipped classroom tanpa gamifikasi. Temuan lain menunjukkan pembelajaran gamified flipped classroom mendapat respon yang positif dari mahasiswa. Oleh sebab itu pembelajaran dengan menggunakan flipped classroom beraktivitas gamifikasi dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran pemrograman visual khususnya untuk membangkitkan motivasi belajar siswa
The Development Of Eglish Instructional Design Social Learning Network (SLN)-Based Using Auction (Interestedbased Negotiation) Strategy
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to create an English instructional design social learning network (SLN)-based platform Edmodo using Auction (interested based negotiation) strategy. It can be one of the creative solutions to overcome a limited time in English learning process in a lesson plan package. The method of developing is used in this research is Lee & Owen (2004). The 5 development steps are as follow : 1) analysis; 2) design; 3) development; 4) implementation; 5) evaluation. The product was evaluated by the experts which is the average is 89,3% and 24 students from Indonesian Air Force Abd Saleh Language School Malang is 89,8%. In conclusion, the product is completely valid and could be implemented in learning proses
Pengembangan Sistem Sumber Belajar Terbuka Melalui E-Gudep Pada Latihan Pramuka Di SMKN 4 Bojonegoro
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is a digital revolution where the development of technology and information has integrated into people’s lives today, especially in the field of education. The biggest challenge today is technology optimization in a bold-based learning process that suits Z’s generation. Scout non-formal education at SMKN 4 Bojonegoro is one of the fields that implements a courage-based learning process. Although it is rich in activities and materials, it has not been implemented optimally. Based on the explanation above, this development aims to develop an open learning system through a website-based e-gudep that is suitable for use in scout training and the management of the scout organization at SMKN 4 Bojonegoro. The method used to develop this system is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) method, which stage include planning, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. The result of the development is an open learning product system through website-based e-gudep which is implemented on the organization’s official website domain. Based on the results of the product feasibility test, it has been tested on sustem experts, material experts, and field trials are carried out on students, showing that the open learning system through e-gudep gets positive responses and is feasible to use. So it can be denied that the existence of an open-source learning system through e-gudep can facilitate and complement the needs of the scout organization at SMKN 4 Bojonegoro.AbstrakEra revolusi industri 4.0 merupakan revolusi digital dimana perkembangan teknologi dan informasi telah menyatu dengan kehidupan masyarakat saat ini, khususnya di bidang pendidikan. Tantangan terbesar saat ini adalah pengoptimalan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran berbasis keberanian yang sesuai dengan karakteristik generasi Z. Pendidikan pramuka nonformal di SMKN 4 Bojonegoro merupakan salah satu bidang yang melaksanakan proses pembelajaran berbasis keberanian. Meskipun kaya akan kegiatan dan materi, namun belum dilaksanakan secara maksimal. Berdasarkan paparan diatas, pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem sumber belajar terbuka melalui situs web berbasis e-gudep yang layak digunakan pada latihan pramuka dan pengelolaan organisasi pramuka SMKN 4 Bojonegoro. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan sistem ini adalah metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle ) yang tahapannya meliputi perencanaan, analisis, desain, implementasi, dan pemeliharaan . Hasil pengembangan berupa sistem sumber belajar terbuka melalui e-gudep berbasis situs web yang diimplementasikan pada situs web domain resmi organisasi. Berdasarkan uji bahwa produk telah diujikan, ahli materi dan uji coba lapangan kepada siswa, menunjukkan sistem sumber belajar terbuka melalui e-gudep mendapatkan tanggapan positif dan layak digunakan. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa dengan adanya sistem sumber belajar terbuka melalui e-gudep dapat mempermudah dan melengkapi kebutuhan organisasi pramuka SMKN 4 Bojonegoro.
Pengembangan Virtual Classroom Berbasis Web Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Untuk Siswa Kelas VII
Web Learning-based Virtual Classroom is a complement and a new learning medium for 8th graders at SMP Negeri 1 Pakis in English Subjects, the subject matter is We got a lot of Histories. Web Learning-based Virtual Classroom is a learning medium that involves student and teacher interactions online that students can use to learn independently. Web Learning-based Virtual Classroom has a how-to guide and has many features that make it easier for students to use it. The purpose of this development is to produce a learning media, and to find out the feasibility of the learning media being developed. The development model used is the Lee & Owens model. Responses were obtained from Media and Material Experts, the development of a Web Learning-based Virtual Classroom for English Subjects received a positive response by material experts and media experts and was suitable for use by students.AbstrakVirtual Classroom berbasis Web Learning menjadi pelengkap dan sebuah media belajar baru bagi siswa kelas 8 di SMP Negeri 1 Pakis dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris materi We got a lot of Histories. Virtual Classroom berbasis Web Learning adalah media pembelajaran yang melibatkan interaksi siswa dan guru secara online digunakan siswa belajar secara mandiri. Virtual Classroom berbasis Web Learning memiliki panduan cara penggunaan dan punya banyak fitur yang memudahkan siswa saat menggunakannya. Tujuan Pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan sebuah media pembelajaran, serta mengetahui kelayakan dari media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model Lee & Owens. Tanggapan diperoleh dari Ahli Media dan Ahli Materi, pengembangan Virtual Classroom berbasis Web Learning untuk Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris mendapatkan respon positif oleh ahli materi dan ahli media serta layak digunakan oleh siswa
Abstrak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas model team games tournament dalam pembelajaran Hizbul Wathan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dalam menentukan subjek penelitian serta teknik triangulasi sumber dalam menguji keabsahan data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran TGT efektif dalam peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa SD Muhammadiyah 1 kota Malang. Siswa memiliki motivasi belajar yang tinggi, dibuktikan dengan antusiasme yang tinggi dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran serta pengembangan ketrampilan sosial pendapat forum, koordinadi kelompok, kerjasama mengatur kelompok.Abstract:Â The study aims to determine the effectiveness of the team games tournament model in Hizbul Wathan learning to increase student learning motivation. The type of research is qualitative descriptive, with data collection methods in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation, using purposive sampling techniques in determining research subjects and source triangulation techniques in testing the validity of data. The result of this study is that the TGT learning model is effective in increasing the learning motivation of students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. Students have high motivation to learn, as evidenced by high enthusiasm and active participation in the learning process as well as the development of social skills of forum opinions, group coordination, and cooperation in organizing groups
Efektivitas Penggunaan Game Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Hukum Bacaan Tanwin Siswa Kelas VII SMP
Game based learning is a form of interactive multimedia that is used to motivate students in learning. This research seeks to improve student learning outcomes in material on the law of reading nun breadfruit/tanwin through interactive multimedia in the form of games. The purpose of this research is to produce a game product with sub-material reading law of Nun Sukun/Tanwin, one of the learning resources in junior high schools that is effective and has a high level of interest so that students are motivated in learning. This study uses the Lee and Owens development model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Based on the results of trials by media experts and valid material as games for learning and suitable for learning. The hypothesis test showed that there was an average difference between the pretest and posttest scores. The test of increasing student learning outcomes seen from the N-Gain Score of 0.5 is included in the medium category.AbstrakGame based learning  adalah salah satu bentuk multimedia interaktif yang digunakan untuk memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi hukum bacaan nun sukun/tanwin melalui multimedia interaktif berbentuk game. Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah produk game dengan sub materi hukum bacaan Nun Sukun/Tanwin salah satu sumber belajar di SMP yang  efektif serta memiliki tingkat kemenarikan yang tinggi agar siswa termotivasi dalam belajarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Lee dan Owens yaitu analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, serta evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba ahli media dan materi valid sebagai game untuk belajar dan layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan ada perbedaan rata-rata antara skor pretest dan posttest. Uji peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dilihat dari N-Gain Score 0,5 termasuk dalam kategori sedan
Pengembangan Storytelling Untuk Pengenalan Pemrograman Sederhana Dengan Pendekatan Object Oriented Programming Di Sekolah Dasar
Abstract and complex material about an introduction to programming if it is based on writing computer programs will be very difficult to understand if it is directly given to elementary school students. The development of the storytelling method with an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach for an introduction to simple programming becomes relevant. The OOP approach for an introduction to simple programming in elementary school will lead students to understand programming logic. The stages in developing it include analysis, design and development. The results of the trial show that the media experts gave very appropriate responses to be used, as well as the Material Experts I and II. This can be interpreted that development is very feasible to be tested in the field to get student responses.AbstrakMateri abstrak dan kompleks tentang pengenalan pemrograman jika berbasis penulisan program komputer akan sangat sulit dipahami jika langsung diberikan kepada siswa sekolah dasar. Pengembangan metode storytelling dengan pendekatan Object Oriented Programming (OOP) untuk pengenalan pemrograman sederhana menjadi relevan diterapkan. Pendekatan OOP untuk pengenalan pemrograman sederhana di sekolah dasar akan mengantarkan peserta didik dalam memahami logika pemrograman. Tahapan dalam mengembangkannya meliputi analisis, desain dan pengembangan. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa ahli media memberi tanggapan sangat layak untuk dimanfaatkan, begitupula dengan Ahli Materi I dan II. Hal ini bisa dimaknai bahwa pengembangan sangat layak untuk diujicobakan di lapangan untuk memperoleh tanggapan siswa
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