92 research outputs found

    Soil P Availability in Neutral and Alkaline Soils

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    The availability of soil P for plant growth depends on equilibrium reaction between several P forms in the soils, such as soil soluble, labile, non-labile, as well as organic P. The research that aimed to study soil P availability, form, and sorption, as well as soil properties that affect on P availability in neutral and alkaline soils was conducted in Soil Testing Laboratory, Indonesian Soil Research Institute using 91 topsoil samples (0-20 cm) which have pH neutral-alkaline taken from Java. The samplesconsisted of Inceptisols (13 samples), Vertisols (47 samples), and Alfisols (31 samples). Soil properties analyzed were soil pH H2O (1:5), clay content (pipette), organic-C (Kjeldahl), exch. Ca and Mg (NH4OAc 1 N pH=7), exch. Al (KCl 1 N), and P (HCl 25%, Olsen, and Bray I). Soil P fractionation and sorption were determined using Kuo (1996) and Fox and Kamprath (1970) procedures respectively. The result showed that according to HCl 25%, Olsen, and Bray I extractions, the availability of soil P among the soils was in order of Inceptisols > Vertisols > Alfisols. Whereas the soil P forms in tested soils was in order of residual-P > Ca-P > (Fe+Al)-P > organic-P. Buffering capacity, maximum sorption, as well as bonding energy constant of soil P was in order of Inceptisols > Vertisols > Alfisols. Furthermore, soil properties that effected significantly on the variables of soil P availability were soil clay content, organic-C, and exch. Mg in Inceptisols; clay content and organic-C in Vertisols; as well aspH, clay content, and exch. Ca in Alfisols

    Temporal and Seasonal Variation of Sediment Movement in the Terraced Paddy Fields System

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    Temporal and seasonal variation of sediment movement in terraced paddy fields has been studied at Keji Village, in Semarang District for the Wet Season 2003-04 and the Dry Season 2004. Twelve terraced paddy fields with different number and size of terraces were used in this research,corresponding to four treatments and three replications. Terraces were flat, different in size, and descending to the river. The objective was to study the temporal and seasonal variations of sediment movement during rice growth in the wet season and the dry season. Measurements were conducted in the four treatments being tested including Farmer Practices, Farmer Practices + Rice Straw, Improved Technology, and Improved Technology + Rice Straw. Sampling and measuring of irrigation water discharge and suspended sediment were carried out at puddling, before planting, vegetative stage, and at generative stage. The highest temporal discharge as well as sediment concentration of irrigation water and suspended sediment both in wet and dry seasons were observed at the puddling stage and significantly different with the following rice growth stages. In contrast, the lowest temporal discharge and sediment concentration were found at the vegetative stage. Seasonal discharge and sediment concentration of irrigation water and suspended sediment in wet season were higher than in dry season. The highest incoming and outgoing sediments both in wet and dry season were observed at the vegetative stage and significantly different at generative stage, planting and puddling. The amount of seasonal incoming sediment were 4,422 ± 361 and 1,779 ± 126 kg ha-1 and the outgoing sediment were 3,345 ± 258 and 1,400 ± 113 kg ha-1 for the wet season 2003-04 and dry season 2004, respectively. The surplus of incoming sediment by outgoing sediment demonstrates the environmental services provided by terraced paddy fields system

    Kualitas Buah Tomat Pada Pertanaman Dengan Mulsa Plastik Berbeda

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    . Setyorini, D., D. Indradewa, and E. Sulistyaningsih. 2009. Fruit Quality of Tomato Planted inDifferent Plastic Mulch. Environment conditions is one of important factor that may affect plant growth. Modificationof environment conditions will not only affect plant growth, but also fruit quality. This study was carried out in TheExperimental Garden and Horticultural Laboratory of College of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. The experimentwas set up in a randomize block design with 5 levels of treatments (plastic mulch color) and 4 replications. Parameterobserved were fruit number per plant, damaged fruit per plot, fruit weight, diameter and length of fruit, fruit firmness,coefficient of fruit ripening, total soluble solid, vitamin C, and dominant acid. The results showed that the color ofplastic mulch had a specific effect on tomatoes fruit quality parameter. The use of red plastic mulch reduce thepercentage of damage fruits but decreased the coefficient of fruit ripening. The blue plastic mulch had a significanteffect on increase fruit firmnes. Meanwhile, the silvery black plastic mulch could increase the dominant acid contentthat was suitable for growing processing tomatoes

    The Decrease of Anxiety in Secsio Sesaria Mother with "Sayang Bunda" Model

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    Introduction: Mother with secsio sesaria will find an problem, both a physical and psychological problems. A psychological problem that often happen in mother with secsio sesaria is an Anxiety problem. The aimed of this study was to know the effectiveness of "SAYANG BUNDA" in reducing the anxiety of seccio caesaria mother. Method: Quasy Experimental Pretest-Postest with contol group design was used in this study. The population in this study was mother with electif sectio sesaria who pregnant examinated in Darmo Hospital, William Both Hospital, Suwandi Hospital, Bunda Hospital and Darus Syifa' Hospital of Surabaya. Total sample was 60 people divided into 30 of intervention group and 30 of control. The samples was taken by Quota sampling. The effectiveness of "SAYANG BUNDA" to decrease anxiety was analyzed by using t test (independent samples t-test). Result: The Results of homogeneity test found that between control and intervention groups were homogeneous (p ≥ 0.05). The results of this study indicate that there were signi fi cant differences on anxiety between control and intervention group (p = 0.00), the control group had an average higher anxiety than the intervention group after getting "SAYANG BUNDA". Similarly to the level of anxiety, anxiety levels decreased after getting "SAYANG BUNDA" (p = 0.018). Discussion: "SAYANG BUNDA" effective for reducing anxiety in women with secsio sesaria. The implication of this study is health education with "SAYANG BUNDA" can be applied to mothers with planned elective cesarean section at the time of antenatal education

    Kohesi Gramatikal dan Kohesi Leksikal dalam Cerita Anak Berjudul Buku Mini Dea Karya Watiek Ideo dan Yuli Rahmawati

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif. Adapun data dalam penelitian ini adalah data-data kualitatif berupa kata, frase, klausa, atau kalimat dalam bentuk kohesi leksikal dan gramatikal dalam cerpen Buku Mini Dea Karya Watiek Ideo dan Yuli Rahmawati. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah wacana cerpen Buku Mini Dea Karya Watiek Ideo dan Yuli Rahmawati. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik dokumentasi. Teknik pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisa kualitatif. Hasil dan pembahasan menunjukan bahwa cerpen yang berjudul Buku Mini Dea karya Watiek Ideo dan Yuli Rahmawati ditemukan adanya kohesi gramatikal dan kohesi leksikal. Kohesi gramatikal yang ditemukan adalah substitusi (penggantian), konjungsi subordinatif cara, konjungsi subordinatif sebab, referensi personal, referensi anafora, referensi demonstratif, konjungsi koordinatif, konjungsi subordinatif, konjungsi antar kalimat. Kohesi leksikal yang ditemukan adalah repetisi epistrofa dan antonim

    Pengaruh Pengolahan Tanah Sawah Bekas Padi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengolahan tanah pada beberapa varietas kedelai terhadap populasi gulma, pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan sawah tadah hujan di Kebun Percobaan Mojosari, Jawa Timur pada MK II 2012. Jenis tanah Regosol dengan ketinggian tempat 87 m diatas permukaan laut. Rancangan percobaan acak kelompok faktorial dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor I terdiri dari 4 varietas, yaitu : (1) Anjasmoro, (2) Argomulyo, (3) Burangrang, dan (4) Kaba. Faktor II terdiri dari 3 olah tanah, yaitu : (1) Tanpa Olah Tanah (TOT), (2) Olah Tanah Baris (OTB), (3) Olah Tanah Sempurna (OTS). Ukuran plot 5 m x 3 m dengan jarak tanam 40 cm antar baris dan 15 cm dalam baris dengan dua tanaman per lubang. Pupuk Ponska (300 kg/ha) diberikan sepanjang baris tanam. Analisis varian menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua peubah tidak dipengaruhi oleh interaksi varietas x sistim oleh tanah, kecuali jumlah cabang pada umur 30 dan 72 hari, dan jumlah biji per tanaman. Oleh karena semua peubah tidak dipengaruhi oleh sistim olah tanah, maka penanaman kedelai setelah padi sawah dapat dilakukan tanpa olah tanah terlebih dahulu. Tujuh dari 11 peubah yang diamati dipengaruhi oleh varietas, termasuk hasil dan bobot 100 biji. Varietas Anjasmoro dan Kaba memberikan hasil tertinggi (2,6 t/ha), sehingga kedua varietas tersebut dapat dianjurkan untuk wilayah/agroekologi yang serupa dengan lokasi penelitian

    Maize (Zea Mays, L.) Response on Fertilization of Russian MOP in Inceptisols and Ultisols

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    Indonesia\u27s agricultural lands commonly require fertilization of K to attain optimum plant yield. So far, most farmers use K fertilizer from KCl, apart to the fact that its effectiveness varies with soils and plants. It is expected that Russian MOP fertilizer is more effective and economically morebeneficial than KCl fertilizer. Field experiment aimed to test the effectiveness of Russian MOP for maize and was conducted in Inceptisols (of Cibatok-Bogor) and Ultisols (of Jagang-North Lampung) in dry season of 2004. The experiment applied Randomized Completely Block Design with 3 replicates, and maize of Lamuru variety was as plant indicator. The treatment consisted of 5 levels of Russian MOP fertilizer: 0, 25, 50, 100,and 200 kg ha-1 and one treatment of KCl fertilizer of 100 kg ha-1 as a reference. The result showed that the use of Russian MOP increased soil HCl-K and NH4OAc-K as well as dry matter and grain yield. RAE at Russian MOP level of > 100 kg ha-1 was 138 and 115 in Inceptisols of Cibatok and 314 in Ultisols of Jagang. The maximum profits using Russian MOP fertilizer in Inceptisols and Ultisols were Rp 4.4 and Rp 1.9 million ha-1 season-1, respectively, and were greater than those of using KCl fertilizer in both studied soils. IBCR values of the Russian MOP fertilizer were 2.44-10.37 (Inceptisols) and 0.69-3.41 (Ultisols) and were greater than those of KCl fertilizer. The requirements of Russian MOP fertilizer to achieve maximum profit were 119 and 105 kg ha-1 or equal to 71 and 63 kg K2O ha-1 for Inceptisols of Cibatok and Ultisols of Jagang, respectively. Considering its effectiveness and benefit, Russian MOP fertilizer can be used as alternative of K fertilization
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