12 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Website Di Warung Koperasi NasDem

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    Warung Koperasi NasDem memerlukan sekali adanya suatu sistem informasi yang menunjang dan memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan bagi para customer, penjualan dan pembelian Marchandise Warung Koperasi NasDem yang sampai saat ini belum terkomputerisasi. Pada saat ini Warung Koperasi NasDem hanya melakukan penjualan di media sosial instagram, whattsap, dan juga promosi penjualan masih dari pelanggan satu kepelanggan lainProses transaksi penjualan dan pembelian barang yang berjalan pada Warung Koperasi NasDem tersebut masih   menggunakan sistem manual mulai dari pendataan barang, proses transaksi, hingga  pembuatan laporan sehingga ditemukan beberapa ketidak efektifan sistem yang telah berjalan di Warung Koperasi NasDem, sehingga memungkinkan pada saat proses transaksi berlangsung terjadi kesalahan dalam pencatatan, kurang akuratnya laporan yang dibuat. Metode Prototype adalah metode yang digunakan pada Warung Koperasi NasDem dalam sistem informasi penjualan berbasis website. Perancangan sistem informasi dengan metode prototype menjadi  solusi yang terbaik untuk memecahkan permasalahan- permasalahan yang ada pada Warung Koperasi NasDem, seperti memperluas wilayah promosi dan mempermudah pelanggan untuk memesan produk.dengan adnya pernacangan sistem informasi dengan metode prototype menjadi lebi efektif dam efisisen dari pengadaan barang,proses transakasi hingga pembuatan laporan di Warung Koperasi NasDem.Sistem yang terkomputerisasi lebih baik dari sistem yang manual agar berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien serta sistem penjualan

    Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Berpikir Kritis Matematis Berbasis PjBL STEM Menggunakan Pendekatan Etnomatematika

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    Kemampuan berpikir kritis merupakan kemampuan yang harus dikuasai siswa dalam menjawab tantangan global abad 21. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen tes untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau kritis siswa berbasis PjBL STEM dengan pendekatan etnomatematika. Penelitian ini ialah penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan model Borg and Gall yang memuat enam tahapan yaitu mengumpulkan informasi, kemudian perencanaan, pengembangan, validasi ahli serta uji coba serta revisi produk. Subjek penelitian ini ialah siswa kelas VIII D SMP Negeri 2 Randublatung Kabupaten Blora. Instrumen yang dipakai ialah lembar instrumen tes dan lembar validasi. Menurut hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa (1) hasil validasi ahli untuk Instrumen tes ini yaitu 84,25% yang berkategori sangat baik. (2) keseluruhan butir pada Instrumen tes dikatakan valid dan reliabel. (3) Taraf kesukaran pada Instrumen tes bervariasi yaitu sulit dan mudah. (4) Daya pembeda pada Instrumen tes hampir keseluruhan berkategori sangat baik. Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa instrumen tes untuk mengukur keterampilan berpikir kritis matematis berbasis PjBL STEM dengan pendekatan etnomatematika pada materi teorema Pythagoras memenuhi kriteria layak dan valid

    Construct the Validity of STEM and Project-based Critical Thinking Skills Test Instruments Using the Rasch Model

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    Abstract. Students' critical thinking skills are very important abilities in the 21st century. To measure critical thinking skills, a valid and reliable instrument is needed. This article uses the Rasch model to construct an instrument for critical thinking skills on number pattern material whose learning uses STEM PjBL. The development method uses the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) stages. Data processing uses the Rasch model assisted by the Winstep program. The instrument was tested on 33 public junior high school students in Semarang. The research results include validity, namely the validity test by experts with an average percentage of 92.4% in the very valid category, the quality of the questions in the instrument reliability aspect is good, and the average critical thinking ability of students who use STEM-based and Project Based instruments Learning was 61.46, higher than other classes at 49.79. The critical thinking test instrument is based on STEM and the project needs to be further developed on other materials

    Program Hi-Link Perbaikan Teknologi Pengolahan Jagung di UD Annisa, Wonosobo

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    Pengembangan produk pangan berbasis jagung memiliki peluang yang menjanjikan, sehingga pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Wonosobo saat ini  menginisiasi program untuk pengembangan diversifikasi pangan berbasis jagung. Program ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan peran UKM pengolahan jagung sehingga semakin mantap berproduksi dengan adanya aneka macam varian produk.  Program Hi-Link ditujukan untuk penerapan teknologi pengolahan pangan berbasis jagung yang dibutuhkan oleh industri, terutama untuk menerapkan penggunaan kabinet pengering, ayakan getar (siever shaker) dan ekstruder untuk mencetak getas. Metode yang diterapkan adalah diseminasi informasi teknologi,  penerapan teknologi dan pelatihan dan penyediaan alat produksi untuk mendukung penerapan teknologi. Luaran program adalah alat dan mesin pengolahan pangan dari jagung untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi yaitu berupa pengering kabinet,  ayakan getar dan ekstruder serta perbaikan teknologi pengolahan getas.  Kegiatan Hi Link memberikan dampak positif pada meningkatnya kapasitas produksi beras jagung instan dari 150 menjadi 300 kg per bulan, tepung jagung dari 50 kg menjadi 200 kg per bulan dan getas dari 150 kg menjadi 400 kg per bulan.Â

    Sosialisasi dan Pendampingan Pelaksanaan Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) di UD Annisa, Wonosobo

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    This activity aims to find out the influence of socialization and assistance to the level of implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) at UD Annisa, Wonosobo. Activities are conducted by the method of action research through the initial evaluation of activities, preparation of quality documents, socialization and assistance and final evaluation activities

    Developing a Test of Mathematical Literacy based on STEM-PjBL using ADDIE Model

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    Mathematical literacy is one of the eminent skills in the learning process in the 21st century. However, the mathematical skills of Junior High School students in Indonesia need some improvement. This study aims to develop a test of mathematical literacy based on the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Project-based Learning (PjBL). The study involved research and development using the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation model (ADDIE). The results showed that the developed mathematical literacy test based on STEM-PjBL is valid and practical to be implemented by the expert validator. Moreover, the construct validity through implementation in the classroom obtained the result that the instrument is valid and reliable. This instrument is expected to be disseminated to the wider population to accustom the students to the problem embedded in project-based learning and STEM activities. Keywords: Mathematical Literacy; Instrument Test; STEM-PjBL; ADDIE Mode

    Pengaruh Fortifikasi Zat Besi terhadap Sifat Kimia dan Sensori Biskuit Ubi Kayu yang Disuplementasi Tepung Ikan-Tempe

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    The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia in 2013 was still high at 37.1%. The impact of anemia on long-term pregnant women causes a decrease in the quality of human resources. Therefore, it is necessary to provide foods with high iron content and which are easily absorbed. Cassava biscuits that have been enriched with Tempe fish flour and fortified Fe are expected to be an alternative to anemia control and pregnant women PEM through a "food-based" approach. The study aims to produce cassava biscuits supplemented with Tempe fish flour and fortified Fe, so that it contains high protein and Fe and has good sensory properties. The experimental design used in the study was Randomized Block Design with 2 factors: type of fortification (F); FeSO4 (F1); NaFeEDTA (F2), and concentration of fortification (K), i.e. 0 ppm (K1); 30 ppm (K2); 45 ppm (K3); 60 ppm (K4); and 75 ppm (K5). The variables observed included water content, Fe content, free fatty acid levels, and peroxide numbers. While sensory properties are texture, fishy smell, metallic taste, and level of preference. The results showed that fortification with 45 ppm FeSO4 was the best treatment that produced biscuits with the best sensory properties. The biscuits have the characteristics of 6.01±0.54% moisture content, 43.69±0.34 ppm db Fe content, 1.17±0.02% free fat acid content, and 9.66±0.76meq O2 / kg peroxide rate. The sensor characteristics are rather crisp texture, less noticeable fishy aroma, less noticeable metal flavor, and rather preferred taste


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    Mount Merapi is the most active volcano on the island of Java, it is very interesting to be an object of research from different disciplines, one of which is historical science. Mount Merapi is not only resulting disaster but also giving benefit for society of around it. The research in this essay is using a historical perspective in time span 1960 � 2010 and it is placing mount Merapi as natural phenomena that affect the socio-economic life of society in Turi, Pakem, and Cangkringan. This researchis using historical method with five stages: topic selection, search and collection of resources for both documents and interviews, verification or criticism of sources that include internal criticism and external criticism to test the validity and accuracy of the source, interpretation: interpretation and compilation of facts that are still scattered in chronological order, and the last is writing in descriptive narrative. The observations is focused on the danger level of volcanic activity and agricultural production statistics to see the impact of the volcanic activity of Merapi. The results of this research is that the volcanic activity of Merapi during period 1960-2010 brought a significant impact on the socio-economic life of society. That change can be seen with the growing awareness of education, it also arises because the increasing economic status of the people, especially those who have farms Salak in district Turi.The volcanic soil is suitable for crop land Salak, so the majority of people in the district Turi are planting Salak. Turi became a major supplier of salak needs in Sleman. Moreover, social change also looked after the eruption that is the uniformity of status among members of society. They have a house at the same price and vehicles that are not much different. They uniformly have a home at the same price and also vehicles that are not much different. It is resultingnot difference between the upper class, middle and bottom. Furthermore, in the economic sector, volcanic material is causing changes in the husbandry: from shepherd changes to cage. Moreover volcanic material also creates new economic resource for the community. It can be seen, there aremini museum in former their house which buried vulcanic materials. Keywords: socio-economic life, the eruption of Merapi


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    Kimpul is one type of tubers that is high in carbohydrate content so it can be used as a source of starch. Natural starch generally still has several disadvantages. One of method that can be done to overcome these weaknesses is by modifying cross-linked starch. The objectives of this study are: 1) to know the effect of STPP concentration on chemical and physical characteristics of modified kimpul starch; 2) to know the effect of soaking time on chemical and physical characteristics of modified kimpul starch; 3) to determine the best combination treatment between STPP concentration and soaking time on the chemical and physical characteristics of modified kimpul starches. This is an experimental research with Randomized Block Design. The factors studied were the concentration of sodium trypolyphosphate (1, 2 and 3%) and soaking time (60 and 90 minutes). The variables tested were moisture content, starch content, amylose content and calcium oxalate content, brightness, swelling power, sollubility and its amylographic properties. The results showed that both STPP concentration factors and soaking time affected the modified chemical and physical characteristics of kimpul starch crosslinking methods. The chemical and physical characteristics of crossbonded modified kimpul starch increased with STPP concentration and soaking time used. Modified kimpul starch using 3% STPP concentration and 90 minutes soaking time had moisture content, starch content, amylose content, calcium oxalate content, brightness and high swelling power. The best modified kimpul starch is modified kimpul starch using 2% STPP concentration and 60 minutes soaking time. It has a water content of 7,88%, starch content of 63,13%, amylose content of 17,28%, oxalate content of 15,84 ppm, swelling power 15,79 g/g, sollubility 11,55%, brightness of 44.13, initial gelatinization temperature of 78,75oC, peak viscosity of 5152.5 cP, hot paste viscosity of 2310,4 cP, breakdown viscosity of 2815 cP, setback viscosity of 1563 cP and cold paste viscosity of 3873,5 c