11 research outputs found

    Effectiveness and Interactivity on the Use of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in Scouting Course

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    This study aims at determining university students’ perceptions on the use of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in Scouting Course, specifically focusing on the learning effectiveness and interactivity aspects. VLE based learning has been implemented in the even semester of 2020 during the pandemic of Covid-19. This descriptive qualitative study took 40 students of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Study Program of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang as the research sample. The results of the questionnaire analysis showed positive perception from the students in regard to Scouting Course using VLE, seen from the aspects of learning effectiveness (76.2%) and learning interactivity (80.4%). However, there were some challenges in achieving a more conducive virtual learning environment. For instance, the unstable network conditions, lack of students' initial knowledge of ICT, incompatible devices with the default system of VLE application, and one-way learning (predominantly assignments). Nevertheless, further research on the effectiveness of other VLE applications and student learning strategies are suggested

    Pengembangan Buku Ajar Pramuka Berbantuan Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

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    Scouting is categorized as a new course which is compulsory in Physical Education, Health, and Recreation Study Program of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang. The development of a textbook for this course was triggered by the limited amount of modules as the students’ sources in learning. The adoption of technology in learning has fostered new ways and thoughts in teaching and learning process, thus it drives shifting in learning paradigm. The emergence of new paradigm causes changes in instructional design and media development. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a place where information and knowledge gathered from books can be accessed online, therefore it has flexibility value on its implementation. This study aimed at designing and developing coursebook of Scouting Course based on VLE as companion material. This Research & Developmental (R&D) study applied Alessi and Trollip’s development procedure with three stages, namely planning, designing, and developing. Quantitative analysis was applied to process and interpret the result of observation and product’s try out as the data collection technique


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    Buku ajar merupakan buku yang diajarkan atau digunakan sebagai buku pelajaran dalam bidang studi tertentu, yang merupakan buku standar yang disusun oleh pakar dalam bidangnya, untuk maksud-maksud dan tujuan intruksional, yang dilengkapi dengan sarana-sarana pelajaran yang serasi dan mudah dipahami oleh para pemakainya disekolah-sekolah dan perguruan tinggi sehingga dapat menunjang suatu program pengajaran. Pendekatan saintifik adalah pembelajaran yang menekankan kepada suatu proses ilmiah. Pendekatan saintifik diyakini sebagai titian emas dalam perkembangan berfikir yang meliputi kemampuan psikomotor, kemampuan kognitif, dan kemampuan afektif. Langkah -langkah pembelajaran saintifik terdiri dari lima pokok pengalaman belajar seperti; (1) mengamati, (2) menanya, (3) mengumpulkan informasi, (4) mengasosiasikan dan (5) mengkomunikasikan/ menyimpulkan. Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah mengembangkan buku ajar pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga melalui pendekatan saintifik pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Nguter 02 Semester II Pasirian Kabupaten Lumajang pada Tahun pelajaran 2014/ 2015. Model pengembangan buku ajar ini menggunakan model pengembangan Sugiono Tahun 2010. Hasil penelitian diperoleh data sebagai berikut ; (1) Data dari Ahli pembelajaran dieproleh rata-rata 78,33 %, (2) Evaluasi untuk Ahli media di peroleh rata-rata 81,33 %, (3) Evaluasi Ahli bahasa di peroleh rata-rata 81,67 %, sedangkan untuk uji kelompok kecil ( tahap I ) diperoleh hasil 81,25 %, uji kelompok besar ( tahap II ) diperoleh rata-rata 82,72 %. Pengembangan produk buku ajar ini belum sampai pada penelitian uji efektifitas, untuk itu perlu di adakan lagi sebuah penelitian tentang efektifitas prosuk buku ajar ini yang telah dikembangka

    School Based Development Of Scout Teachings

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    This development aims to produce a product of a scout textbook as’part’of an’effort to’create’a fun and active learning process. This study uses a model of floating (Research and development) from Brog and Gall (in Winarno) includes the following stages: 1. Data collection, 2. Planning, 3. Developing products, 4. Small group testing, 5. Revision of the 1st product , 6. Large group test, 7. Revision of the second product, 8. Field testing, 9. Revision of the 3rd program, 10. Dissemination and implementation. The instruments are interviews and questionnaires. Quantitative and descriptive data analysis techniques "qualitative. The results of the validity of the content experts are 91.67%, (very valid), Indonesian language experts 95% (Very Valid), learning media experts are 95% (very valid), Test "small" group is 94% (very valid) , Big "group" test 94.5% (very valid), and field test of 95% (very valid). In the sense of scout textbooks on the qualification "Very feasible" is used. Making scout textbooks based on science can be used as a supporting medium in improving the quality of learning

    Survey of Suitability of Physical Education Facilities and Infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Middle School Academic Year 2021/2022

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    This study aims to determine the existence, condition and ownership status of physical education facilities and infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Junior High School for the academic year 2021/2022. All this research is scientific, therefore all research must be equipped with theory. To study a truth naturally requires evidence based on contextual subjective 'natural' truths. In this case the scientific truth will be the basic ideas of research. Based on the standard percentage of facilities and infrastructure assessment (Suharsimi Arikunto, 1986) the percentage of 7.4% is categorized as very poor, so that in general the condition of physical education facilities and infrastructure at Tamansiswa Batu Junior High School in the 2021/2022 academic year, has been categorized as less feasible and needs to increase the number of facilities both facilities and infrastructure in schools. However, when viewed from the suitability of the number of facilities when compared with the number of students at the institution in general, it can be said that it is not suitable because the number of facilities is not sufficient for learning, especially in the field of physical education. For infrastructure, it can be said that it is appropriate because it has 2 fields that are used for all sports

    The Relationship between Arm Muscle and Leg Muscle Strength to Volleyball Overhand Serve for Elementary Students

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between the arm and the leg muscle strength with the volleyball overhand service during the post-pandemic era. As we know, when the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, students’ activities and movements were limited. In fact, moving is an important point in the growth and development of students. Subject of this study were 30 male students of fifth and sixth grades SDN Bago 01 Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency; which then be used as the sample of the study. This study implements quantitative research method with correlation technique to figure out whether there is correlation between the variables; and if so, how significant and meaningful the correlation. The instruments of this study are in form of tests of (1) arm muscle strength, (2) leg muscle strength, and (3) volleyball overhand serve skill. The data were analyzed using statistical correlation with significance level a = 0.05. The result of this study showed that there is no significant correlation between arm and leg muscle strength with overhand serve skills of the fifth and sixth grade male students of SDN Bago 01 Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency (F-ratio 1.747 < F-table 3.32)

    Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka Penggalang Meningkatkan Prestasi dan Daya Imun Siswa Di SDN Sidorahayu 1 Kecamatan Wagir, Malang

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    This community service is to produce students with character. Scouting is a popular scouting movement word in Indonesia. Extracurricular activities are a place that really helps students in developing their potential. In addition, scouting is an educational process outside the school environment and outside the family environment in the form of interesting, fun, healthy, organized, directed, practical activities carried out in nature with the Basic Principles of Scouting and Scouting Methods, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of character, morals and character. The method used is socialization and learning in scouting. The results of the dedication were very enthusiastic and received support from the teachers and guardians for students with character. The conclusion of scouts that character is something that is inherent in a person in the form of innate, heart, soul, personality, character, behavior, personality, nature, character, temperament, character. So that with the character that is embedded in each individual can improve quality

    Penyuluhan Bahaya Covid-19, Produksi Handsitizer, dan Pelatihan Sepak Bola di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Gedog Wetan, Turen, Kabupaten Malang

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    Potential-Based Community Service (PMBP) is an intracurricular lecture activity in the form of community service that is carried out by students in an integrated manner to develop education and teaching that is obtained while students are developing knowledge in lectures. The PMBP program aims to enable students to observe, analyze, analyze and draw conclusions from data on the condition and situation of the work area. The PMBP program was carried out for two months in Gedog Wetan Village, Turen, Malang Regency. The main sector or the main target in this PMBP activity is the distribution of hansitizers, training, and counseling. Students try to provide assistance in the field of education. The form of this assistance is by interpreting the problem in the form of an activity program that aims to help the community according to the problems that arise. The program includes the production and distribution of hand sanitizers, training and outreach to the public about the importance of maintaining and implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle during the Covid-19 pandemic

    The Influence of Imagery on The Field Tennis Serve Skills

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    Basic technical skills in the game of field tennis are still often found several obstacles, one of which is the basic technique of serving. Many students who take field tennis courses still experience errors when serving. They tend not to feel confident and hesitate when serving, so an approach is needed to overcome the problem, one of which is using imagery. The methodology used is quasi experiment, where the implementation does not use a control class. The research subjects were PJKR students of Insan Budi Utomo University who were taking field tennis courses as many as 40 students. From the research that has been carried out, it has been obtained in the form of t-test results and t-count results where it is found to be greater than the t-table, 2.86> 2.262, therefore there is a difference in the increase from pre-test to post-test. Where in the pre-test average result is 8.4, while the post-test average result after imagery training is 15.5. In addition, imagery training has an influence of around 84.52% on the results of tennis serving skills in PJKR students at Insan Budi Utomo Universit