6 research outputs found

    Isu Halal Internasional dan Regional

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    Taiwan’s ageing population has boosted the high rate of demand for caretakers. Many caretakers came from Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia. Since 2005 Indonesian Workers have dominated the market share of the welfare sector. However in 2015 the Indonesian government launched a zero-maid policy, in order to terminate the sending of unskilled workers. The other goal is to provide better protection for migrant workers abroad. Taiwan becomes one of the targets of this policy. In fact, this policy will certainly create great impact on the supply of labor in the welfare sector in the future. Moreover, Taiwan has launched a national ten-year long-term care. So, how the Taiwanese government respond to this policy? Will the Indonesian workers’ shalt position be replaced by other Southeast Asian workers? This article aims firstly, to understand the position of migrant workers among other foreign workers working in the welfare sector in Taiwan. Secondly, to understand the Taiwan government’s efforts in response to the Indonesian government’s plan. This study uses literature study and interviews. This issue will be analyzed using economic and social approaches. The data used are from the range of 1992 to 2015.Keywords: ageing society, Taiwan, Indonesian workers, employment policyAbstrakPenuaan penduduk Taiwan mendorong tingginya laju permintaan akan tenaga perawat. Selama ini tenaga perawat didatangkan dari negara-negara Asia Tenggara, seperti Filipina, Vietnam, Thailand, dan Indonesia. Sejak 2005 Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) mendominasi pangsa pasar sektor kesejahteraan sosial. Namun di tahun 2015, Pemerintah Indonesia mencanangkan zero-maid policy, yaitu penghentian pengiriman TKI tidak terampil. Tujuannya tidak lain adalah untuk memberikan perlindungan yang lebih besar bagi TKI di luar negeri. Taiwan menjadi salah satu target dari kebijakan ini. Kebijakan ini tentu akan berdampak pada ketersediaan tenaga kerja pada sektor kesejahteraan sosial di Taiwan di masa depan. Apalagi Taiwan sudah mencanangkan national ten-year long-term care. Lantas, bagaimana respon pemerintah Taiwan terhadap kebijakan ini? akanlah TKI digantikan posisinya oleh TKA lainnya? Artikel ini bertujuan untuk pertama, memahami posisi TKI di antara tenaga kerja asing lainnya yang bekerja di sektor informal di Taiwan. Kedua, memahami upaya pemerintah Taiwan dalam menanggapi rencana pemerintah Indonesia tersebut. Studi ini menggunakan studi literatur dan wawancara. Persoalan ini akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan ekonomi dan sosial. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari tahun 1992 hingga 2015.Kata kunci: ageing society, Taiwan, TKI, kebijakan ketenagakerjaa


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    Job Satisfaction of Indonesian Workers in Taiwan

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    Among workers from four Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan, Indonesian workers constitute of the biggest group, especially those working in the care service sector. The trend of these workers has been associated with the growing number of the older population in Taiwan. As an Indonesian student studying in Taiwan, I took this opportunity to conduct research on the Indonesian care workers in Taiwan. This study tries to search whether the Indonesian workers are satisfied with their job as caretakers. It includes an overview of their job content, wage, personality job fitness, and supportive work condition. Data was collected by using survey and interviews, with a result of 42 respondents living in Taipei City by using a snowball approach, as well as interviews with an Indonesian representative and Taiwanese government officer. The data collected was analyzed by using cross tabulation and organizational behavior approaches. The study found some relationships between job satisfaction and other variables: i.e.: job contents or characteristics of the caretaking job (such as spends much energy, aggravates health condition, stressful, and restricts social contact with outside of the home), wage (expectation, regularity payment), personality job fit and supportive working condition (no days off and separated room). This study is very comprehensive. The interview results enriched the analyses. It will give much information not only to students, but also to lecturers, researchers and scholars who are interested in the field. It is also a useful resource for the Indonesian and Taiwanese governments to improve working conditions and worker satisfaction.Among workers from four Southeast Asian countries in Taiwan, Indonesian workers constitute of the biggest group, especially those working in the care service sector. The trend of these workers has been associated with the growing number of the older population in Taiwan. As an Indonesian student studying in Taiwan, I took this opportunity to conduct research on the Indonesian care workers in Taiwan. This study tries to search whether the Indonesian workers are satisfied with their job as caretakers. It includes an overview of their job content, wage, personality job fitness, and supportive work condition. Data was collected by using survey and interviews, with a result of 42 respondents living in Taipei City by using a snowball approach, as well as interviews with an Indonesian representative and Taiwanese government officer. The data collected was analyzed by using cross tabulation and organizational behavior approaches. The study found some relationships between job satisfaction and other variables: i.e.: job contents or characteristics of the caretaking job (such as spends much energy, aggravates health condition, stressful, and restricts social contact with outside of the home), wage (expectation, regularity payment), personality job fit and supportive working condition (no days off and separated room). This study is very comprehensive. The interview results enriched the analyses. It will give much information not only to students, but also to lecturers, researchers and scholars who are interested in the field. It is also a useful resource for the Indonesian and Taiwanese governments to improve working conditions and worker satisfaction


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    China’s Belt Road Initiative (China’s BRI atau BRI Tiongkok) atau Prakarsa Sabuk Jalan Tiongkok merupakan diplomasi ekonomi dan politik Pemerintah Tiongkok yang bertujuan untuk mengamankan pasokan produksi negara dan devisa, penyebaran modal dan investasi, serta peningkatan hubungan internasional. Selain itu, China’s BRI merepresentasikan peta jalan tentang bagaimana Tiongkok memainkan strategi agar terintegrasi ke dalam ekonomi dunia. Selain itu sekaligus juga memperkuat pokgaruh politik di daerah Sabuk dan Jalan sambil menggabungkan seluruh kepentingan ekonomi, politik, budaya, dan keamanan internal dan eksternal (Mitrovic, 2018). Belt Road Initiative  dikembangkan dari dasar budaya Taoisme, Konfusianisme dan Mohisme yang mengajarkan etika dan hukum dalam bermasyarakat. Budaya Tiongkok menjadi ruh dalam berjalannya Belt Road Initiative. Xi Jinping menyebutkan bahwa Belt Road Initiative memiliki sifat damai, harmoni, terbuka dan makmur yang  sejalan dengan etika yang diajarkan dalam ajaran Konfusianisme, Taoisme, dan Mohisme. Belt Road Initiative  diharapkan membantu negara tersebut mencapai impiannya menjadi negara yang kuat. Dalam perjalanan China’s BRI, Tiongkok melakukan pendekatan sosial budaya dengan negara-negara yang diajak kerjasama. Belt Road Initiative  memberikan manfaat luar biasa bagi Tiongkok sendiri untuk merealisasikan impiannya. Tulisan ini berupaya menggambarkan mengenai ide besar China’s BRI tersebut beserta tantangan dan strategi budaya dan kerjasama lainnya yang dilaksanakan di dalamnya. Pemerintah Tiongkok ingin kerjasama BRI ini tidak berakhir dalam bentuk proyek fisik saja, tetapi juga menciptakan kerjasama bidang sosial dan budaya dan hubungan antar masyarakat. Namun, salah satu masalah yang harus diatasi Tiongkok adalah citra negatif negara tersebut di dunia. Banyak negara yang merasa khawatir terhadap dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh Belt Road Initiative.Kata kunci :China’s Belt Road Initiative (China’s BRI), BRI, BRI Tiongkok, Prakarsa Sabuk Jalan Tiongkok, proyek kerjasama, impian Tiongkok, sosial budaya