99 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Competence And Motivation And Cultural Organization Towards Organizational Commitment And Performance On State University Lecturers In East Kalimantan Indonesia

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    This study aims to verify and analyze the influence of competence and work motivation and organizational culture on organizational commitment and performance of the lecturer State University in East Kalimantan. Variables used in this study is the performance of lecturers as endogenous variables, organizational commitment as an intervening variable and there are three exogenous variables, the competence of lecturers, motivation and organizational culture . The number of samples multiplied by 5 to 10, and using 47 indicators in order to obtain 47 x 5 = 235 samples. The model used in the analysis of SEM (Structural Equation Modeling ) which is operated by AMOS.The results of the analysis found that lecturers competence, motivation and organizational culture partially does not have a significant impact on organizational commitment with p > 0.05. Found that competence of lecturers, motivation and organizational culture partially have a significant effect on the performance of the lecturers at p < 0.05. While the organizational commitment does not have a significant effect on the performance of the lecturers at the University of East Kalimantan with p > 0.05. Competence , motivation and organizational culture indirectly does not have a significant effect on the performance of lecturers through organizational commitment, it indicates that the organizational commitment variable does not become a mediating variable between competence, working motivation and organizational culture on performance at the Public University of East Kalimantan.To improve the performance of lecturers suggested for a highly concern to the competence, motivation and organizational culture. Expected that the educational institutions providing education and training aimed at gaining insight and knowledge of the faculty, to increase the motivation of lecturers by increasing employee motivation through training faculty. Keywords : Competencies, Motivations, Organizational Culture, Organizasional Commitment, and  Performance

    The Influence of Organizational Culture, Working Environment and Educational Training on Motivation and Performance of Government Employees at West Kutai Regency East Kalimanatan

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    This study was conducted at Secretariat Office of West Kutai Regency, which is consistent with the study method known as purposive sampling or deliberately on 9 existing sections at West Kutai Regency Secretariat. The objectives of the study were to analyze and assess the influence of organizational culture on working motivation and employees’ performance at West Kutai Regency Secretariat. The method used in this research was normality test of statistical test results with Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test using SPSS program release 11. When p > 0.05 for all variables of sample data, it means that the data are distributed normally. Based on the results of normality test, if the data are distributed normally, thus the analysis can be used in parametric statistics. Technical Analysis Model in this study used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analysis which supported by AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) program version 1.6. Basically, a complete SEM modeling consists of a measurement model and structural model. The results showed that (1) there was no significant effect between Educational Training (X3) and Working Motivation (Y1). It indicated that regardless the value of Educational Training, it will give no effect on the level of Working Motivation. (2) There was no significant effect between Organizational Culture (X1) and Working Motivation (Y1). It means that regardless the value of Organizational Culture, it will give no effect on the level of Working Motivation.  (3) There was significant effect between Working Environment (X2) and Working Motivation (Y1). Positive coefficient indicated positive correlation. It indicated the higher value of Working Environment, the better value of Working Motivation would be gained. (4) There was significant correlation between Working Motivation (Y1) and Performance (Y2). A positive coefficient showed positive correlation. It indicated the higher value of Working Motivation, the better value of Performance would be gained. (5) There was significant correlation between Educational Training (X3) and Performance (Y2). Positive coefficient showed positive correlation. It indicated the higher value of Educational Training, the better value of Performance would be gained. (6) There was no significant correlation between Working Environment (X2) and Performance (Y2). It regardless the value of Working Environment, it gave no effect to the value of performance. (7) There was no significant correlation between Organizational Culture (X1) and Performance (Y2). It indicated regardless the value of Organizational Culture, it gave no effect on the value of Performance. Keywords: organizational culture, working environment,  motivation

    The Effect of Brand Trust and Affection on the Attitudinal and Purchase Loyalty of Celluler Telecomunication Customers in East Kalimantan – Indonesia

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    The study aims to analyse the direct influence of brand trust and affection on the loyalty to a brand of celluler telecommunication service product. The study was carried out to the customers who use Telkomsel and Telkomflexy Brands. The data were analysed by means of structural equation model (SEM). The sample data collection was carried out within a month based on the predetermined charactheristics of the population. The results of this study showed that confidence in the brand trust strongly influences purchasing loyalty, brand affection subsequent effect on the attitudinal loyalty. This finding shows that the confidence of high brand loyalty will make purchases too high when consumers tend to be hedonic and utilitarian. Affection high brand will also make higher fidelity attitude, when consumers tend to be hedonic and utilitarian, so the findings of this study can be considered for telecommunication enterprise marketing management strategy. Keywords : Attitudinal Loyalty, Brand Trust, Brand Affection, Purchase Loyalt

    An Empirical Analysis of Relationships between Capital Structure, Market Power, Profitability and Expenditure

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    This paper analyzes the important determinants of capital structure in the Indonesian Companies. Objectives: This study extends the empirical works on the determinants of capital structure, taking all the relevant independent variables as determinants; it sheds new light on the relationship between business risk and leverage. Approach: This paper using Generalized Methods of Moment to analyze capital structure and market power, and profitability in relationships. Capital structure and market power, as measured by Tobin's Q, are shown to have a cubic relationship, due to the complex interaction of market conditions, agency problems and bankruptcy costs. Result: The study finds a saucer-shaped relation between capital structure and profitability. The negative relationship between debt ratio and the size of shareholding means that more diffused ownership results in lower leverage, which supports the agency hypothesis. The current results indicate a significant positive relationship of tangibility (FA/A ratio) with debt ratio, which vindicates the trade-off theory that postulates a positive correlation between debt ratio and tangibility since fixed assets act as collateral in debt issues. Implication: this study implying for academics can develop capital structure theory, for practitioner as the reference for business decision-making, especially market structure. Keywords: Capital structure; market structure; profitability; and expenditur

    Behavioral Empowerment Determinants Artisanal Fishermen In East Kalimantan Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Individual Characteristics, Culture and Attitudes Toward Fishermen Intentions and Behavior Empowerment Artisanal Fishermen (Studies in East Kalimantan Province). The research was conducted in the coastal areas of East Kalimantan Province which includes East Kutai, Bontang and Kutai Kertanegara, the number of respondents 237 households fisheries which are artisanal fishermen. Analysis tools to test this hypothesis using Partial Least Square with SmartPLS software. The results showed that the Individual Characteristics positive and no significant effect on intention to empower themselves. Fishermen culture positive and significant effect on the intention to empower themselves. Attitude positive and significant effect on the intention to empower themselves. Individual characteristics negative and no significant effect on Behavioral empowerment. Fishermen culture positive and significant impact on Behavioral empowerment. Attitude significant and negative effect on Behavioral empowerment. Intention positive and significant effect on Behavioral empowerment. Conclusion The results of this study are the first is the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) can not be applied to the intention of behaving that have an impact on personal interests such as to empower themselves, the second is the empowerment of Conduct will not be formed if not met the requirements to behave (enabling factors). Keywords: Determinants, Behavior empowerment and Artisanal Fisherme

    The Effect of Capital Structure, Firm Growth and Dividend Policy on Profitability and Firm Value of the Oil Palm Plantation Companies in Indonesia

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    This research aims to test and analyze the effect of capital structure, firm growth, and dividend policy on the firm value, either direct or indirect. This research uses secondary data from the quarterly financial statements of oil palm plantation companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange for period 2007-2011. Based on the recapitulation, the data that meet the criteria for analysis are from 5 companies of the 13 companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange.The research results shows that the capital structure negatively and significantly influences the profitability and the firm value. The firm growth negatively and significantly influences the profitability and the firm value. The dividend policy positively and significantly influences the profitability but positively and not significantly influence the firm value. The profitability positively and significantly influences the firm value. The capital structure negatively and significantly influences the firm value through profitability. The firm growth negatively and not significantly influences the firm value through profitability, and the dividend policy positively and significantly influences the firm value through profitability. Keywords: Capital structure, Dividend policy, Firm growth, Firm value, Profitabilit

    The Role of External Environment, Owner Characteristics and Mentoring for Entrepreneurship in Improving the Business Performance of Zakat Recipient in East Kalimantan - Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the role of external environment, owner characteristics and mentoring for entrepreneurship in improving the business performance of zakat recipient (mustahik) of  the National Board of Zakat (Badan Amil Zakat National, abbreviated as BAZNAS) in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The design of this research is explanatory research. The type of the study is observational research with cross sectional study design. The method that is used to collect the data in this research is survey method. The population of this research is the whole of 65 mustahik for business, and the sample in this study is all population. This research used Partial Least Square (PLS) approach to analyze the data. The results of this study are as follows. The external environment has no significant effect to entrepreneurship. The owner characteristics have no significant effect to entrepreneurship. Mentoring significantly affects entrepreneurship. Furthermore, external environment is not significant to business performance. The owner characteristics significantly affect business performance. Mentoring has no significant effect to business performance as well as entrepreneurship has no significant effect on business performance. The finding in this study is that mentoring is not always successful in changing the level of performance measurement effort. Keywords: business performance, entrepreneurship, external environment, mentoring, owner characteristic


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    This study aims to determine what factors influence the increased effectiveness of the team at the Human Resources Development Agency of East Kalimantan Province. This study uses a cross-sectional design that is data collection that is conducted one time at a predetermined respondent with data analysis used is the partial least square (PLS) approach. A high level of trust will have a positive effect on the greater team effectiveness, so that at the same time team members will feel satisfaction in working with the group which will then affect the success of the team to achieve group goals. Thus, the more team members who are satisfied with the team, the better the performance of the interdependent team in completing the given task

    Government Expenditure as Determinants of Economic Growth and Income Inequality of Inter-Province of the Islands in Indonesia

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    Indonesia is an archipelago, consisting of 13.466 islands, and grouped into 34 provinces. Each province has a government expenditure and economic growth, thus causing variations of government expenditure and economic growth among provinces. This matter may rise the income inequality between provinces in the island, as measured by the coefficient of variation.This study aims to clarify the effect of variations in government expenditure to economic growth and the income inequality among provinces in Indonesia islands. The secondary data used came from Statistics Indonesia, for period 2007 - 2012 (6 years), with 36 observations. Pooled panel data is used to estimate the equation with a common effect, using Path Analysis Recursive Model. Variation in government expenditure acts as exogenous variables. Variation in economic growth is the endogenous variable as well as the mediating variable. Variations in government expenditure and economic growth are expressed by the coefficient of variation. Income inequality among the provinces that acts as the last endogenous variable, is shown by Williamson Index. The results showed that variation in government expenditure has very small and negative effect, but insignificant to variation in economic growth. The results also show that the variation of economic growth has small and negative effect, but insignificant to the income inequality. Furthermore, variation in government expenditure has a significant positive effect on the income inequality. This shows that the variation in government expenditure is a determinant of increasing income inequality among provinces in the island. The results of this study did not find any existence of indirect effect of variation in government expenditure through the variation of economic growth on the income inequality among provinces in the Indonesia islands. It is suggested to the government that variation of government expenditure among the provinces in the island to be reduced or minimized, so that the income inequality between provinces in the Indonesia islands are more convergent. Keywords: Economic growth, Government expenditure, Income inequalit

    The Effect of Innovation on Firm Performance and Competitive Advantage

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of innovation on Firm Performance mediated by competitive advantage. The sample is Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. Data collection is done by using a mail questionnaire survey, with the number of samples are 164 respondents. The results show that innovation has a positive effect on competitive advantage. An innovation strategy can improve the bargaining position of more companies competing in the market segment of SMEs in Indonesia. This study proves that innovation strategy of SMEs in Indonesia are in the ability to make better products, in the production process by using advances in technology, as well as in the technology development and maintainance. SMEs have different competitions in the excellence of expertise and resources. Further study shows that positional advantage in the market is based on the existence of a superior customer value or achievement of lower relative costs and generate market share and superior performance. Keywords: Competitive Advantage, Firm Performance, Innovatio
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