24 research outputs found
Race-Insurance Disparities in Prostate Patients’ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biopsies and their Subsequent Cancer Care; A New York State Cohort Study [PROTOCOL]
Microbial community diversity of an integrated constructed wetland used for treatment of sewage
The microbial community diversity in Constructed Wetland System (CWS) plays a key role in the removal of pollutants from waste water. An integrated functional CWS developed at Neela Hauz Biodiversity Park, Delhi was selected to assess the diversity in composition and structure of microbial community diversity of sludge and sediment of CWS, based on metagenomic approach using 16S rRNA genes. The sediment showed higher diversity than sludge and both formed distinct clusters. The taxonomic structure of the microbial community of CWS is represented by 6,731 OTUs distributed among 2 kingdoms, 103 phyla, 227 classes, 337 orders, 320 families, 295 identified genera, and 84 identified species. The relative abundance of top 5 dominant phyla of sludge and sediment varied from 3.77% (Acidobacteria) to 35.33% (Proteobacteria) and 4.07% (Firmicutes) to 28.20% (Proteobacteria), respectively. The range of variation in relative abundance of top 5 dominant genera of sludge and sediment was 2.58% (Hyphomicrobium) to 6.61% (Planctomyces) and 2.47% (Clostridium) to 4.22% (Syntrophobacter), respectively. The rich microbial diversity of CWS makes it perform better in pollutants removal (59.91–95.76%) than other CWs. Based on the abundance values of taxa, the taxa are grouped under four frequency distribution classes—abundant (>20), common (10–19), rare (5–9), and very rare (1–4). The unique structure of microbial communities of integrated CWS is that the number of abundant taxa decreases in descending order of taxonomic hierarchy, while the number of rare and very rare taxa increases. For example, the number of abundant phyla was 14 and 21 in sludge and sediment, respectively and both communities have only 3 abundant genera each. This is in contrast to 4 and 17 very rare phyla in sludge and sediment, respectively and both the communities have 114 and 91 very rare genera, respectively. The outcomes of the study is that the integrated CWS has much higher microbial community diversity than the diversity reported for other CWs, and the rich diversity can be used for optimizing the performance efficiency of CWS in the removal of pollutants from waste water. Such structural diversity might be an adaptation to heterogeneous environment of CWS
PROTOCOL: New York State Race, Ethnicity, and Insurance Disparities in Follow-up Prostate Cancer Screening
Using de-identified reports from the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) data, this descriptive study will identify the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) metrics on the follow-up prostate cancer screening care within 3 years of index prostate cancer screening test in NYS. The socioeconomic status metrics will be subclassified into race, insurance, and ethnicity and each of these sub-components will be evaluated for its impact on the follow-up cancer screening care. The exclusion criteria for this study includes patients records with unknown age, age \u3c55 or \u3e75, previous history of prostate cancer or radical prostatectomy, previous prostate biopsy, female sex, lives outside NYS, unknown or missing data on race, ethnicity, or insurance status, or multi-ethnic patients. For the included patients, initial prostate cancer screening, follow-up screening, characteristics (e.g., age, SES), and risk profiles will be evaluated. Moreover, patients diagnosed with prostate cancer or receiving prostatectomy will be reported. Additionally, the following hypotheses will be tested: H(0): Among patients with a baseline PSA test, socioeconomic status (SES) metrics (i.e., vulnerability based upon race/insurance/ethnicity) may pose as barriers to follow-up prostate cancer screening care within 3 years of index prostate cancer screening test (e.g., Vulnerability = V = Black, Hispanic, and Self-pay Insurance) o H(0): Among patients with a baseline PSA test, race does not impact the likelihood of follow-up prostate cancer screening care within 3 years of index prostate cancer screening test (e.g., R-FC) o H(0): Among patients with a baseline PSA test, insurance does not impact the likelihood of follow-up prostate cancer screening care within 3 years of index prostate cancer screening test (e.g., I-FC) o H(0): Among patients with a baseline PSA test, ethnicity does not impact the likelihood of follow-up prostate cancer screening care within 3 years of index prostate cancer screening test (e.g., E-FC
LSST: from Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products
(Abridged) We describe here the most ambitious survey currently planned in
the optical, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). A vast array of
science will be enabled by a single wide-deep-fast sky survey, and LSST will
have unique survey capability in the faint time domain. The LSST design is
driven by four main science themes: probing dark energy and dark matter, taking
an inventory of the Solar System, exploring the transient optical sky, and
mapping the Milky Way. LSST will be a wide-field ground-based system sited at
Cerro Pach\'{o}n in northern Chile. The telescope will have an 8.4 m (6.5 m
effective) primary mirror, a 9.6 deg field of view, and a 3.2 Gigapixel
camera. The standard observing sequence will consist of pairs of 15-second
exposures in a given field, with two such visits in each pointing in a given
night. With these repeats, the LSST system is capable of imaging about 10,000
square degrees of sky in a single filter in three nights. The typical 5
point-source depth in a single visit in will be (AB). The
project is in the construction phase and will begin regular survey operations
by 2022. The survey area will be contained within 30,000 deg with
, and will be imaged multiple times in six bands, ,
covering the wavelength range 320--1050 nm. About 90\% of the observing time
will be devoted to a deep-wide-fast survey mode which will uniformly observe a
18,000 deg region about 800 times (summed over all six bands) during the
anticipated 10 years of operations, and yield a coadded map to . The
remaining 10\% of the observing time will be allocated to projects such as a
Very Deep and Fast time domain survey. The goal is to make LSST data products,
including a relational database of about 32 trillion observations of 40 billion
objects, available to the public and scientists around the world.Comment: 57 pages, 32 color figures, version with high-resolution figures
available from https://www.lsst.org/overvie
Proceedings of the International Cancer Imaging Society (ICIS) 16th Annual Teaching Course
Table of contents
O1 Tumour heterogeneity: what does it mean?
Dow-Mu Koh
O2 Skeletal sequelae in adult survivors of childhood cancer
Sue Creviston Kaste
O3 Locoregional effects of breast cancer treatment
Sarah J Vinnicombe
O4 Imaging of cancer therapy-induced CNS toxicity
Giovanni Morana, Andrea Rossi
O5 Screening for lung cancer
Christian J. Herold
O6Risk stratification of lung nodules
Theresa C. McLoud
O7 PET imaging of pulmonary nodules
Kirk A Frey
O8 Transarterial tumour therapy
Bernhard Gebauer
O9 Interventional radiology in paediatric oncology
Derek Roebuck
O10 Image guided prostate interventions
Jurgen J. Fütterer
O11 Imaging cancer predisposition syndromes
Alexander J. Towbin
O12Chest and chest wall masses
Thierry AG Huisman
O13 Abdominal masses: good or bad?
Anne MJB Smets
O14 Hepatobiliary MR contrast: enhanced liver MRI for HCC diagnosis and management
Giovanni Morana
O15 Role of US elastography and multimodality fusion for managing patients with chronic liver disease and HCC
Jeong Min Lee
O16 Opportunities and challenges in imaging metastatic disease
Hersh Chandarana
O17 Diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and follow-up of lymphoma
Marius E. Mayerhoefer, Markus Raderer, Alexander Haug
O18 Managing high-risk and advanced prostate cancer
Matthias Eiber
O19 Immunotherapy: imaging challenges
Bernhard Gebauer
Andrea Rockall
O21 Challenges of RECIST in oncology imaging basics for the trainee and novice
Aslam Sohaib
O22 Lymphoma: PET for interim and end of treatment response assessment: a users’ guide to the Deauville Score
Victoria S Warbey
O23 Available resources
Hebert Alberto Vargas
O24 ICIS e-portal and the online learning community
Dow-Mu Koh
O25 Benign lesions that mimic pancreatic cancer
Jay P Heiken
O26 Staging and reporting pancreatic malignancies
Isaac R Francis, Mahmoud, M Al-Hawary, Ravi K Kaza
O27 Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
Giovanni Morana
O28 Cystic pancreatic tumours
Mirko D’Onofrio
O29 Diffusion-weighted imaging of head and neck tumours
Harriet C. Thoeny
O30 Radiation injury in the head and neck
Ann D King
O31 PET/MR of paediatric brain tumours
Giovanni Morana, Arnoldo Piccardo, Maria Luisa Garrè, Andrea Rossi
O32 Structured reporting and beyond
Hebert Alberto Vargas
O33 Massachusetts General Hospital experience with structured reporting
Theresa C. McLoud
O34 The oncologist’s perspective: what the oncologist needs to know
Nick Reed
O35 Towards the cure of all children with cancer: global initiatives in pediatric oncology
Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo
O36 Multiparametric imaging of renal cancers
Hersh Chandarana
O37 Linking imaging features of renal disease and their impact on management strategies
Hebert Alberto Vargas
O38 Adrenals, retroperitoneum and peritoneum
Isaac R Francis, Ashish P Wasnik
O39 Lung and pleura
Stefan Diederich
O40 Advances in MRI
Jurgen J. Fütterer
O41 Advances in molecular imaging
Wim J.G. Oyen
O42 Incorporating advanced imaging, impact on treatment selection and patient outcome
Cheng Lee Chaw, Nicholas van As
S1 Combining ADC-histogram features improves performance of MR diffusion-weighted imaging for Lymph node characterisation in cervical cancer
Igor Vieira, Frederik De Keyzer, Elleke Dresen, Sileny Han, Ignace Vergote, Philippe Moerman, Frederic Amant, Michel Koole, Vincent Vandecaveye
S2 Whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI for surgical planning in patients with colorectal cancer and peritoneal metastases
R Dresen, S De Vuysere, F De Keyzer, E Van Cutsem, A D’Hoore, A Wolthuis, V Vandecaveye
S3 Role of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) diffusion-weighted MRI for predicting extra capsular extension of prostate cancer.
P. Pricolo ([email protected]), S. Alessi, P. Summers, E. Tagliabue, G. Petralia
S4 Generating evidence for clinical benefit of PET/CT – are management studies sufficient as surrogate for patient outcome?
C. Pfannenberg, B. Gückel, SC Schüle, AC Müller, S. Kaufmann, N. Schwenzer, M. Reimold,C. la Fougere, K. Nikolaou, P. Martus
S5 Heterogeneity of treatment response in skeletal metastases from breast cancer with 18F-fluoride and 18F-FDG PET
GJ Cook, GK Azad, BP Taylor, M Siddique, J John, J Mansi, M Harries, V Goh
S6 Accuracy of suspicious breast imaging—can we tell the patient?
S Seth, R Burgul, A Seth
S7 Measurement method of tumour volume changes during neoadjuvant chemotherapy affects ability to predict pathological response
S Waugh, N Muhammad Gowdh, C Purdie, A Evans, E Crowe, A Thompson, S Vinnicombe
S8 Diagnostic yield of CT IVU in haematuria screening
F. Arfeen, T. Campion, E. Goldstraw
S9 Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of unresectable locally advanced pancreatic cancer: preliminary results
D’Onofrio M, Ciaravino V, Crosara S, De Robertis R, Pozzi Mucelli R
S10 Iodine maps from dual energy CT improve detection of metastases in staging examinations of melanoma patients
M. Uhrig, D. Simons, H. Schlemmer
S11Can contrast enhanced CT predict pelvic nodal status in malignant melanoma of the lower limb?
Kate Downey
S12 Current practice in the investigation for suspected Paraneoplastic Neurological Syndromes (PNS) and positive malignancy yield.
S Murdoch, AS Al-adhami, S Viswanathan
P1 Technical success and efficacy of Pulmonary Radiofrequency ablation: an analysis of 207 ablations
S Smith, P Jennings, D Bowers, R Soomal
P2 Lesion control and patient outcome: prospective analysis of radiofrequency abaltion in pulmonary colorectal cancer metastatic disease
S Smith, P Jennings, D Bowers, R Soomal
P3 Hepatocellular carcinoma in a post-TB patient: case of tropical infections and oncologic imaging challenges
TM Mutala, AO Odhiambo, N Harish
P4 Role of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) diffusion-weighted MRI for predicting extracapsular extension of prostate cancer
P. Pricolo, S. Alessi, P. Summers, E. Tagliabue, G. Petralia
P5 What a difference a decade makes; comparison of lung biopsies in Glasgow 2005 and 2015
M. Hall, M. Sproule, S. Sheridan
P6 Solid pseudopapillary tumour of pancreas: imaging features of a rare neoplasm
KY Thein, CH Tan, YL Thian, CM Ho
P7 MDCT - pathological correlation in colon adenocarcinoma staging: preliminary experience
S De Luca, C Carrera, V Blanchet, L Alarcón, E Eyheremnedy
P8 Image guided biopsy of thoracic masses and reduction of pneumothorax risk: 25 years experience
B K Choudhury, K Bujarbarua, G Barman
P9 Tumour heterogeneity analysis of 18F-FDG-PET for characterisation of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours in neurofibromatosis-1
GJ Cook, E Lovat, M Siddique, V Goh, R Ferner, VS Warbey
P10 Impact of introduction of vacuum assisted excision (VAE) on screen detected high risk breast lesions
L Potti, B Kaye, A Beattie, K Dutton
P11 Can we reduce prevalent recall rate in breast screening?
AA Seth, F Constantinidis, H Dobson
P12 How to reduce prevalent recall rate? Identifying mammographic lesions with low Positive Predictive Value (PPV)
AA Seth ([email protected]), F Constantinidis, H Dobson
P13 Behaviour of untreated pulmonary thrombus in oncology patients diagnosed with incidental pulmonary embolism on CT
R. Bradley, G. Bozas, G. Avery, A. Stephens, A. Maraveyas
P14 A one-stop lymphoma biopsy service – is it possible?
S Bhuva, CA Johnson, M Subesinghe, N Taylor
P15 Changes in the new TNM classification for lung cancer (8th edition, effective January 2017)
LE Quint, RM Reddy, GP Kalemkerian
P16 Cancer immunotherapy: a review of adequate imaging assessment
G González Zapico, E Gainza Jauregui, R Álvarez Francisco, S Ibáñez Alonso, I Tavera Bahillo, L Múgica Álvarez
P17 Succinate dehydrogenase mutations and their associated tumours
O Francies, R Wheeler, L Childs, A Adams, A Sahdev
P18 Initial experience in the usefulness of dual energy technique in the abdomen
SE De Luca, ME Casalini Vañek, MD Pascuzzi, T Gillanders, PM Ramos, EP Eyheremendy
P19 Recognising the serious complication of Richter’s transformation in CLL patients
C Stove, M Digby
P20 Body diffusion-weighted MRI in oncologic practice: truths, tricks and tips
M. Nazar, M. Wirtz, MD. Pascuzzi, F. Troncoso, F. Saguier, EP. Eyheremendy
P21 Methotrexate-induced leukoencephalopathy in paediatric ALL Patients
D.J. Quint, L. Dang, M. Carlson, S. Leber, F. Silverstein
P22 Pitfalls in oncology CT reporting. A pictorial review
R Rueben, S Viswanathan
P23 Imaging of perineural extension in head and neck tumours
B Nazir, TH Teo, JB Khoo
P24 MRI findings of molecular subtypes of breast cancer: a pictorial primer
K Sharma, N Gupta, B Mathew, T Jeyakumar, K Harkins
P25 When cancer can’t wait! A pictorial review of oncological emergencies
K Sharma, B Mathew, N Gupta, T Jeyakumar, S Joshua
P26 MRI of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours: an approach to interpretation
D Christodoulou, S Gourtsoyianni, A Jacques, N Griffin, V Goh
P27 Gynaecological cancers in pregnancy: a review of imaging
CA Johnson, J Lee
P28 Suspected paraneoplastic neurological syndromes - review of published recommendations to date, with proposed guideline/flowchart
JA Goodfellow, AS Al-adhami, S Viswanathan
P29 Multi-parametric MRI of the pelvis for suspected local recurrence of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy
R Bradley
P30 Utilisation of PI-RADS version 2 in multi-parametric MRI of the prostate; 12-months experience
R Bradley
P31 Radiological assessment of the post-chemotherapy liver
A Yong, S Jenkins, G Joseph
P32 Skeletal staging with MRI in breast cancer – what the radiologist needs to know
S Bhuva, K Partington
P33 Perineural spread of lympoma: an educational review of an unusual distribution of disease
CA Johnson, S Bhuva, M Subesinghe, N Taylor
P34 Visually isoattenuating pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Diagnostic imaging tools.
C Carrera, A Zanfardini, S De Luca, L Alarcón, V Blanchet, EP Eyheremendy
P35 Imaging of larynx cancer: when is CT, MRI or FDG PET/CT the best test?
K Cavanagh, E Lauhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134651/1/40644_2016_Article_79.pd
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Redirecting research efforts on the diversification-performance linkage: The search for synergy
We review the literature on the diversification-performance (D-P) relationship to a) propose that the time is ripe for a renewed attack on understanding the relationship between diversification and firm performance, and b) outline a new approach to attacking the question. Our paper makes four main contributions. First, through a review of the literature we establish the inherent complexities in the D-P relationship and the methodological challenges confronted by the literature in reaching its current conclusion of a non-linear relationship between diversification and performance. Second, we argue that to better guide managers the literature needs to develop along a complementary path – whereas past research has often focused on answering the big question of does diversification affect firm performance, this second path would focus more on identifying the precise micro-mechanisms through which diversification adds or subtracts value. Third, we outline a new approach to the investigation of this topic, based on (a) identifying the precise underlying mechanisms through which diversification affects performance; (b) identifying performance outcomes that are “proximate” to the mechanism that the researcher is studying, and (c) identifying an appropriate research design that can enable a causal claim. Finally, we outline a set of directions for future research
Direct Measurements of Effect of Counterion Concentration on Mechanical Properties of Cationic Vesicles
Theoretical analyses of charged membranes
in aqueous solutions
have long predicted that the electric double layer surrounding them
contributes significantly to their mechanical properties. Here we
report the first, direct experimental measurements of the effect of
counterion concentration on the bending and area expansion modulus
of cationic surfactant vesicles. Using the classical technique of
micropipet aspiration coupled with a modified experimental protocol
that is better suited for cationic vesicles, we successfully measure
the mechanical properties of a double-tailed cationic surfactant,
diethylesterdimethyl ammonium chloride (diC18:1 DEEDMAC) in CaCl<sub>2</sub> solutions. It is observed that the area expansion modulus
of the charged membrane exhibits no measurable dependence on the counterion
concentration, in accordance with existing models of bilayer elasticity.
The measured bending modulus, however, is found to vary nonmonotonically
and exhibits a minimum in its variation with counterion concentration.
The experimental results are interpreted based on theoretical calculations
of charged and bare membrane mechanics. It is determined that the
initial decrease in bending modulus with increasing counterion concentration
may be attributed to a decreasing double layer thickness, while the
subsequent increase is likely due to an increasing membrane thickness.
These mechanical moduli measurements qualitatively confirm, for the
first time, theoretical predictions of a nonmonotonic behavior and
the opposing effects of ionic strength on the bending rigidity of
charged bilayers
Origins of Microstructural Transformations in Charged Vesicle Suspensions: The Crowding Hypothesis
It is observed that
charged unilamellar vesicles in a suspension
can spontaneously deflate and subsequently transition to form bilamellar
vesicles, even in the absence of externally applied triggers such
as salt or temperature gradients. We provide strong evidence that
the driving force for this deflation-induced transition is the repulsive
electrostatic pressure between charged vesicles in concentrated suspensions,
above a critical effective volume fraction. We use volume fraction
measurements and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy imaging
to quantitatively follow both the macroscopic and microstructural
time-evolution of cationic diC18:1 DEEDMAC vesicle suspensions at
different surfactant and salt concentrations. A simple model is developed
to estimate the extent of deflation of unilamellar vesicles caused
by electrostatic interactions with neighboring vesicles. It is determined
that when the effective volume fraction of the suspension exceeds
a critical value, charged vesicles in a suspension can experience
“crowding” due to overlap of their electrical double
layers, which can result in deflation and subsequent microstructural
transformations to reduce the effective volume fraction of the suspension.
Ordinarily in polydisperse colloidal suspensions, particles interacting
via a repulsive potential transform into a glassy state above a critical
volume fraction. The behavior of charged vesicle suspensions reported
in this paper thus represents a new mechanism for the relaxation of
repulsive interactions in crowded situations
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Inhibits RAB7 Recruitment to Selectively Modulate Autophagy Flux in Macrophages
Here we report a novel regulatory mechanism for autophagy-mediated degradation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and specific strategy exploited by the virulent Mtb to evade it. We show while both avirulent (H37Ra) and virulent (H37Rv) mycobacteria could readily localize to autophagosomes, their maturation into autolysosomes (flux) was significantly inhibited by the latter strain. The inhibition of autophagy flux by the virulent strain was highly selective, as it did not perturb the basal autophagy flux in the macrophages. Selective inhibition of flux of Mtb-containing autophagosomes required virulence regulators PhoP and ESAT-6. We show that the maturation of Mtb-containing autophagosomes into autolysosomes required recruitment of the late endosome marker RAB7, forming the intermediate compartment amphisomes. Virulent Mtb selectively evaded their targeting to the amphisomes. Thus we report a crosstalk between autophagy and phagosome maturation pathway and highlight the adaptability of Mtb, manifested by selective regulation of autophagy flux