46 research outputs found
Electron and ion thermal forces in complex (dusty) plasmas
Expressions for the ion and electron thermal forces acting on a charged
grain, suspended in a weakly ionized plasma subject to temperature gradients,
are derived. The main emphasize is on the conditions pertinent to the
investigations of complex (dusty) plasmas in gas discharges. Estimates show
that for the electron temperature gradients (eV/cm)
typically encountered in laboratory gas discharges, the electron thermal force
can become an important player among other forces acting on micron-size grains.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
Effective Coulomb Logarithm for One Component Plasma
An expression for the effective Coulomb logarithm in one-component-plasma is
proposed, which allows to extend the applicability of the classical formula for
the self-diffusion coefficient to the strongly coupled regime. The proposed
analytical approximation demonstrates reasonable agreement with previous
numerical simulation results. Relevance to weakly screened Yukawa systems (and,
in particular, complex plasmas) is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Freezing and melting equations for the -6 Lennard-Jones systems
We generalize previous approach of Khrapak and Morfill [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf
134}, 094108 (2011)] to construct simple and sufficiently accurate freezing and
melting equations for the conventional Lennard-Jones (LJ) system to -6 LJ
systems, using the accurate results for the triple points of these systems
published by Sousa {\it et al.} [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 136}, 174502 (2012)].Comment: 2 pages, one figur
Accurate freezing and melting equations for the Lennard-Jones system
Analyzing three approximate methods to locate liquid-solid coexistence in
simple systems, an observation is made that all of them predict the same
functional dependence of the temperature on density at freezing and melting of
the conventional Lennard-Jones system. The emerging equations can be written as
in normalized units. We suggest to
determine the values of the coefficients at freezing and melting
from the high-temperature limit, governed by the inverse twelfth power
repulsive potential. The coefficients can be determined from the
triple point parameters of the LJ fluid. This produces freezing and melting
equations which are exact in the high-temperature limit and at the triple
point, and show remarkably good agreement with numerical simulation data in the
intermediate region.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
Ionization enhanced ion collection by a small floating grain in plasmas
It is demonstrated that the ionization events in the vicinity of a small
floating grain can increase the ion flux to its surface. In this respect the
effect of electron impact ionization is fully analogous to that of the
ion-neutral resonant charge exchange collisions. Both processes create slow ion
which cannot overcome grain' electrical attraction and eventually fall onto its
surface. The relative importance of ionization and ion-neutral collisions is
roughly given by the ratio of the corresponding frequencies. We have evaluated
this ratio for neon and argon plasmas to demonstrate that ionization enhanced
ion collection can indeed be an important factor affecting grain charging in
realistic experimental conditions.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Physics of Plasma
Shielding of a small charged particle in weakly ionized plasmas
In this paper we present a concise overview of our recent results concerning
the electric potential distribution around a small charged particle in weakly
ionized plasmas. A number of different effects which influence plasma screening
properties are considered. Some consequences of the results are discussed,
mostly in the context of complex (dusty) plasmas.Comment: This is a short review pape
Thermodynamics of Yukawa fluids near the one-component-plasma limit
Thermodynamics of weakly screened (near the one-component-plasma limit)
Yukawa fluids in two and three dimensions is analyzed in detail. It is shown
that the thermal component of the excess internal energy of these fluids, when
expressed in terms of the properly normalized coupling strength, exhibits the
scaling pertinent to the corresponding one-component-plasma limit (the scalings
differ considerably between the two- and three-dimensional situations). This
provides us with a simple and accurate practical tool to estimate thermodynamic
properties of weakly screened Yukawa fluids. Particular attention is paid to
the two-dimensional fluids, for which several important thermodynamic
quantities are calculated to illustrate the application of the approach.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Plasma
Self-diffusion in strongly coupled Yukawa systems (complex plasmas)
We show that the idea of mapping between the Newtonian and Brownian
diffusivities proposed and tested on a class of particle systems interacting
via soft and ultra-soft potentials (IPL, Gaussian core, Hertzian, and effective
star-polymer) by Pond {\it et al}., [Soft Matter {\bf 7}, 9859 (2011)] is also
applicable to the Yukawa (screened Coulomb) interaction. Some of the
implications of this result with respect to self-diffusion in strongly coupled
complex (dusty) plasmas are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Plasma
Self-diffusion in strongly coupled Yukawa systems (complex plasmas)
We show that the idea of mapping between the Newtonian and Brownian
diffusivities proposed and tested on a class of particle systems interacting
via soft and ultra-soft potentials (IPL, Gaussian core, Hertzian, and effective
star-polymer) by Pond {\it et al}., [Soft Matter {\bf 7}, 9859 (2011)] is also
applicable to the Yukawa (screened Coulomb) interaction. Some of the
implications of this result with respect to self-diffusion in strongly coupled
complex (dusty) plasmas are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Plasma