7,986 research outputs found

    Ansatz of Hans Bethe for a two-dimensional Bose gas

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    The method of q-oscillator lattices, proposed recently in [hep-th/0509181], provides the tool for a construction of various integrable models of quantum mechanics in 2+1 dimensional space-time. In contrast to any one dimensional quantum chain, its two dimensional generalizations -- quantum lattices -- admit different geometrical structures. In this paper we consider the q-oscillator model on a special lattice. The model may be interpreted as a two-dimensional Bose gas. The most remarkable feature of the model is that it allows the coordinate Bethe Ansatz: the p-particles' wave function is the sum of plane waves. Consistency conditions is the set of 2p equations for p one-particle wave vectors. These "Bethe Ansatz" equations are the main result of this paper.Comment: LaTex2e, 12 page

    Solitons in a 3d integrable model

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    Equations of motion for a classical 3d discrete model, whose auxialiary system is a linear system, are investigated. The Lagrangian form of the equations of motion is derived. The Lagrangian variables are a triplet of "tau functions". The equations of motion for the Triplet of Tau functions are Three Trilinear equations. Simple solitons for the trilinear equations are given. Both the dispersion relation and the phase shift reflect the triplet structure of equations.Comment: LaTeX, 6 page

    Geometry of quadrilateral nets: second Hamiltonian form

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    Discrete Darboux-Manakov-Zakharov systems possess two distinct Hamiltonian forms. In the framework of discrete-differential geometry one Hamiltonian form appears in a geometry of circular net. In this paper a geometry of second form is identified.Comment: 6 page

    Explicit Free Parameterization of the Modified Tetrahedron Equation

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    The Modified Tetrahedron Equation (MTE) with affine Weyl quantum variables at N-th root of unity is solved by a rational mapping operator which is obtained from the solution of a linear problem. We show that the solutions can be parameterized in terms of eight free parameters and sixteen discrete phase choices, thus providing a broad starting point for the construction of 3-dimensional integrable lattice models. The Fermat curve points parameterizing the representation of the mapping operator in terms of cyclic functions are expressed in terms of the independent parameters. An explicit formula for the density factor of the MTE is derived. For the example N=2 we write the MTE in full detail. We also discuss a solution of the MTE in terms of bosonic continuum functions.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    The invariant polynomials on simple Lie superalgebras

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    Chevalley's theorem states that for any simple finite dimensional Lie algebra G (1) the restriction homomorphism of the algebra of polynomials on G onto the Cartan subalgebra H induces an isomorphism between the algebra of G-invariant polynomials on G with the algebra of W-invariant polynomals on H, where W is the Weyl group of G, (2) each G-invariant polynomial is a linear combination of the powers of traces tr r(x), where r is a finite dimensional representation of G. None of these facts is necessarily true for simple Lie superalgebras. We reformulate Chevalley's theorem so as to embrace Lie superalgebras. Chevalley's theorem for anti-invariant polynomials is also given.Comment: 28 p., Late