73 research outputs found
Cluster of potato chips is the one of SMEs groups which growing up in Batu City. The existing conditions in 2020-2021 caused some problem for the clusters it is a decreasing in demand, marketing, and business performance due to impact from pandemic which causes an imbalance in the number of sales with the production produced. In the first trimester of 2022, demand product of potato chips has increased so the efficient performance for production process is needed to recovery. The efforts to restore a business performance can be done by increasing efficiency in the supply chain institutional system. The purpose of research is analyze performance value, find out input sub-variables who most influence, and propose improvement strategies in clusters of potato chips. This research used Data Envelopment Analysis CCR-I Dual models with input sub-variables consist of cash to cash cycle time, lead time, flexibility, and cost. Sub-variable output consist of percentage compliance with quality standards, order fulfillment, delivery performance,and revenue. This analysis was carried out on SMEs to retailers with Decision Making Unit (DMU) the result showed that DMU 2, DMU 3, DMU 5, DMU 6, and DMU 7 were in efficient condition meanwhile 4 DMUs are inefficient condition. Input sub-variable can impact performance efficiency is cost of supply chain. To increase performance value, DMU in clusters of potato chips must be minimizing input variables, improving of production planning, sales forecasting, and strategy innovation in marketing to increase sales and product competitiveness.
Keywords: data envelopment analysis, efficiency; supply chain performanc, potato chips cluste
Cluster of potato chips is the one of SMEs groups which growing up in Batu City. The existing conditions in 2020-2021 caused some problem for the clusters it is a decreasing in demand, marketing, and business performance due to impact from pandemic which causes an imbalance in the number of sales with the production produced. In the first trimester of 2022, demand product of potato chips has increased so the efficient performance for production process is needed to recovery. The efforts to restore a business performance can be done by increasing efficiency in the supply chain institutional system. The purpose of research is analyze performance value, find out input sub-variables who most influence, and propose improvement strategies in clusters of potato chips. This research used Data Envelopment Analysis CCR-I Dual models with input sub-variables consist of cash to cash cycle time, lead time, flexibility, and cost. Sub-variable output consist of percentage compliance with quality standards, order fulfillment, delivery performance,and revenue. This analysis was carried out on SMEs to retailers with Decision Making Unit (DMU) the result showed that DMU 2, DMU 3, DMU 5, DMU 6, and DMU 7 were in efficient condition meanwhile 4 DMUs are inefficient condition. Input sub-variable can impact performance efficiency is cost of supply chain. To increase performance value, DMU in clusters of potato chips must be minimizing input variables, improving of production planning, sales forecasting, and strategy innovation in marketing to increase sales and product competitiveness.
Keywords: data envelopment analysis, efficiency; supply chain performanc, potato chips cluste
Pengaruh Green Marketing, Pengetahuan Dan Minat Membeli Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian
. Green marketing is the company's efforts to provide environmentally friendly products to targeted consumers. Ready to drink (RTD) tea in returnable glass bottling (RGB) packaging is one example of environmental friendly product, where the packaging could be reused after sterilization process. This study aimed to determine the effect of green marketing, knowledge and intention to buy towards purchasing decision of RTD tea in RGB. The main instrument of data collection was a questionnaire that was measured by a Likert scale. The number of respondents in this study were160 respondents, consisting of RTD teain RGB consumers in Malang. Data analysis methods used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed that, green marketing, knowledge and buying interest has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decision of RTD tea in RGB
Pengaruh Green Marketing, Pengetahuan dan Minat Membeli terhadap Keputusan Pembelian
Abstrak. Green marketing adalah upaya perusahaan untuk menyediakan produk yang ramah lingkungan bagi konsumen targetnya. Teh siap minum yang dikemas dalam kemasan returnable glass bottling (RGB) merupakan salah satu contoh produk yang ramah lingkungan, dimana kemasannya dapat digunakan kembali setelah proses sterilisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh green marketing, pengetahuan dan minat membeli terhadap keputusan pembelian minuman teh dalam kemasan RGB. Instrument utama pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner yang diukur dengan skala likert. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 160 responden yang merupakan konsumen minuman teh dalam kemasan RGB. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling(SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa green marketing, pengetahuan dan minat membeli memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian minuman teh dalam kemasan RGB.Kata Kunci: Green Marketing, Pengetahuan, Minat Membeli, Keputusan Pembelian, Returnable Glass BottlingAbstract. Green marketing is the company's efforts to provide environmentally friendly products to targeted consumers. Ready to drink (RTD) tea in returnable glass bottling (RGB) packaging is one example of environmental friendly product, where the packaging could be reused after sterilization process. This study aimed to determine the effect of green marketing, knowledge and intention to buy towards purchasing decision of RTD tea in RGB. The main instrument of data collection was a questionnaire that was measured by a Likert scale. The number of respondents in this study were160 respondents, consisting of RTD teain RGB consumers in Malang. Data analysis methods used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results showed that, green marketing, knowledge and buying interest has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decision of RTD tea in RGB.Keywords: Green Marketing, Knowledge, Intention to Buy, Purchasing Decision, Returnable Glass Bottlin
Salah satu Perusahaan minuman kemasan terkemuka di Indonesia adalah PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Bandung Plant (CCBI). Salah satu produk yang diproduksi PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Bandung Plant adalah frestea. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan risiko utama dan strategi mitigasi risiko produksi frestea. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fuzzy FMEA dan fuzzy AHP. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 responden ahli yang terdiri dari manager, ketua team leader dan operator. Di PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia Bandung Plant terdapat 13 risiko produksi frestea. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan fuzzy FMEA, didapatkan risiko tertinggi yaitu risiko pencetakan botol plastik (blow molding) bermasalah dengan nilai FRPN 7.525. Berdasarkan kepada 13 risiko produksi frestea dilakukan pengolahan data lanjutan dengan menggunakan fuzzy AHP untuk menentukan alternatif strategi mitigasi risiko untuk saran perbaikan. Dari ketiga kriteria, kriteria mesin memiliki nilai tertinggi dengan nilai 0.505. Alternatif yang memiliki nilai tertinggi dari kriteria manusia adalah melakukan pelatihan terhadap operator dengan nilai 0.418. Alternatif yang memiliki nilai tertinggi dari kriteria mesin adalah melakukan perawatan mesin secara rutin dengan nilai 0.395 dan dari kriteria material, alternatif yang memiliki nilai tertinggi adalah melakukan pengontrolan bahan baku frestea dan bahan pengemas dengan nilai 0.549
Value Chain Analysis of Jackfruit Chips in Green Supply Chain Management Perspective Using the Value Chain Operations Reference Method
AbstractA green supply chain is a concept that integrates environmental aspects in the supply chain system. This study aims to identify the value chain stages affecting the environment and to determine the level of economic impact on the jackfruit chips value chain at CV XYZ. This research used Value Chain Operations Reference (VCOR) method to analyze value chain activities. Carbon emissions and total costs were calculated at the build, acquire, and fulfill stages from suppliers and enterprises. The analysis results showed that the highest environmental impact was at the build stage which produces carbon emissions of 133,314.8 kg CO2. The frying process contributed the highest carbon emission, which was 117,600 kg CO2. CV XYZ was in the intolerable region condition in the Global Impact matrix. The resulting carbon footprint is 16.84 kg CO2/kg with a unit cost of 0.32 €/kg. The recommendation strategy was substituting firewood with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to lower carbon emissions by up to 40%.Keywords: carbon emission, Green Supply Chain Management, Value Chain Operation Reference        AbstrakGreen supply chain adalah sebuah konsep yang mengintegrasikan aspek lingkungan pada sistem rantai pasok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tahapan rantai nilai yang berdampak pada lingkungan dan menentukan tingkat dampak ekonomi pada rantai nilai keripik nangka di CV XYZ. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Value Chain Operations Reference (VCOR) untuk menganalisis aktivitas rantai nilai. Emisi karbon dan total biaya dihitung pada tahap build, acquire, dan fulfill dari supplier dan perusahaan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dampak lingkungan tertinggi terdapat pada tahap build yang menghasilkan emisi karbon sebesar 133.314,8 kg CO2. Proses penggorengan memberikan kontribusi emisi karbon paling tinggi, yaitu 117.600 kg CO2. CV XYZ terletak pada kondisi intolerable region dalam Global Impact matrix. Jejak karbon yang dihasilkan adalah 16,84 kg CO2/kg dengan biaya unit sebesar 0,32 €/kg. Strategi yang direkomendasikan adalah penggantian kayu bakar dengan liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) yang dapat menekan tingkat emisi karbon hingga 40%.Kata kunci: emisi karbon, Green Supply Chain Management, Value Chain Operation Referenc
Reverse logistics is process of controlling the flow of raw materials, finished products and related information of the consumption activities to capture the value of product returns. PT Sinar Sosro Mojokerto Factory Office applies reverse logistics by producing tea-based beverages in returnable glass bottling (RGB). The research objectives was to determine the weight of each variable to assess performance of the Production Department in implementing reverse logistics with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), to assess performance or efficiency of production processes for each product types with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and made projections for the improvement of inefficiency production by using the input-oriented CCR projection. The method used was incorporation of AHP and DEA in production of six types of RGB products (Teh Botol Sosro, Joy Tea, Tebs, S-tee, Fruit Tea Apple and Fruit Tea Black Currant) for 20 months (January 2010-August 2011). Variables for assessment are input and output variable. The results showed weight of both, input and output variables were 0.5. Input variables subcriterias from the biggest until smallest weight namely inhibition of production, paid hour nonstandart bottles, broken bottles, fully nonstandart bottles and losses with successive weights of 0,185, 0,160, 0,055, 0,050, 0,030 dan 0,020. Output variable subcriterias from the biggest until smallest weight namely production, mechanical efficiency, line utility, line efficiency and volume with successive weights of 0,265, 0,085, 0,070, 0,060, dan 0,020. The performance assessment showed, 18 production processes were inefficient. Inefficient production process could be improved with input-oriented CCR projection, by optimizing the value of the input and output variable subcriterias.Keywords: Performance Assessment, Reverse Logistics, AHP, DE
Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Proses Pengemasan Produk Kurma Salak Dengan Metode Six Sigma Di UKM Kelompok Tani Ambudi Makmur II Bangkalan
Kualitas merupakan salah satu jaminan yang diberikan dan harus dipenuhi oleh perusahaan kepada pelanggan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Six Sigma melalui tahap Define, Measure, Analyze dan Improve. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis produk cacat dan rusak pada kemasan kurma salak serta mengetahui sebab dan akibat cacat itu terjadi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 4 CTQ yaitu kemasan sobek, lipatan dobel, kemasan renggang dan kemasan kotor. Dari hasil analisis, nilai DPMO menunjukan angka 119.000 dengan tingkat level sigma 2,68 dan final yield 53,55%. Faktor penyebab tejadi defect kemasan kurma salak antara lain: 1) Manusia, kurang fokus dan teliti, karyawan terburu-buru. 2) Metode, posisi peletakan kurang tepat, prosedur tidak beraturan dan kurang instruksi keja. 3) Lingkungan, pencahayaan Kurang dan lingkungan kurang nyaman. 4) Bahan Baku, pemakaian plastik kurang efisien dan plastik kurang diseleksi. Usulan saran yang diberikan mengantisipasi empat faktor penyebab kerusakan antara lain: Memberikan arahan dan penjelasan kepada karyawan agar lebih teliti dalam bekerja serta diadakan evaluasi dan diskusi dalam menghadapi masalah-masalah yang mungkin akan muncul di lapangan. Melakukan pengawasan karyawan dan bahan baku. Memeriksa kembali bahan baku yang diterima dari pemasok. Membuat check sheet pendataan produk cacat dan produk baik. Membuat Desain dan bahan baku kemasan baru yang lebih efesien
Supplier performance evaluation factors for agroindustrial supply chain: A systematic review
Supplier performance is critical in maintaining the stability of the supply chain activities in the agroindustry. Their performance needs to be assessed using relevant factors to choose reliable and dependable suppliers. A significant amount of research has been done to examine essential factors in selecting reliable suppliers in supply chains from various perspectives. The divergence of research findings has led to many assessment factors that must be considered when choosing the supplier. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze factors affecting agroindustry supplier performance using a systematic review. The research from reliable databases such as Elsevier, Emerald, Proquest, and Taylor & Francis from 2010 to 2020 has been analyzed. Similarity and relevance analysis has been applied to form the factors and eliminate the redundant and irrelevant factors. As a result, fourteen suppliers’ performance factors to support an effective supply chain system are identified. These factors include customer care, economics, quality improvement, stakeholder coordination, production performance, organizational improvement, human resources, food safety, risk factors, company image, market, geography, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and environmental management system (EMS)
Pemberdayaan Poklahsar dalam Pengolahan Tepung Cangkang Gonggong di Desa Pengujan, Tanjung Pinang
Siput Gonggong menjadi salah satu komoditas unggulan di Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau. Siput Gonggong memiliki cangkang yang berukuran relatif besar dan keras dengan penyumbang 60% berat bagian dari Gonggong. Cangkang Gonggong menjadi limbah dikarenakan masyarakat menganggap bahwa cangkang Gonggong sebagai sesuatu yang tidak bermanfaat. Cangkang Gonggong di Desa Pengujan, Kabupaten Bintan pada umumnya hanya dijadikan sebagai kerajinan souvenir dengan harga yang murah. Oleh karena itu program ini memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat di Desa Pengujan dalam memanfaatkan limbah cangkang Gonggong menjadi tepung yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan campuran pakan ternak. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berupa sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan dalam pengolahan limbah cangkang Gonggong menjadi tepung. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat Desa Pengujan memanfaatkan cangkang Gonggong yang ada di lingkungan sekitar sehingga meningkatkan nilai ekonomi.
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