1 research outputs found
Pyrene-Based Asymmetric Supramolecule: Kinetically Controlled Polymorphic Superstructures by Molecular Self-Assembly
understand the kinetically controlled polymorphic superstructures
of asymmetric supramolecules, a pyrene-based asymmetric supramolecule
(abbreviated as Py3M) was newly synthesized by connecting two pyrene
headgroups (Py) to a biphenyl-based dendritic tail (3M) with an isoÂphthalaÂmide
connector. On the basis of thermal,
microscopic, spectroscopic, and scattering results, it was realized
that Py3M exhibited the monotropic phase transition between a stable
crystalline phase (K1) and a metastable crystalline phase (K2). This
monotropic phase transition behavior was mainly originated from the
competitions of intra- and intermolecular interactions (π–π
interactions and hydrogen bonds) as well as from the nanophase separations.
From the two-dimensional (2D) wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns
and transmission electron microscopy images of the self-assembled
Py3M superstructures, it was found that Py3M formed two synclinically
tilted crystalline superstructures: the 6.75 and 4.4 nm periodicities
of layered structures for K1 and K2 phases, respectively. The stable
K1 phase was predominantly induced by the π–π interactions
between pyrenes, while the intermolecular hydrogen bonds between isoÂphthalaÂmides
were the main driving forces for the formation of the metastable K2
phase. Ultraviolet–visible and photoluminescence experiments
indicated that the photophysical properties of Py3M were directly
related to their molecular packing superstructures