64 research outputs found
Charged particle trajectories in a toroidal magnetic and rotation-induced electric field around a black hole
Trajectories of charged particle in combined poloidal, toroidal magnetic
field and rotation-induced unipolar electric field superposed in Schwarzschild
background geometry have been investigated extensively in the context of
accreting black holes. The main purpose of the paper is to obtain a reasonably
well insight on the effect of spacetime curvature to the electromagnetic field
surrounding black holes. The coupled equations of motion have been solved
numerically and the results have been compared with that for flat spacetime. It
is found that the toroidal magnetic field dominates the induced electric field
in determining the motion of charged particles in curved spacetime. The
combined electromagnetic field repels a charged particle from the vicinity of a
compact massive object and deconfines the particle from its orbit. In the
absence of toroidal magnetic field the particle is trapped in a closed orbit.
The major role of gravitation is to reduce the radius of gyration significantly
while the electric field provides an additional force perpendicular to the
circular orbit. Although the effect of inertial frame dragging and the effect
of magnetospheric plasma have been neglected, the results provide a reasonably
well qualitative picture of the important role played by gravitation in
modifying the electromagnetic field near accreting black holes and hence the
results have potentially important implications on the dynamics of the fluid
and the radiation spectrum associated with accreting black holes.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 8 figures, To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.
Polarization of L Dwarfs by Dust Scattering
The degree of polarization in L dwarfs of spectral types L0 to L6 resulting
from dust scattering in a rotation-induced oblate photosphere is calculated.
Assuming that forsterite is the main condensate, the atmospheric dust
distribution is derived for different spectral types based on a chemical
equilibrium model. The degree of polarization at optical is then calculated
using a single scattering model. The expected linear polarization at optical is
found to peak at around spectral type L1. For a fixed rotational velocity, the
degree of polarization decreases from hotter to cooler objects. However, with
the increase in mean grain size, the degree of linear polarization reduces
significantly. We fit the recently observed linear polarimetric data of L
dwarfs and find that single dust scattering model coupled with the chemical
equilibrium models of condensates is consistent with the observational results.Comment: Latex (aastex sty), 23 pages including 7 postscript figures. Accepted
for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (Part 1
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