48 research outputs found
Your Guide to Conflicts of Interest Law: How We Govern Our Public Officials
A conflict of interest occurs when a public official participates in a governmental decision which would affect a financial interest. A conflict of interest takes away from the goal of the public official\u27s job of enacting good public policy.
The conflict of interest laws keep public officials honest and prevent them from using their public office for private financial gain. These laws can be difficult to understand and sometimes harder to find. This guide will help you do both
Assembly Bill 2223 (Moore) Permit Streamlining Act Issues
The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing of the Senate Committee on Local Government
Federal Tax Reform Act of 1985: Impacts on Local Government
Summary report of the testimony received at the Special Hearing of the Senate Committee on Local Government
The Limits of Land Use Regulation
The Effects of the U.S. Supreme Court\u27s First Lutheran Church and Nollan Decisions of California\u27s Local Governments