224 research outputs found
126 GeV Higgs and ATLAS bound on the lightest graviton mass in Randall-Sundrum model
In the search for extra dimension through dilepton events in 7-TeV
proton-proton collision, the ATLAS detector at LHC has set stringent lower
bound on the mass of the Randall-Sundrum (RS) lightest graviton Kaluza-Klein
(KK) mode. Considering that the Randall-Sundrum model undertakes to resolve the
well-known gauge hierarchy/fine tuning problem to restrict the Higgs mass
within the estimated GeV against large radiative correction upto the
cut-off of the model, we explore the allowed parameter space within which the
RS model can be trusted. We show that the consistency of the model with ATLAS
results constrains the cut-off of the theory which is atleast two order lower
than the Planck/Quantum gravity scale implying the possible existence of a new
Physics at this lower scale.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 3 table
A step towards exploring the features of Gravidilaton sector in Randall-Sundrum scenario via lightest Kaluza-Klein graviton mass
In this paper we study the role of the 5D Gauss-Bonnet corrections and two
loop higher genus contribution to the gravity action in type IIB string theory
inspired low energy supergravity theory in the light of gravidilatonic
interactions on the lightest Kaluza-Klein graviton mass spectrum. From the
latest constraints on the lightest Kaluza-Klein graviton mass as obtained from
the ATLAS dilepton search in 7 TeV proton-proton collision, we have shown that
due to the presence of Gauss-Bonnet and string loop corrections, the warping
solution in an bulk is quite distinct from Randall-Sundrum
scenario. We discuss the constraints on the model parameters to fit with
present ATLAS data.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Revision accepted by European Physical Journal
Modulus stabilization in a non-flat warped braneworld scenario
The stability of the modular field in a warped brane world scenario has been
a subject of interest for a long time. Goldberger \& Wise ( GW ) proposed a
mechanism to achieve this by invoking a massive scalar field in the bulk
space-time neglecting the back-reaction. In this work, we examine the
possibility of stabilizing the modulus without bringing in any external scalar
field. We show that instead of flat 3-branes as considered in Randall-Sundrum (
RS ) warped braneworld model, if one considers a more generalized version of
warped geometry with de-Sitter 3-brane, then the brane vacuum energy
automatically leads to a modulus potential with a metastable minimum. Our
result further reveals that in this scenario the gauge hierarchy problem can
also be resolved for appropriate choice of brane cosmological constant.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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