12 research outputs found
Factors Analysis And Profit Achievement For Trading Company By Using Rough Set Method
This research has been done to analysis the financial raport fortrading company and it is intimately related to some factors which determine the profit of company. The result of this reseach is showed about New Knowledge and perform of the rule. In discussion, by followed data mining process and using Rough Set method. Rough Set is to analyzed the performance of the result. This reseach will be assist to the manager of company with draw the intactandobjective. Rough set method is also to difined the rule of discovery process and started the formation about Decision System, Equivalence Class, Discernibility Matrix, Discernibility Matrix Modulo D, Reduction and General Rules. Rough set method is efective model about the performing analysis in the company. Keywords : Data Mining, General Rules, Profit,. Rough Set
Noodles are a food requirement that is a favorite food by the people of Indonesia. Mie Mawar is one of the actors (MSMEs) engaged in the food business that provides yellow noodles or wet noodles without preservatives so that they are healthy for consumption which distinguishes them from other noodle businesses. In the last period, there has been instability in orders for Mie Mawar due to competitors and the marketing process which has been carried out only through word of mouth, so that information dissemination is limited, plus the Covid19. Reports of sales or orders on Mie Mawar still do manual bookkeeping so that it is possible for errors or recording errors to occur and even lose other important transaction files. Therefore Mie Mawar requires Electronic-Customer Relationship (E-CRM) in a strategy to increase the order of Mie Mawar which is more creative to provide solutions to existing problems. The system created will make it easier for customers to process noodle orders more efficiently in order to increase orders and profits for business people. By making three efforts in providing CRM strategies including strategies in Acquiring (Getting customers), Enchancing (Strengthening relationships), and Retaining (Maintaining Customers). With the implementation of E-CRM on Mie Mawar, there was an increase in orders of 51.23% in January 2022. It will continue to increase along with new customers at Mie Mawar
Control System for Adjusting the Brightness Level with PWM Technique Using Visual Net Microcontroller-Based
The lamp is an artificial source of light that is produced by channelling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light. Eye health experts believe that the ideal brightness of a lamp depends on ambient light or ambient light. The rule must ensure that the brightness of the lights must be equivalent to the light around. That way the light from the lights and surroundings will blend and not make the eyes have to work harder. To overcome this problem a control system can be created by implementing the pulse width modulation (PWM) technique that can control the brightness of the lights manually using a visual net application. Utilization of a microcontroller as a control center in controlling the brightness level of the lamp using the type of microcontroller avr16 by displaying the PWM value on the form design on the visual net. Thus setting the level of light brightness to be ideal in the conditions we want
Sistem Diagnosa Laying Hens Disease menggunakan Dempster Shafer
Laying hens are animals that are widely bred by people in Indonesia, especially in the province of North Sumatra as a form of micro, and medium enterprises, commonly abbreviated as UMKM. In order to improve health and avoid disease in these animals, it is necessary to have the knowledge to deal with the symptoms of existing diseases. The purpose of this study is to create a system for diagnosing disease in laying hens using the Dempster Shafer method. The stages of making this system are analysis, design, implementation, and testing. Collecting data on the study through observation and interviews about diseases in these animals. Meanwhile, in this research design, application architecture and interfaces are created. Data analysis technique using Dempster Shafer and testing is done shade Blackbox. Our findings are an expert system that can diagnose dempster shader hens’ disease. This system can also be implemented using the Dempster Shafer method and is then running well and can provide diagnosis results with an accuracy of 99.04%. In addition, the test results show that the modules in this system are already functioning and successfully based on the Blackbox results. Therefore, this system can be used to find out the symptoms of disease in laying hens, especially in the Food Security and Animal Husbandry Service of North Sumatra Province, which is Asahan Regency
Kindergarten is an early childhood education that has an important role in developing the child's personality and preparing them to enter the next education level. Kindergarten is the first formal education to enter children aged 4-6 years, until entering primary education. Children at 4-6 years of age usually have problems with non normative behaviors, behavior can be seen from the level of development or have difficulty in adjusting either at study time (concentration) or in play activities at school or at home. To find out whether the child is having problems or not, the educator needs to understand and assess the child's development in all aspects. Decision support system is a system that can be used as a tool to determine the level of intelligence of children by providing an assessment of the child. The method used by the author is the method of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) or better known as the weighted sum. Output in this method is the values that can provide benefits for researchers in knowing the child's intelligence to be held special coaching for children who have problems in its development. Quick and precise decisions become an important issue in a study. Data analysis is done by comparing between children. The result of SAW method analysis is a conclusion that helps teachers / educators to know the intelligence of their students
implementasi metode rough set bla.bla
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