6 research outputs found
A Legal Journey through the UN, Academia, and the ICJ: Conversations with Dame Rosalyn Higgins DBE, JSD, FBA, QC
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Private Vices, Public Virtues and the Emergence of the Liberal Personality in Britain 1785-1914
- Author
- : Mosley
- A E Dingle
- Alan Clark
- Bernard Darwin
- Donald Thomas
- Douglas Sutherland
- Dymond
- Edward A See For Example
- F M L Thompson
- Frans Coetzee
- Frans Coetzee
- G W E Russell
- Henry Chaplin
- Henry So
- Hugh Cunningham
- Iv
- James Q Whitman
- Judith R Walkowitz
- Judith R Walkowitz
- Lambert William Rhys
- M J D Roberts
- M Stephen
- Mark Clapson
- Marlborough Duke Of
- Martin Pugh
- Matthew Roberts
- Matthew Roberts
- Nigel Everett
- Parnell
- Paul Mchugh
- Paul Readman
- Paula M Krebs
- Paula M Krebs
- Quentin Outram
- Robert Blake
- Robert C Post
- Roberts
- Ross Mckibbin
- S B Spies
- See Bernard Porter
- See Mckibbin
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
Effect of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate on regulation of gene expression of proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors in interleukin-1-challenged bovine articular cartilage explants
- Author
- Bassleer C
- Benjamini Y
- Canapp
- Caron JP
- Chubinskaya S
- Dinarello CA.
- Dingle JT
- Fenton JI
- Hanson R
- Hua J
- John P. Caron
- Lark MW
- Leffler CT
- Lippiello L
- McNamara PS
- Michael W. Orth
- Morris EA
- Nakamura H
- Orth MW
- Pooi-See Chan
- Reboul P
- Reno C
- Richards J
- Ronca F
- Sandy JD
- Schlueter AE
- Setnikar I
- Sugimoto K
- Tyler JA
- Uebelhart D
- Zafarullah M
- Publication venue
- 'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Assessing the social cost and benefits of a national requirement establishing antibiotic stewardship programs to prevent Clostridioides difficile infection in US hospitals
- Author
- A LaRocco Jr
- AN Malani
- C Philmon
- Congressional Budget Office
- CT Evans
- DF Storey
- DW Eyre
- E Zimlichman
- EN Perencevich
- ER Dubberke
- FC Lessa
- GC Blomquist
- H Lindhjem
- HC Standiford
- HM Treasury
- I See
- J Hanmer
- J Hausman
- JH Kwon
- JR Beardsley
- KE Dingle
- L Gabriel
- LA Robinson
- LA Robinson
- LC McDonald
- LC McDonald
- LG Glance
- LV McFarland
- M Cropper
- M Pascal
- MA Nowak
- MR Gold
- N Graves
- N Vettese
- PG Pate
- PM Stranges
- PW Stone
- PW Stone
- PW Stone
- PW Sullivan
- RA Hirth
- RB Slayton
- RU Varier
- S Kabbani
- S Karanika
- SS Magill
- T Ramanathan
- TC Jenkins
- United States Office of Management and Budget
- WJ Clinton
- WK Viscusi
- WK Viscusi
- YP Tabak
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
MOCVD-Grown Atomic Layer Superlattices
- Author
- A Ishibahsi
- A Ishibashi
- A Ishibashi
- A Ishibashi
- A Ishibashi
- A Ishibashi
- A Ishibashi
- A Ishibashi
- A Maduhukar
- AC Gossard
- AK Sood
- AN Broers
- AS Barker
- B Jusserand
- BH Chin
- BR Nag
- C Colvard
- C Kittel
- DAB Miller
- E Finkman
- E. F. Schubert
- E. Yamaguchi
- G Griffiths
- GL Bir
- H Kamimura
- H Kawai
- H Froehlich, Electrons in Lattice Fields
- HC Casey
- J Sanchez
- J. E. Zucker
- JE Zucker
- JN Schulman
- JN Schulman
- JN Schulman
- JP Ziel
- K Ploog
- K Zeeger
- KK Mon
- L Esaki
- M Cardona
- M Garriga
- M Ilgems
- M Naganuma
- M Nakayama
- M Nakayama
- M Tanaka
- MA Gell
- MA Gell
- MB Das
- N Hamada
- N Watanabe
- P Manuel
- PM Frijlink
- R Dingle
- RC Miller
- S Matsui
- SD Hersee
- See for example M
- SK Yip
- SM Sze
- T Ishibashi
- T Nakayama
- T Toriyama
- T. J. Drummond
- U Gnutzmann
- W Andreoni
- W Poetz
- Y Toyozawa
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1989
- Field of study
Retrospect and Prospects of MBE
- Author
- A Madhukar
- A Madhukar
- A. C
- A. E
- A. R
- A. Y
- A. Y
- A. Y
- AC Gossard
- AC Gossard
- AY Cho
- AY Cho
- AY Cho
- AY Cho
- AY Cho
- AY Cho
- AY Cho
- AY Cho
- AY Co
- B. A.Joyce
- CA Chang
- CA Chang
- CA Chang
- CEC Wood
- CT Foxon
- CT Foxon
- CT Foxon
- CT Foxon
- CT Foxon
- CY Chen
- CY Chen
- CY Chen
- D Ankri
- DAB Miller
- DC Tsui
- DC Tsui
- DL Partin
- E Kasper
- E Spiller
- EE Mendez
- F Capasso
- F Herman
- For a detailed overview on the activities in this field see
- For a recent review see
- For further reading
- FW Saris
- G
- G
- G Bastard
- G Ebert
- G Landgren
- G Wicks
- G. H
- GA Sai-Halasz
- GC Osbourn
- GC Osbourn
- GH Dohler
- GH Dohler
- GM Metze
- H Asahi
- H Asahi
- H Asahi
- H Freller
- H Hochst
- H Holloway
- H Kiinzel
- H Kiinzel
- H Kiinzel
- H Kiinzel
- H Kroemer
- H Kroemer
- H Sakaki
- H.Jung A. Fischer, and K
- HC Casey
- HC Casey
- HL Stormer
- HM Gibbs
- HM Manasevit
- HP Hjalmarson
- I Hernandez-Calderon
- I. K
- J. E
- JC Bean
- JC Bean
- JE Davey
- JL Freeouf
- JM Woodall
- JP Faurie
- JR Arthur
- JR Arthur
- JR Waldrop
- JS Kane
- JS Roberts
- JS Roberts
- JV Dilorenzo
- JW Mathews
- JW Robinson
- JY Kim
- K Klitzing
- K Ploog
- K Ploog
- K Ploog
- K Ploog
- K Ploog
- K Ploog
- K Ploog
- K. G
- KY Cheng
- L Esaki
- L Esaki
- L Esaki
- L Esaki
- L Esaki
- L Esaki
- LJ Brillson
- LL Chang
- LL Chang
- LL Chang
- M Bafleur
- M Hirose
- M Naganuma
- M Schluter
- M. B
- O Wada
- P Voisin
- PA Barnes
- PK Larsen
- PM Petroff
- PM Petroff
- PM Petroff
- PM Petroff
- R Dingle
- R Heckingbottom
- R Ludeke
- R Ludeke
- R. A. Stall C. E. C. Wood, K. Board, and L. F
- R. J. Malik T. R. AuCoin, R. L. Ross, K. Board, C. E. C. Wood, and L. F. Eastman
- R. S
- R.J. Malik K. Board, L. F. Eastman, C. E. C. Wood, T. R. AuCoin, and R. L
- RC Miller
- RC Miller
- RFC Farrow
- RFC Farrow
- RS Bauer
- RT Tung
- S Hiyamizu
- S Hiyamizu
- S Konaka
- SG Louie
- SL Wright
- SL Wright
- SM Durbin
- SM Durbin
- T Asano
- TJ Drummond
- TJ Drummond
- TJ Drummond
- TJ Drummond
- TP Lee
- TP Lee
- U Konig
- W Shockley
- W. T
- W. T
- W. T
- W. T
- W. T
- W. T
- W. T
- W. T
- WA Harrison
- WE Spicer
- WT Tsang
- WT Tsang
- WT Tsang
- WT Tsang
- WT Tsang
- WT Tsang
- Y Guldner
- YG Chai
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1985
- Field of study