15 research outputs found
Correlation between genomic library size (y-axis) and total length of mitochondrial genome recovered (x-axis).
<p>A significantly positive linear correlation (Pearson r = 0.6049, P = 0.0219) between the number of base pairs sequenced and the proportion of the mitochondrial genome recovered was found.</p
Characteristics of contigs with homology to known transposable elements in the libraries.
<p>Characteristics of contigs with homology to known transposable elements in the libraries.</p
rRNA genes found in the different libraries.
<p>The total number of reads, the number of assembled contigs with coverage and the total unique rRNA gene bp are listed.</p
Hits of nuclear genes against KEGG BRITE Ontology database using the KAAS pipeline for the 16 genomic libraries.
<p>The number of hits is listed below the species name. Colours assigned according to the highest level of KEGG Orthology hierarchy (different organismal/cellular pathway groups/ecosystem processes).</p
Characteristics of contigs with homology to viral protein sequences in the libraries.
<p>Characteristics of contigs with homology to viral protein sequences in the libraries.</p