29 research outputs found
Multiple regression models for <i>Argiope aemula</i> between number of radii, mesh size and proline and alanine compositions in post-feeding webs.
<p>Multiple regression models for <i>Argiope aemula</i> between number of radii, mesh size and proline and alanine compositions in post-feeding webs.</p
Multiple regression models for <i>Cyclosa mulmeinensis</i> between web architectural features and proline, alanine and glycine compositions in post-feeding webs.
<p>Multiple regression models for <i>Cyclosa mulmeinensis</i> between web architectural features and proline, alanine and glycine compositions in post-feeding webs.</p
Amino acid (GLU = glutamine, PRO = proline, GLY = glycine, ALA = alanine) compositions in post-treatment MA silks, for <i>Argiope aemula</i> (A) and <i>Cyclosa mulmienensis</i> (B).
<p>* indicates significant differences (<i>P</i><0.05) were detected by a Kruskall-Wallis tests between treatments.</p
Regression analysis between MA silk mechanical properties; ultimate strength, extensibility, toughness, Young's modulus and thread length, and the compositions of the amino acids glutamine, serine, proline, glycine, and alanine, treatment (HP, LP or NP entered as 56%, 25% and 0% protein respectively), and the phylogenetic branch lengths (in arbitrary units derived from [43]).
<p>Data for the three species is combined.</p
The correlation matrix derived from a multiple regression between MA silk mechanical properties; ultimate strength (US), extensibility, toughness, Young's modulus (YM) and thread diameter (TD), and the compositions of the amino acids glutamine (GLU), serine (SER), proline (PRO), glycine (GLY), and alanine (ALA), treatment (HP, LP or NP entered as 56%, 25% and 0% protein respectively), and phylogenetic branch lengths (BL; in arbitrary units derived from [43]).
<p>Bold text indicates significant correlations (<i>p</i><0.05).</p
Mean (±SE) pre (μ<sub>pre</sub>) and post (μ<sub>post</sub>) treatment amino acid compositions of <i>Argiope aetherea</i> (a), <i>Cyrtophora moluccensis</i> (b) and <i>Leucauge blanda</i> (c) MA silks, showing the results of a paired MANOVA (<i>F</i>-scores) and Newman-Keuls (N-K) <i>post-hoc</i> tests comparing μ<sub>pre</sub>–μ<sub>post</sub> compositions between treatments.
<p>Treatments = high protein (HP), low protein (LP) and no protein (NP) food for 10 days.</p
Results of a multi-factorial analysis of variance (MANOVA) to compare the change in mean (μ<sub>post</sub>-μ<sub>pre</sub>) mechanical properties; ultimate strength, toughness, extensibility and Young's modulus.
<p>The independent variables are (1) species (<i>A. aetherea</i>, <i>C. moluccensis</i> and <i>L. blanda</i>) and (2) treatment (HP, LP or NP).</p
Results of a multi-factorial analysis of variance (MANOVA) to compare the change in mean (μ<sub>post</sub>-μ<sub>pre</sub>) percent composition of five amino acids: glutamine, serine, proline, glycine, and alanine.
<p>The independent variables are: (1) species (<i>A. aetherea</i>, <i>C. moluccensis</i> and <i>L. blanda</i>) and (2) treatment (HP, LP or NP).</p
Mean (± SE) pre- (μ<sub>pre</sub>) and post- (μ<sub>post</sub>) treatment mechanical properties: ultimate strength (MPa), extensibility (%), toughness (MJ/m<sup>3</sup>), Young's modulus (GPa), and thread diameter (µm) of <i>Argiope aetherea</i> (<i>a</i>), <i>Cyrtophora moluccensis</i> (<i>b</i>) and <i>Leucauge blanda</i> (<i>c</i>) MA silks, showing the results of a paired MANOVA (<i>F</i>-scores) and Newman-Keuls (N-K) <i>post-hoc</i> tests comparing μ<sub>pre</sub>–μ<sub>post</sub> compositions between treatments.
<p>Treatments = high protein (HP), low protein (LP) and no protein (NP) food over 10 days.</p
Scatterplot of mean (± s.e) and pull-off force and work at pull-off (<i>W</i><sub>T</sub>).
<p>Showing pre- compared to post-treatment: (A,B) pull-off force and (C,D) work at pull-off (<i>W</i><sub>T</sub>) values for protein and protein deprived (A,C) <i>Nephila clavipes</i> and (B,D) <i>Latrodectus hesperus</i>.</p