2,952 research outputs found

    From EIT photon correlations to Raman anti-correlations in coherently prepared Rb vapor

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    We have experimentally observed switching between photon-photon correlations (bunching) and anti-correlations (anti-bunching) between two orthogonally polarized laser beams in an EIT configuration in Rb vapor. The bunching and anti-bunching sswitching occurs at a specific magnetic field strength.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    Cooling a quantum circuit via coupling to a multiqubit system

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    The cooling effects of a quantum LC circuit coupled inductively with an ensemble of artificial qubits are investigated. The particles may decay independently or collectively through their interaction with the environmental vacuum electromagnetic field reservoir. For appropriate bath temperatures and the resonator's quality factors, we demonstrate an effective cooling well below the thermal background. In particular, we found that for larger samples the cooling efficiency is better for independent qubits. However, the cooling process can be faster for collectively interacting particles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Fluorescence interferometry

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    We describe an interferometer based on fluorescent emission of radiation of two qubits in quasi-one-dimensional modes. Such a system can be readily realized with dipole emitters near conducting surface-plasmonic nanowires or with superconducting qubits coupled to coplanar waveguide transmission lines.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    On mechanisms that enforce complementarity

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    In a recent publication Luis and Sanchez-Soto arrive at the conclusion that complementarity is universally enforced by random classical phase kicks. We disagree. One could just as well argue that quantum entanglement is the universal mechanism. Both claims of universality are unjustified, however.Comment: 4 page

    Generation of two-mode field squeezing through selective dynamics in cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme for the generation of a two-mode field squeezed state in cavity QED. It is based on two-channel Raman excitations of a beam of three-level atoms with random arrival times by two classical fields and two high-Q resonator modes. It is shown that by suitably choosing the intensities and detunings of fields the dynamical processes can be selective and two-mode squeezing between the cavity modes can be generated at steady state. This proposal does not need the preparation of the initial states of atoms and cavity modes, and is robust against atomic spontaneous decay.Comment: 4 pages,2 figure

    Quantum limit of optical magnetometry in the presence of ac-Stark shifts

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    We analyze systematic (classical) and fundamental (quantum) limitations of the sensitivity of optical magnetometers resulting from ac-Stark shifts. We show that in contrast to absorption-based techniques, the signal reduction associated with classical broadening can be compensated in magnetometers based on phase measurements using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). However due to ac-Stark associated quantum noise the signal-to-noise ratio of EIT-based magnetometers attains a maximum value at a certain laser intensity. This value is independent on the quantum statistics of the light and defines a standard quantum limit of sensitivity. We demonstrate that an EIT-based optical magnetometer in Faraday configuration is the best candidate to achieve the highest sensitivity of magnetic field detection and give a detailed analysis of such a device.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Preventing Multipartite Disentanglement by Local Modulations

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    An entangled multipartite system coupled to a zero-temperature bath undergoes rapid disentanglement in many realistic scenarios, due to local, symmetry-breaking, differences in the particle-bath couplings. We show that locally controlled perturbations, addressing each particle individually, can impose a symmetry, and thus allow the existence of decoherence-free multipartite entangled systems in zero-temperature environments.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Distillation of Bell states in open systems

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    In this work we review the entire classification of 2x2 distillable states for protocols with a finite numbers of copies. We show a distillation protocol that allows to distill Bell states with non zero probability at any time for an initial singlet in vacuum. It is shown that the same protocol used in non zero thermal baths yields a considerable recovering of entanglement.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure
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