116,500 research outputs found
Phase and Scaling Properties of Determinants Arising in Topological Field Theories
In topological field theories determinants of maps with negative as well as
positive eigenvalues arise. We give a generalisation of the zeta-regularisation
technique to derive expressions for the phase and scaling-dependence of these
determinants. For theories on odd-dimensional manifolds a simple formula for
the scaling dependence is obtained in terms of the dimensions of certain
cohomology spaces. This enables a non-perturbative feature of Chern-Simons
gauge theory to be reproduced by path-integral methods.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. To appear in Physics Letters
Supergeometry and Arithmetic Geometry
We define a superspace over a ring as a functor on a subcategory of the
category of supercommutative -algebras. As an application the notion of a
-adic superspace is introduced and used to give a transparent construction
of the Frobenius map on -adic cohomology of a smooth projective variety over
the ring of -adic integers.Comment: 14 pages, expanded introduction, more detail
Symmetry transformations in Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism
This short note is closely related to Sen-Zwiebach paper on gauge
transformations in Batalin-Vilkovisky theory (hep-th 9309027). We formulate
some conditions of physical equivalence of solutions to the quantum master
equation and use these conditions to give a very transparent analysis of
symmetry transformations in BV-approach. We prove that in some sense every
quantum observable (i.e. every even function obeying
) determines a symmetry of the theory with the action
functional satisfying quantum master equation \endComment: 3 page
Coupling a Self-Dual Tensor to Gravity in Six Dimensions
A recent result concerning interacting theories of self-dual tensor gauge
fields in six dimensions is generalized to include coupling to gravity. The
formalism makes five of the six general coordinate invariances manifest,
whereas the sixth one requires a non-trivial analysis. The result should be
helpful in formulating the world-volume action of the M theory five-brane.Comment: 7 pages, latex, no figure
Semiclassical approximation in Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism
The geometry of supermanifolds provided with -structure (i.e. with odd
vector field satisfying ), -structure (odd symplectic
structure ) and -structure (volume element) or with various combinations of
these structures is studied. The results are applied to the analysis of
Batalin-Vilkovisky approach to the quantization of gauge theories. In
particular the semiclassical approximation in this approach is expressed in
terms of Reidemeister torsion.Comment: 27 page
Remarks on the M5-Brane
The fivebrane of M theory -- the M5-brane -- is an especially interesting
object. It plays a central role in a geometric understanding of the
Seiberg-Witten solution of N=2 D=4 gauge theories as well as in certain new 6d
quantum theories. The low energy effective action is an interacting theory of a
(2,0) tensor multiplet. The fact that this multiplet contains a two-form gauge
field with a self-dual field strength poses special challenges. Recent progress
in addressing those challenges is reviewed.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figures; talk presented at Strings`9
Some simple predictions from E_{11} symmetry
The simplest consequences of the common E_{11} symmetry of the eleven
dimensional, IIA and IIB theories are derived and are shown to imply the known
relations between these three theories.Comment: plain tex, 14 page
Low tone spreading in Buli
In Buli, tone indicates lexical information as well as grammatical information. The changing of tone patterns regularly observed on lexemes is covered best by an autosegmental approach with autonomous tonal and segmental tiers. It reveals considerable deviations between underlying and surfacing tones at several morpho- yntactic points. Realization of tone is sometimes oppressed or delayed. Cause for such disturbances is in all cases a low tone which spreads to the right and affects following high tones with different results. The aim of this paper is to show how L spreading acts and how it is integrated in the system of tonal contrast
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