161 research outputs found
From Six to Four and More: Massless and Massive Maximal Super Yang-Mills Amplitudes in 6d and 4d and their Hidden Symmetries
A self-consistent exposition of the theory of tree-level superamplitudes of
the 4d N=4 and 6d N=(1,1) maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is
provided. In 4d we work in non-chiral superspace and construct the
superconformal and dual superconformal symmetry generators of the N=4 SYM
theory using the non-chiral BCFW recursion to prove the latter. In 6d we
provide a complete derivation of the standard and hidden symmetries of the
tree-level superamplitudes of N=(1,1) SYM theory, again using the BCFW
recursion to prove the dual conformal symmetry. Furthermore, we demonstrate
that compact analytical formulae for tree-superamplitudes in N=(1,1) SYM can be
obtained from a numerical implementation of the supersymmetric BCFW recursion
relation. We derive compact manifestly dual conformal representations of the
five- and six-point superamplitudes as well as arbitrary multiplicity formulae
valid for certain classes of superamplitudes related to
ultra-helicity-violating massive amplitudes in 4d. We study massive tree
superamplitudes on the Coulomb branch of the N=4 SYM theory from dimensional
reduction of the massless superamplitudes of the six-dimensional N=(1,1) SYM
theory. We exploit this correspondence to construct the super-Poincare and
enhanced dual conformal symmetries of massive tree superamplitudes in N=4 SYM
theory which are shown to close into a finite dimensional algebra of Yangian
type. Finally, we address the fascinating possibility of uplifting massless 4d
superamplitudes to 6d massless superamplitudes proposed by Huang. We confirm
the uplift for multiplicities up to eight but show that finding the uplift is
highly non-trivial and in fact not of a practical use for multiplicities larger
than five.Comment: 77 pages, 1 figure. v2: Reference adde
All tree-level amplitudes in massless QCD
We derive compact analytical formulae for all tree-level color-ordered gauge
theory amplitudes involving any number of external gluons and up to three
massless quark-anti-quark pairs. A general formula is presented based on the
combinatorics of paths along a rooted tree and associated determinants.
Explicit expressions are displayed for the next-to-maximally helicity violating
(NMHV) and next-to-next-to-maximally helicity violating (NNMHV) gauge theory
amplitudes. Our results are obtained by projecting the previously-found
expressions for the super-amplitudes of the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills
theory (N=4 SYM) onto the relevant components yielding all gluon-gluino tree
amplitudes in N=4 SYM. We show how these results carry over to the
corresponding QCD amplitudes, including massless quarks of different flavors as
well as a single electroweak vector boson. The public Mathematica package GGT
is described, which encodes the results of this work and yields analytical
formulae for all N=4 SYM gluon-gluino trees. These in turn yield all QCD trees
with up to four external arbitrary-flavored massless quark-anti-quark-pairs.Comment: 40 pages, Mathematica package GGT.m and example notebook is included
in submission, v2: QCD four fermion line translations provided; GGT version
1.1 update with a numerical evaluation function; comments on computer speed
optimizations, v3: Minor changes, version to be published in JHEP, v4:
published version in JHE
Scattering into the fifth dimension of N=4 super Yang-Mills
We study an alternative to dimensional regularisation of planar scattering
amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory by going to the Coulomb phase of the
theory. The infrared divergences are regulated by masses obtained from a Higgs
mechanism, allowing us to work in four dimensions. The corresponding string
theory set-up suggests that the amplitudes have an exact dual conformal
symmetry. The latter acts on the kinematical variables of the amplitudes as
well as on the Higgs masses in an effectively five dimensional space. We
confirm this expectation by an explicit calculation in the gauge theory. A
consequence of this exact dual conformal symmetry is a significantly reduced
set of scalar basis integrals that are allowed to appear in an amplitude. For
example, triangle sub-graphs are ruled out. We argue that the study of
exponentiation of amplitudes is simpler in the Higgsed theory because
evanescent terms in the mass regulator can be consistently dropped. We
illustrate this by showing the exponentiation of a four-point amplitude to two
loops. Finally, we also analytically compute the small mass expansion of a
two-loop master integral with an internal mass.Comment: 35 pages, many figures. v2: typos and references fixed. v3: minor
changes, version to be published in JHE
Comparing efficient computation methods for massless QCD tree amplitudes: Closed Analytic Formulae versus Berends-Giele Recursion
Recent advances in our understanding of tree-level QCD amplitudes in the
massless limit exploiting an effective (maximal) supersymmetry have led to the
complete analytic construction of tree-amplitudes with up to four external
quark-anti-quark pairs. In this work we compare the numerical efficiency of
evaluating these closed analytic formulae to a numerically efficient
implementation of the Berends-Giele recursion. We compare calculation times for
tree-amplitudes with parton numbers ranging from 4 to 25 with no, one, two and
three external quark lines. We find that the exact results are generally faster
in the case of MHV and NMHV amplitudes. Starting with the NNMHV amplitudes the
Berends-Giele recursion becomes more efficient. In addition to the runtime we
also compared the numerical accuracy. The analytic formulae are on average more
accurate than the off-shell recursion relations though both are well suited for
complicated phenomenological applications. In both cases we observe a reduction
in the average accuracy when phase space configurations close to singular
regions are evaluated. We believe that the above findings provide valuable
information to select the right method for phenomenological applications.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, Mathematica package GGT.m and example notebook
is included in submissio
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