3,486 research outputs found
A Central Limit Theorem for the Poisson-Voronoi Approximation
For a compact convex set and a Poisson point process , the union of
all Voronoi cells with a nucleus in is the Poisson-Voronoi approximation of
. Lower and upper bounds for the variance and a central limit theorem for
the volume of the Poisson-Voronoi approximation are shown. The proofs make use
of so called Wiener-It\^o chaos expansions and the central limit theorem is
based on a more abstract central limit theorem for Poisson functionals, which
is also derived.Comment: 22 pages, modified reference
Limit theory for the Gilbert graph
For a given homogeneous Poisson point process in two points
are connected by an edge if their distance is bounded by a prescribed distance
parameter. The behaviour of the resulting random graph, the Gilbert graph or
random geometric graph, is investigated as the intensity of the Poisson point
process is increased and the distance parameter goes to zero. The asymptotic
expectation and covariance structure of a class of length-power functionals are
computed. Distributional limit theorems are derived that have a Gaussian, a
stable or a compound Poisson limiting distribution. Finally, concentration
inequalities are provided using a concentration inequality for the convex
The scaling limit of Poisson-driven order statistics with applications in geometric probability
Let be a Poisson point process of intensity on some state
space \Y and be a non-negative symmetric function on \Y^k for some
. Applying to all -tuples of distinct points of
generates a point process on the positive real-half axis. The scaling
limit of as tends to infinity is shown to be a Poisson point
process with explicitly known intensity measure. From this, a limit theorem for
the the -th smallest point of is concluded. This is strengthened by
providing a rate of convergence. The technical background includes Wiener-It\^o
chaos decompositions and the Malliavin calculus of variations on the Poisson
space as well as the Chen-Stein method for Poisson approximation. The general
result is accompanied by a number of examples from geometric probability and
stochastic geometry, such as Poisson -flats, Poisson random polytopes,
random geometric graphs and random simplices. They are obtained by combining
the general limit theorem with tools from convex and integral geometry
Central limit theorems for the radial spanning tree
Consider a homogeneous Poisson point process in a compact convex set in
-dimensional Euclidean space which has interior points and contains the
origin. The radial spanning tree is constructed by connecting each point of the
Poisson point process with its nearest neighbour that is closer to the origin.
For increasing intensity of the underlying Poisson point process the paper
provides expectation and variance asymptotics as well as central limit theorems
with rates of convergence for a class of edge functionals including the total
edge length
Second-order properties and central limit theorems for geometric functionals of Boolean models
Let be a Boolean model based on a stationary Poisson process of
compact, convex particles in Euclidean space . Let denote a
compact, convex observation window. For a large class of functionals ,
formulas for mean values of are available in the literature.
The first aim of the present work is to study the asymptotic covariances of
general geometric (additive, translation invariant and locally bounded)
functionals of for increasing observation window , including
convergence rates. Our approach is based on the Fock space representation
associated with . For the important special case of intrinsic volumes,
the asymptotic covariance matrix is shown to be positive definite and can be
explicitly expressed in terms of suitable moments of (local) curvature measures
in the isotropic case. The second aim of the paper is to prove multivariate
central limit theorems including Berry-Esseen bounds. These are based on a
general normal approximation result obtained by the Malliavin--Stein method.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AAP1086 in the Annals of
Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Testing multivariate uniformity based on random geometric graphs
We present new families of goodness-of-fit tests of uniformity on a
full-dimensional set based on statistics related to edge lengths
of random geometric graphs. Asymptotic normality of these statistics is proven
under the null hypothesis as well as under fixed alternatives. The derived
tests are consistent and their behaviour for some contiguous alternatives can
be controlled. A simulation study suggests that the procedures can compete with
or are better than established goodness-of-fit tests. We show with a real data
example that the new tests can detect non-uniformity of a small sample data
set, where most of the competitors fail.Comment: 36 pages, 2 figure
Functional Poisson approximation in Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance with applications to U-statistics and stochastic geometry
A Poisson or a binomial process on an abstract state space and a symmetric
function acting on -tuples of its points are considered. They induce a
point process on the target space of . The main result is a functional limit
theorem which provides an upper bound for an optimal transportation distance
between the image process and a Poisson process on the target space. The
technical background are a version of Stein's method for Poisson process
approximation, a Glauber dynamics representation for the Poisson process and
the Malliavin formalism. As applications of the main result, error bounds for
approximations of U-statistics by Poisson, compound Poisson and stable random
variables are derived, and examples from stochastic geometry are investigated.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOP1020 in the Annals of
Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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