31 research outputs found
The impact of national and international financial crises on mental health and well-being: a systematic review
Background: Evidence suggests that financial crises and poor mental health are reciprocally related, butno systematic review has been conducted to synthesise the existing literature on the impact of nationaland international financial crises on population-level mental health and well-being.Aims: The aim of this study was to systematically review the available literature on the global impactof financial crises on mental health and well-being outcomes.Methods: After registration on PROSPERO, a systematic search was conducted in PsycINFO, MEDLINE,Wiley, and Web of Science for papers published until 21 November 2022. Following the PreferredReporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement, 98 papers were identifiedas meeting eligibility criteria. Included studies were assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool(MMAT) and results were presented in a formal narrative synthesis.Results: Our findings show that financial crises are significantly associated with well-being andoccurrence of psychological conditions. Several socio-demographic, cultural, and country-specificcharacteristics played a crucial role in the prevention of population mental health decline in periods offinancial crises.Conclusions: Based on the findings of this review, evidence-based recommendations were developedto guide the design of policy actions that protect population mental health during and after financialcrises
The role of uncertainty intolerance in adjusting to long-term physical health conditions: A systematic review
Long-term physical health conditions (LTPHCs) are associated with poorer psychological well-being, quality of life, and longevity. Additionally, individuals with LTPHCs report uncertainty in terms of condition aetiology, course, treatment, and ability to engage in life. An individualâs dispositional ability to tolerate uncertaintyâor difficulty to endure the unknownâis termed intolerance of uncertainty (IU), and may play a pivotal role in their adjustment to a LTPHC. Consequently, the current review sought to investigate the relationship between IU and health-related outcomes, including physical symptoms, psychological ramifications, self-management, and treatment adherence in individuals with LTPHCs. A systematic search was conducted for papers published from inception until 27 May 2022 using the databases PsycINFO, PubMed (MEDLINE), CINAHL Plus, PsycARTICLES, and Web of Science. Thirty-one studies (N = 6,201) met the inclusion criteria. Results indicated that higher levels of IU were associated with worse psychological well-being outcomes and poorer quality of life, though impacts on self-management were less clear. With the exception of one study (which looked at IU in children), no differences in IU were observed between patients and healthy controls. Although findings highlight the importance of investigating IU related to LTPHCs, the heterogeneity and limitations of the existing literature preclude definite conclusions. Future longitudinal and experimental research is required to investigate how IU interacts with additional psychological constructs and disease variables to predict individualsâ adjustment to living with a LTPHC
The impact of inequality on mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review
Previous research on pandemics and emergencies has shown that such events often widen health inequalities in society and have a greater impact on socially disadvantaged groups. No review has so far looked at the impact of inequality factors on mental health outcomes during the novel coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). The aim of the current review was therefore to assess the impact of inequality factors on mental health outcomes during COVID-19. After registration on PROSPERO, a systematic review was conducted for papers published up to July 31, 2020, using the databases Google Scholar, PsycINFO, PubMed (MEDLINE), and Web of Science. The following inequality factors were considered: education, income, employment, occupation, material and social deprivation, age, immigrant status, sexual orientation, functional health, cultural/racial background, sex, gender, and place of residence. Out of 1,931 references, 117 studies (300,061 participants) were included. Female sex, being of a younger age, financial insecurity, lack of access to clear messaging/information about the pandemic, proximity to large infection sites, having existing physical and/or psychological health conditions, and being subjected to abuse/stigma because of oneâs identity as a member of an ethnic or sexual marginalized group predicted mental health inequalities. More research is required on how inequality affects mental health in less studied vulnerable populations, such as ethnic, sexual, and gender marginalized participants, as well as how inequality factors interact to affect mental health in the long term. Recommendations for researchers, mental health practitioners, and public health authorities for mitigating adverse mental health outcomes in vulnerable populations are outlined
The impact of national and international financial crises on mental health and well-being: A systematic review
BackgroundEvidence suggests that financial crises and poor mental health are reciprocally related, but no systematic review has been conducted to synthesise the existing literature on the impact of national and international financial crises on population-level mental health and well-being.AimsThe aim of this study was to systematically review the available literature on the global impact of financial crises on mental health and well-being outcomes.MethodsAfter registration on PROSPERO, a systematic search was conducted in PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Wiley, and Web of Science for papers published until 21 November 2022. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement, 98 papers were identified as meeting eligibility criteria. Included studies were assessed using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) and results were presented in a formal narrative synthesis.ResultsOur findings show that financial crises are significantly associated with well-being and occurrence of psychological conditions. Several socio-demographic, cultural, and country-specific characteristics played a crucial role in the prevention of population mental health decline in periods of financial crises.ConclusionsBased on the findings of this review, evidence-based recommendations were developed to guide the design of policy actions that protect population mental health during and after financial crises
Predicting change in middle school studentsâ leisureâtime physical activity participation: A prospective test of the transâcontextual model
Š 2020 The Authors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC We applied the trans-contextual model (TCM) to examine the effects of middle school studentsâ perceived autonomy support from their physical education (PE) teachers on autonomous motivation toward PE in school and, critically, autonomous motivation toward, and actual participation in, leisure-time physical activity (PA). The research adopted a three-wave prospective design enabling the modeling of change in the TCM constructs over time. Middle school students (N=248) aged from 12 to 16years reported their perceived autonomy support, autonomous motivation in PE, autonomous motivation toward leisure-time PA, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control (PBC), intentions for PA in leisure-time, and leisure-time PA participation. The psychological constructs and leisure-time PA were measured at baseline (T0) and at a first follow-up occasion (T1) 5weeks later. Another measure of PA was taken at a second follow-up occasion (T2) a further 5weeks later. A single-indicator structural equation model using residualized change scores revealed that perceived autonomy support predicted autonomous motivation in PE (β=.345), and autonomous motivation in PE predicted autonomous motivation for leisure-time PA (β=.484). Autonomous motivation toward leisure-time PA predicted attitudes (β=.425), subjective norms (β=.264), and PBC (β=.517). Autonomous motivation toward leisure-time PA (β=.376), attitude (β=.231), and subjective norms (β=.185) predicted intentions toward leisure-time PA, and intentions predicted PA (β=.198). Findings extend research on the TCM by demonstrating its efficacy in predicting change in middle school studentsâ autonomous motivation across PE and leisure-time contexts, and accounting for change in intentions toward, and actual participation in, leisure-time PA
Testing a physical education-delivered autonomy supportive intervention to promote leisure-time physical activity in lower secondary school students : the PETALS trial
BackgroundInadequate physical activity in young people is associated with several physical and mental health concerns. Physical education (PE) is a potentially viable existing network for promoting physical activity in this population. However, little research has been conducted on whether PE teachers can influence students' engagement in leisure-time physical activity. The present study therefore examined the efficacy of an intervention aimed at increasing PE teachers' autonomy support on students' leisure-time physical activity (the PETALS trial). The intervention was guided by the trans-contextual model (TCM) explaining the processes by which PE teachers' provision of autonomy support during PE promotes students' motivation and engagement in physical activity in their leisure time.MethodsThe study adopted a cluster-randomized, waitlist control intervention design with randomization by school. Participants were PE teachers (N=29, 44.83%female; M age=42.83, SD=9.53yrs) and their lower secondary school students (N=502, 43.82%female; M age=14.52, SD=0.71yrs). We measured TCM constructs, including perceived autonomy support, autonomous motivation in PE and leisure time, beliefs and intentions towards leisure-time physical activity, and physical activity behavior at baseline, post-intervention, and at one-, three-, and six-months. Study hypotheses were tested through a series of ANOVAs and structural equation models using post-intervention and one-month follow-up data.ResultsWe found no changes in TCM constructs or physical activity behavior in either group at post-intervention or at 1 month. Path analyses supported two propositions of the TCM as change variables: perceived autonomy support had a significant effect on autonomous motivation in PE and autonomous motivation in PE had a significant effect on autonomous motivation in leisure time. Although we found a direct effect of autonomous motivation in leisure time on physical activity, we did not find support for the third premise of the TCM that autonomous motivation in leisure time indirectly affects physical activity through beliefs and intentions.ConclusionsCurrent findings did not support the efficacy of the PETALS intervention at changing physical activity behavior and TCM constructs. More research is required to determine whether the TCM predictive validity is supported when other model variables are manipulated through experimental and intervention studies.Trial registrationISRCTN, ISRCTN39374060. Registered 19 July 2018. Prospectively registered.Peer reviewe
Predictors of school studentsâ leisure-time physical activity : An extended trans-contextual model using Bayesian path analysis
The present study aimed to examine effects of motivational and social cognition constructs on childrenâs leisure-time physical activity participation alongside constructs representing implicit processes using an extended trans-contextual model. The study adopted a correlational prospective design. Secondary-school students (N = 502) completed self-report measures of perceived autonomy support from physical education (PE) teachers, autonomous motivation in PE and leisure-time contexts, and social cognition constructs (attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control), intentions, trait self-control, habits, and past behavior in a leisure-time physical activity context. Five weeks later, students (N = 298) self-reported their leisure-time physical activity participation. Bayesian path analyses supported two key premises of the model: perceived autonomy support was related to autonomous motivation in PE, and autonomous motivation in PE was related to autonomous motivation in leisure time. Indirect effects indicated that both forms of autonomous motivation were related to social cognition constructs and intentions. However, intention was not related to leisure-time physical activity participation, so model variables reflecting motivational processes did not account for substantive variance in physical activity participation. Self-control, attitudes, and past behavior were direct predictors of intentions and leisure-time physical activity participation. There were indirect effects of autonomous motivation in leisure time on intentions and physical activity participation mediated by self-control. Specifying informative priors for key model relations using Bayesian analysis yielded greater precision for some model effects. Findings raise some questions on the predictive validity of constructs from the original trans-contextual model in the current sample, but highlight the value of extending the model to incorporate additional constructs representing non-conscious processes.Peer reviewe
Acceptability and preliminary efficacy testing of a web-based coach development program addressing gender essentialism among coaches of adolescent girls
Gender essentialism in coaching discourses often goes unnoticed by coaches yet promotes gender stereotypes. Currently, no coach development program addresses gender essentialism. This study tested the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a novel web-based coaching intervention comprising seven self-led modules, aimed at reducing gender essentialism among coaches. A pilot randomized controlled trial was conducted with 102 coaches of adolescent girls across multiple sports. Coaches were randomized into the intervention condition (nâ=â54) or a waitlist control condition (nâ=â48). Both intervention and control group participants completed a baseline self-assessment prior. Intervention group participants undertook Coaching HER Foundation modules over 2 weeks and completed a postintervention self-assessment. Control group coaches completed the postintervention assessment without completing the Coaching HER Foundation modules. Based on the data, coaches found the intervention easy to follow, relevant, applicable, and enjoyable. Efficacy analyses illustrated the intervention group reported lower levels of gender essentialism at postintervention compared with the control group. Study results must be considered in relation to the small sample size and high attrition rate (72%). Study findings will inform intervention optimizations based on participant feedback, after which Coaching HER Foundation will be made freely available within a wider coach education and training framework
A web-based physical activity promotion intervention for inactive parent-child dyads: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background: Low levels of physical activity are associated with numerous adverse health outcomes, yet sedentary lifestyles are common among both children and adults. Physical activity levels tend to decline steeply among children aged between 8 and 12 years, even though children's behavioral patterns are largely governed by familial structures. Similarly, parents' activity levels have been generally reported as lower than those of nonparents of comparable age. For this reason, family-based physical activity promotion interventions are a potentially valuable and relatively underresearched method for mitigating physical activity declines as children develop into adolescents and for increasing physical activity in parents. Objective: This study aims to assess the efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of a novel theory-based web-based physical activity promotion intervention among parent-child dyads in Finland who do not meet physical activity recommendations at baseline. Methods: Participants (target N=254) will be recruited from the general population using a panel company and advertisements on social media and randomly assigned to either an immediate intervention group or a waitlist control group. The intervention consists of 4 web-based group workshops over the course of 10 weeks, web-based tasks and resources, and a social support chat group. Data on physical activity behavior and constructs from the integrated behavior change model will be collected through self-report surveys assessing physical activity, autonomy support, autonomous motivation, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intention, self-monitoring, habit, and accelerometer measurements at baseline, post intervention, and 3 months post intervention. Exit interviews with participants will assess the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention procedures. Results: This study will reveal whether the intervention changes leisure-time physical activity among intervention participants relative to the control group and will examine the intervention's effects on important theoretical predictors of physical activity. It will also yield data that can be used to refine intervention materials and inform further implementation. Trial recruitment commenced in September 2023, and data collection should be completed by December 2024. Conclusions: The planned intervention has potential implications for both theory and practice. Practically, the use of an entirely web-based intervention may have scalable future uses for improving physical activity in 2 key populations, while also potentially informing on the value of dyadic, family-based strategies for encouraging an active lifestyle as an alternative to strategies that target either parents or children independently. Further, by assessing change in psychological constructs alongside potential change in behavior, the intervention also allows for important tests of theory regarding which constructs are most linked to favorable behavior change outcomes