154 research outputs found
Consistency issues in partially bound dynamically composed systems
Dynamically composed systems are able to incorporate new components as they execute. Therefore, configurations of these systems are not fully elaborated until at least the time that they are executed, and they are perhaps never fully elaborated. Such incomplete configurations are termed partially bound configurations. Although partially bound, it is still important to be able to analyse these configurations to ascertain whether they meet certain assumptions about their composition. We are endeavouring to provide such support for the construction of dynamically composed systems through the application of configuration management concepts. One way in which these concepts can be applied in this domain is to explicitly state such assumptions and hence be able to validate partially bound configurations against these assumptions; in this way, inconsistencies can be reported as soon as they arise. This paper explores some of the issues involved in providing this kind of consistency mechanism for dynamically composed systems. In particular, the paper discusses consistency issues which arise in the context of systems where the generic structure of the system configuration is known, but the decision about which particular components comprise the configuration is deferred until execution
Explaining quality attribute tradeoffs in automated planning for self-adaptive systems
Self-adaptive systems commonly operate in heterogeneous contexts and need to consider multiple quality attributes. Human stakeholders often express their quality preferences by defining utility functions, which are used by self-adaptive systems to automatically generate adaptation plans. However, the adaptation space of realistic systems is large and it is obscure how utility functions impact the generated adaptation behavior, as well as structural, behavioral, and quality constraints. Moreover, human stakeholders are often not aware of the underlying tradeoffs between quality attributes. To address this issue, we present an approach that uses machine learning techniques (dimensionality reduction, clustering, and decision tree learning) to explain the reasoning behind automated planning. Our approach focuses on the tradeoffs between quality attributes and how the choice of weights in utility functions results in different plans being generated. We help humans understand quality attribute tradeoffs, identify key decisions in adaptation behavior, and explore how differences in utility functions result in different adaptation alternatives. We present two systems to demonstrate the approach\u27s applicability and consider its potential application to 24 exemplar self-adaptive systems. Moreover, we describe our assessment of the tradeoff between the information reduction and the amount of explained variance retained by the results obtained with our approach
ExTrA: Explaining architectural design tradeoff spaces via dimensionality reduction
In software design, guaranteeing the correctness of run-time system behavior while achieving an acceptable balance among multiple quality attributes remains a challenging problem. Moreover, providing guarantees about the satisfaction of those requirements when systems are subject to uncertain environments is even more challenging. While recent developments in architectural analysis techniques can assist architects in exploring the satisfaction of quantitative guarantees across the design space, existing approaches are still limited because they do not explicitly link design decisions to satisfaction of quality requirements. Furthermore, the amount of information they yield can be overwhelming to a human designer, making it difficult to see the forest for the trees. In this paper we present ExTrA (Explaining Tradeoffs of software Architecture design spaces), an approach to analyzing architectural design spaces that addresses these limitations and provides a basis for explaining design tradeoffs. Our approach employs dimensionality reduction techniques employed in machine learning pipelines like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Decision Tree Learning (DTL) to enable architects to understand how design decisions contribute to the satisfaction of extra-functional properties across the design space. Our results show feasibility of the approach in two case studies and evidence that combining complementary techniques like PCA and DTL is a viable approach to facilitate comprehension of tradeoffs in poorly-understood design spaces
How do you architect your robots?:State of the practice and guidelines for ros-based systems
The Robot Operating System (ROS) is the de-facto standard for robotic software. If on one hand ROS is helping roboticists, e.g., by providing a standardized communication platform, on the other hand ROS-based systems are getting larger and more complex and could benefit from good software architecture practices. This paper presents an observational study aimed at (i) unveiling the state-ofthe- practice for architecting ROS-based systems and (ii) providing guidance to roboticists about how to properly architect ROS-based systems. To achieve these goals, we (i) build a dataset of 335 GitHub repositories containing real open-source ROS-based systems, (ii) mine the repositories for extracting the state of the practice about how roboticists are architecting them, and (iii) synthesize a catalog of 49 evidence-based guidelines for architecting ROS-based systems. The guidelines have been validated by 77 roboticists working on real-world open-source ROS-based systems
An Architectural Approach to the Design and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems
This paper presents an extension of existing software architecture tools to model physical systems, their interconnections, and the interactions between physical and cyber components. A new CPS architectural style is introduced to support the principled design and evaluation of alternative architectures for cyber-physical systems (CPSs). The implementation of the CPS architectural style in AcmeStudio includes behavioral annotations on components and connectors using either finite state processes (FSP) or linear hybrid automata (LHA) with plug-ins to perform behavior analysis using the Labeled Transition System Analyzer (LTSA) or Polyhedral Hybrid Automata Verifier (PHAVer), respectively. The CPS architectural
style and analysis plug-ins are illustrated with an example
The Uncertainty Interaction Problem in Self-Adaptive Systems
The problem of mitigating uncertainty in self-adaptation has driven much of the research proposed in the area of software engineering for self-adaptive systems in the last decade. Although many solutions have already been proposed, most of them tend to tackle specific types, sources, and dimensions of uncertainty (e.g., in goals, resources, adaptation functions) in isolation. A special concern are the aspects associated with uncertainty modeling in an integrated fashion. Different uncertainties are rarely independent and often compound, affecting the satisfaction of goals and other system properties in subtle and often unpredictable ways. Hence, there is still limited understanding about the specific ways in which uncertainties from various sources interact and ultimately affect the properties of self-adaptive, software-intensive systems. In this SoSym expert voice, we introduce the Uncertainty Interaction Problem as a way to better qualify the scope of the challenges with respect to representing different types of uncertainty while capturing their interaction in models employed to reason about self-adaptation. We contribute a characterization of the problem and discuss its relevance in the context of case studies taken from two representative application domains. We posit
that the Uncertainty Interaction Problem should drive future research in software engineering for autonomous and self-adaptive systems, and therefore, contribute to evolving uncertainty modeling towards holistic approaches that would enable the construction of more resilient self-adaptive system
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